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The number of reinforced concrete structures damaged by fire has increased year on year.

CMT first became involved in the assessment of fire damaged concrete in the late 1970’s, shortly
after publication of the first Concrete Society Technical authoritative report on the subject (TR 15) in
1978. The report advised on methods for the examination and assessment of the severity and the
extent of damage and its repair, with particular emphasis on sprayed concrete (Gunite) methods.

The report was updated in 1990 and again in December 2008 with the publication of TR No. 68,
Assessment Design and Repair of Fire Damaged Concrete Structures, which brings the document
into line with current Standards and repair techniques, in particular the application of petrography,
a technique proving immensely valuable in most investigation scenarios.

There are five stages of the assessment and repair process:

1. Preliminary inspection:
Best conducted immediately the structure has been made safe and before debris or other indicators
are moved or removed.

2. Assessment of damage:
Visual inspection -
Including assessment of temperatures reached by its effect upon
the various materials of fixtures and fittings affected by the fire.
Break-outs -
For an initial indication of the depth of weakened concrete.
Hammer testing -
To identify hollowness/delamination.
Surface hardness using a rebound hammer -
To estimate the boundaries of affected areas.
Ultrasonic pulse velocity -
To assess the depth of fire induced cracking relative to non-damaged concrete.
Identify areas requiring further more detailed and intrusive investigation.
Summer 2009

3. Testing and detailed assessment:

Core drilling and examination -
To assess the temperature gradient based upon the
aggregate colour change and derive the probable strength ‘Under WRAP’ - The Programme for Recycled
reduction with depth. Aggregates, the Quality Protocol & associated
testing requirements.
Test concrete and steel reinforcement for residual
strengths. In 2000, the Government’s Waste Strategy (England & Wales)
appeared. Aimed at sustainable development and waste
management, its purpose was the promotion of re-using,
recycling, composting and use of wastes as fuel.
The Strategy has progressed with recycling increasing
and landfill disposal reducing. Higher recycling targets are
envisaged beyond 2009.

The Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) was

founded in 2001 as a direct result of the Waste Strategy. It
carries a remit to “overcome market barriers to promote re-use
and recycling”.

WRAP has 12 current ‘key programmes’. Of the 9 concerned

with market development, 6 relate to particular materials:
Aggregates, Organics, Plastics, Glass, Paper, Wood.
At present, 25% of aggregate demand in the UK is met by
recycled or secondary materials. These are defined as follows:
Recycled aggregates: obtained via reprocessing of materials
3+ Petrographic examination previously incorporated in construction; particularly concrete,
This is probably the most definitive procedure for bricks, blocks, demolition waste, rail ballast and asphalt;
identifying the extent and depth of significant fire induced Secondary aggregates: (Mostly) previously un-used by-
cracking and microcracking. In addition to colour changes products from industrial processes, including pfa, steel slags,
of the aggregate’ the heating temperature can be cross furnace / incinerator bottom ash, used foundry sand and certain
checked with changes in the cement matrix recycled materials (glass, plastic). Some secondary aggregates
can actually be naturally occurring, e.g. colliery spoil.

4. Design of repairs to structural elements

5. Implementation of structural repairs

Stages 4 and 5 are within the scope of structural
engineers to whom CMT can offer support and with
element load testing as required and post repair testing to
establish the efficacy of repairs.

Our team includes materials engineers, chemists,

geologists and petrographers who collectively have all the
experience and knowledge to comprehensively identify
and quantify the extent of fire damage to concrete, steel,
masonry structures. The entire investigatory elements of
the programme can be completed by in-house personnel
and equipment. We also have up-to-the-minute expertise
to design, formulate and prove repair materials for the
specific conditions encountered.
Summer 2009

