Difference Between Green Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry

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Difference Between Green chemistry and Environmental chemistry

Maimoona Saeed
MPhil Analytical Chemistry
The university of Lahore
Green Chemistry
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Environmental chemistry is that branch of chemical science that deals with

the production, transport, reactions, effects, and fates of chemical species
in the water, air, terrestrial, and biological environment and the effects of
human activities there-on.
• The definition of environmental chemistry is illustrated with a typical
pollutant species. In this case sulfur in coal is oxidized to sulfur dioxide
gas that is emitted to the atmosphere. The sulfur dioxide gas can be
oxidized to sulfuric acid by atmospheric chemical processes, fall back
to Earth as acid rain, affect a receptor such as plants, and end up in a
"sink" such as a body of water or soil.
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Green chemistry can be defined as the practice of chemical science and

manufacturing in a manner that is sustainable, safe, and non-polluting and
that consumes minimum amounts of materials and energy while producing
little or no waste material.
The practice of green chemistry begins with recognition that the production,
processing, use, and eventual disposal of chemical products may cause harm
when performed incorrectly.
Green chemistry is sustainable chemistry. There are several important
respects in which green chemistry is sustainable:
• Economic: At a high level of sophistication green chemistry normally
costs less in strictly economic terms (to say nothing of environmental
costs) than chemistry as it is normally practiced.
• Materials: By efficiently using materials, maximum recycling, and
minimum use of virgin raw materials, green chemistry is sustainable
with respect to materials.
• Waste: By reducing insofar as possible, or even totally eliminating
their production, green chemistry is sustainable with respect to
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Green Environmental
Summary Chemistry chemistry
Definition A chemical technique in A branch of chemstry in
which we manage the which we study ad
waste produced from analyze the chemical
chemical processes processes taking place in

Focuses on
Focuses on the effects
Main focus environmental impact
of chemistry on
of chemistry
environmental pollution

Has 12 important
Rules and Principles Has no rules or
principles that we
principles but it has
should follow during a
parameters to measure
chemical synthesis
the quality of water, air
and soil
Reducing the potential
pollution Involoves in reducing
Does not involve in
the pollution at its
reducing pollution at its

Stanley E. Manahan, Fundamentals of Environmental

Chemistry, 3rd ed., Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2009

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