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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Second Semester Course: Internal Combustion Engines

2019-2020 Code: MEC 342

Assignment (2)
1. A CI engine operating on the air-standard Diesel cycle has cylinder
conditions at the start of compression of 65°C and 130 kPa. Light diesel fuel
is used at a Air/Fuel ratio of 18.125 and with a combustion efficiency ɳc =
0.98. Compression ratio is rc = 19.
Calculate: (a) Temperature at each state of the cycle. [0C]
(b) Pressure at each state of the cycle. [kPa]
(c) Cutoff ratio.
(d) Indicated thermal efficiency. [%]
(e) Heat lost in exhaust. [kJ/kg]

With our best wishes

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moatasim Shahin
Eng. Amged Abdelgader
Eng. Eslam Osama

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