3-12 Bishop Against Pawns

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ER wBR UDA & Bishop against pawns DE 12-4< 2 8S. DEK I22€ kk A ae kk A ; : sn itn a” ‘ i a : i, Perens 1 1 AS DEX I23<€ kK v Ex. 126K KKK A 8 J 8 Ea Fy 7 7 a -s a 6 6 a. iS “i . 5 5 an a ho i __ a ‘pe names : i, : Un, nn hy Co a a! me en oa “y YG TZ “es ‘| ass 169 eee Endgame pe 1. End of a study by V. de Barbieri 1931 ‘Lsbf4! 1 point. 1.h3! first would be equally good (also 1 point). 1...266 2.0ef4 Sxh3 3.c2g5= winning the final pawn (another 1 point for this variation). 1..2e6 If 1.,.h3, then 2.223 8g2 3,02 hd? 4.cegl=. This was Fortress II, Diagram 6-4 in Boost Your Chess 1. 2.h3! &xh3 3.82g5= Another 1 point. White annihilates the last pawn. 2. C. de Feijter 1932 L.c7H! A deflecting sacrifice. 1 point. But not 1.ce5? on account of 1...2e7!-+. 1...2xe7 2.8e5 Qxh5 3.6286 Bd 4.h5! A typical idea, which also featured in the previous exercise. 4...2xh5 5.8297 Another 1 point. White wins the last pawn. 3. R. Fidel ~J. Ramis, Spain 1980 1..2h6 1 point. Whilst the bishop blockades the two passed pawns on one diagonal, Black activates his king. 2:4 2e6! The key move. Black prevents t2d5. Another 1 point. 3.24 3.47 Bxd7 4.d5 (4.c6 Sxb5t-+) 4...xb5 5.82d6 Be8 (or 5...L8a4-+) 6.Be7 Bxh5 (or 6...8a4—+) 7.s2d6 b5 8.<8c5 Se8—-+ “The principle of the single diagonal’ the bishop blockades the opposing passed pawn and at the same time protects its own one. 3..82xh5 4.d7 Sxd7 5.e6 Sxb5! Another 1 point, if you took into account the opponent's resource of advancing the e-pawn. 5..xe6? leads to a draw: 6.the5 2d7 7.2d6 Sxb5 8.2c7= 6.thd5 e8—+ The principle of the single diagonal’. 0-1 4, Averbalch 1954 1,2d5! 1 point. ‘Pawn in the sights’. 1...c3 2.8b3 te5 3.the7 shd4 4.d6 hd3 5.2c5= ‘Attacking from the rear’. Another 1 point. 5.8. Isenegger 1946 1.Shg7! “The scissors’. 1...8b3 2.h5 d2d7 2...c2d5 3.2206 Bc2 4.h6 &d3 5.06 2d6 6.07 ed7 7.267+— 3.h6 2c2 4.27! 1 point. 4..8b3t Or 4.265 5.c641, 5.e6f! Another 1 point 5...Lxe6t 6.2f61 Sg8 7.52¢7+— Another 1 point. 6. L. Prokes 1947 L.€3! 1 point. 1.42g6? loses after 1...03 2.8d1 sg 3.0bf5 hf 4.che4 del 5.204 xe? and then ...

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