The WRAP Aggregates Programme & Quality Protocol Testing Requirements

Commencing in 2002, with an objective of reducing demand

for primary aggregates via promotion of the use of recycled
and secondary aggregates, the Programme has produced a
Quality Management Structure comprising Quality Protocols
for England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These
cover production of aggregates from inert waste. The main
requirements are:
Incoming waste
Factory Production Control (FPC) - requirement for producers
Appendix C of the Quality Protocol gives EWC catalogue codes
to establish suitable systems and controls to ensure that their
and corresponding descriptions of wastes that, ‘provided there
products conform to relevant standards and requirements;
is no suspicion of contamination’ are considered as inert wastes.
Description of products being provided and reference to the
The Protocol’s requirement for visual inspection of incoming
specification to which aggregate products conform - in addition
waste against established acceptance criteria should be
to this information, producers have to demonstrate the need and
sufficient to control this, but testing may help where
market for the product;
doubt exists.
Acceptance criteria for incoming waste - ensuring that only inert
waste is accepted;
Method Statement of Production - details of the recovery
Certain laboratory tests, (gradings, fines content and, where
process and range of products;
necessary, particle shape) are required on a regular basis.
Inspection & testing regime - including frequency and methods
In addition, sampling and testing is required to demonstrate
of sampling and testing for finished products;
suitability of the product for particular end uses. Here, Particle
Records - requirement for maintenance of suitable records
Density, Los Angeles Coefficient (resistance to fragmentation)
relating to incoming waste and product, including all statutory
and bulk density tests are required for all intended uses. Beyond
record keeping and those arising from the inspection & testing
this, various geotechnical and chemical analyses (including
regime. Test results to be shown in comparison with the relevant
sulphate/sulphate related tests) and testing of physical
properties will apply for uses including:
Quality Statement - confirmation (on delivery documents) that
the product/production process conforms to the Quality Protocol
• concrete/hydraulically bound material
Information - the need to supply details of test results, test
• fill material
procedures and the FPC manual where requested (by
• unbound pipe bedding
• asphalt materials
In support, WRAP has produced checklists and guidance.
These give details of the requirements of those producing and Consideration of leaching potential/pollution risk for
specifying sustainable aggregates, enabling producers to show products used in construction
that their aggregates arise from processes complying with the
Quality Protocol, ensuring that end users have confidence in Information provided by WRAP shows that “the majority of
the supplier, the quality of materials purchased and their own recycled and secondary aggregates pose no significant risk
compliance with Waste Management Regulations. to controlled waters when used in properly designed and
The EA has ‘endorsed’ the use of the Quality Protocol, referring constructed engineering applications that account for the
to it when making decisions on how to regulate waste. This is sensitivity of the local environment”. This is consistent with
important as the Agency consider that waste for re-use has to the Quality Protocol which follows the EA’s guidance on the
be fully recovered before it is no longer deemed to be waste. Landfill Directive with respect to criteria for the acceptance of
They take the view that this point is reached for recycled or inert waste at landfill sites. This approach allows acceptance of
secondary aggregates, only when the recovered material recycled aggregates without leach testing as the criteria are met
is actually incorporated into construction. Under this view, if the aggregates are “a single stream of materials from a known
without alternatives, use of waste aggregates would have and reliable source”.
to be carried out in compliance with a waste management
licence or registered licence exemption and duty of care, with For secondary aggregates or where doubt arises over
possible involvement of registered waste carriers. Here the contaminants and the potential for leaching from recycled
(WRAP) Quality Protocol offers an alternative, so long as the aggregates, suitable leach testing and risk assessing may
relevant requirements of the Protocol are met, the holder of be required.
the ‘processed waste aggregate’ is in a position to show that
the material has been fully recovered to ‘recognised industry CMT offer full sampling and testing services for
standards’ and is, therefore, suitable for further use WRAP or other purposes. Call us for testing, risk
as aggregate without the above licences. assessing or further advice and guidance.
Spring 2009

CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO - EdwardApproximately 30 mileswas

F Ricketts (Ed Ricketts)
born 14thsouthMayof1897 Cape in Cod,
CBR TESTING   Illinois.Massachusetts,
At an early age heUSA, was lies
interested in natural history and
the island of Nantucket
studied biology and zoology at high
The California bearing ratio (CBR) is Where the formation is variable and/or school which,
and later alongside
a range ofthe subjects
a penetration test for evaluation of the contains particles greater than 20mm, includingsmaller islands
philosophy, of and
mechanical strength of road subgrades an empirical relationship with the CBR languagesTuckernuck
at university.andDespite
and basecourses. It was developed can be derived from a plate bearing test never taking
formsathe degree,
townhe of worked
by the California Department of in which much greater loads are applied as a marine biologist
Nantucket. and, aged
Settled by the
Transportation around 1930. to a steel plate. Plate sizes range 25, travelled to California to set up
from 150 to 600mm Ø and selected
English in the mid 1600’s,
Pacific Biological Laboratories in
What according to specific conditions. The Pacific Nantucket
Grove with a was once
former the
Put simply, the test measures the 300mm Ø plate is most commonly used.’s maineventually
Ricketts whaling port
pressure (p) applied via a plunger became andsolegets
ownera mention
and moved in
to a soil sample so as to achieve a Where HemantoMelville’s
the laboratory 740, Ocean classic
specific depth of penetration, which The test is required on every road that Avenue, Monterey,
novel MobyinDick. 1928.The A colourful
is expressed as a percentage of is or may be adopted by government character, Ricketts had the ability to
‘Nantucket Sleighride’ arose
the pressure (ps) that would have and local authorities whether it be a move amongst fishermen, winos and
to be applied to a standard crushed trunk road or a single access road to a amongst whalers in the ‘old
‘down and outs’ as easily as scientists,
rock material to produce the same small housing development. Tests are officialsdays’ - once harpooned,
and businessmen. He had an
penetration. The standard material normally carried out at intervals of whalesand
easy manner would
to drinktry beer
on which the evaluation is made is of about 30m. get away
and ‘party’. to open textbook
His ecological water,
course, California limestone. “Between Pacific
if the harpoon Tides”, and published
line held,
CBR tests in 1939, the whaling boat standard
is still used as a would be
Why are also reference work at many colleges and
The purpose of the test is to assess the required on pulled along at various
universities to this day. The writer
strength characteristics of soils under the sub- speeds and
John Steinbeck useddistances,
him as the basis
paved areas and concrete foundations. base and depending on the size
of several fictional characters of
The results are then used by the subgrade the whale, until the
“Casey” in “The Grapes of Wrath” and, whale
engineer in road design calculations. beneath most notably,
exhausted “Doc”itself,
in Cannery
henceRow the
The higher the CBR value, the greater existing and “Sweet
‘sleighride analogy’.said that
Thursday”. It is
is its bearing capacity. This allows a concrete Ricketts is probably the only scientist
The faster Nantucket
lower construction design thickness and floor slabs in history to have 15 animal species
greater economies in of buildings Sleighrides
and a nightclub (Docwere delivered
Ricketts Lab.,
construction costs. where there by Sperm Whales
180, E Franklin Street, Monterey) who
is to be a change of use and increased namedcould haulSadly
after him. a boat alongmet
Ricketts at
How loads. A typical example is where it is speeds
a premature end. of After
almost 25 mph.
working one
There are intended to erect a mezzanine floor. To evening, he decided
Nantucket wasto drive
hit bytoabuy
two specified assess its suitability, slab construction steaks ‘Great
and salad Fire’ in 1846,his
for dinner, theroute
test methods details and underlying strata bearing involved a railway crossing which had
using a capacity is necessary. devastation causing many
a partially obscured right of way, as
c50mm Ø Ricketts people
crossed to his
fleecar forwas
good. hit byBy
plunger, a Who the Del1850,
Montethe whaling
Express industry
emerging from
laboratory CMT (Testing) Ltd. We drill the cores, the blindwas in sharp
corner decline,
- Ricketts was the pinned
test performed excavate the underlying material, log inside and
townsuffered head and chest
only achieving
on undisturbed or re compacted core the data, test each strata for CBR value injuries,significant
he died later in hospital just
recovery in the
samples removed from the formation and the modulus of subgrade reaction three days short of his 51st Birthday.
level and more commonly, an in-situ ‘K’, sample and test the excavated
mid 20th century.
test in which the test area is reduced material for their engineering properties,
to formation level and the load applied determine the compressive (and indirect CMT (Testing) Limited
using a 4x4vehicle as a mounted tensile) strength of the concrete. Unit 5, Prime Parkway
reaction plate. Oh yes, we also reinstate. Prime Enterprise Park, Derby. DE1 3QB
Images used in this publication have been supplied by CMT (Testing) Limited, or purchased from

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