Assignment: Appendix

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1. Give Sec1 a quick read in the end. The points in the initial phase could be used in
persuasion and inculcate a motivational feel. Especially PR and Marketing people.
2.Sec2 will go a bit off-route providing some extra points, which may be not that relevant to
our E-Cell, but are MANDATORY to know.


Sec1.ROLE/Policies/Initiatives taken by the GOVERNMENT

1. Self-certification: The main objective of the govt is to reduce the load on the start-ups hence
allowing them to concentrate fully on their business and keeping the cost of adherence low.

It will include labour laws and environment related laws.

2. Start-up India hub: A single contact point will be created for the start-ups in India, which will
enable them to exchange knowledge and access to funds.

3. Register through app: An online portal, will be available in the form of a mobile application, which
will help entrepreneurs to interact with the govt and other regulatory officials.

4. Patent protection: A monitoring system for patent inspection at reduced costs is being created by
the central government. It will enhance perception and acquisition of the Intellectual Property Rights
(IPRs) by the entrepreneurs

5. Rs 10,000 crore fund: The government will develop a pool with a starting aggregation of Rs 2,500
crore and a total aggregation of Rs 10,000 crore over four years, to help new entrepreneurs. The
important role will be played by the Life Insurance Corporation of India in blossoming this collection.
The fund will be managed by a group of professionals selected from the start-up industry.

6. National Credit Guarantee Trust Company: A National Credit Guarantee Trust Company (NCGTC)
will be created with a budget of Rs 500 crore per year for the next four years to help the drift of
funds to entrepreneurs

7. No Capital Gains Tax: Investments through venture capital funds are exempted from the Capital
Gains Tax. The same policy will be executed on start-ups.

8. No Income Tax for three years: Start-ups would not pay Income Tax for the first three years.
(OMG! Now I’m motivated)

9. Tax exemption for investments of higher value: In case of ventures of higher amount than the
market price, they will be exempted from paying tax.
10. Building entrepreneurs: Creative study plans for students will be implemented in over 5 lakh
schools. Apart from this, there will also be an annual businessman grand provocation to develop
high class businessmen.

11. Atal Innovation Mission: This Mission will be propelled to revitalize ideas and motivate creative

12. Setting up incubators: A private-public partnership model is being considered for 35 new
incubators and 31 innovation centres at different institutes. (Now play Rockstar by post Malone and
feel proud)

13. Research parks: The government plans to lay seven innovative research parks, including six in
the Indian Institute of Technology campuses and one in the Indian Institute of Science campus. (IET
best hai)

14. Entrepreneurship in biotechnology: The government plans to construct 5 advanced biotech

nests, 50 advanced bio incubators, 150 technology transplant offices and 20 bio-connect offices in
the country.

15. Dedicated programs in schools: The government plans to inculcate transformational programs
for scholars in over 5 lakh schools.

16. Legal reinforce: A committee of moderators will give legal help and reinforcement in complying
patent applications and other papers.

17. Rebate: An exemption value of 80 percent of the total value will be given to the start ups on
filing the patent applications.

18. Easy rules: Standards of communal acquisition and mandate of switching have been easier for
the entrepreneurs.

19. Faster exit: If an entrepreneur is unsuccessful than the government will help him to get a
particular resolution for their complication.

SEC 2. Marketing
In marketing, you all must be knowing things already and hence, can relate to your everyday
observations. I’ve tried my best to leave the statements to your own imagination and
understanding rather than sticking to the content.
This cycle down below is what you can say the backbone of marketing, followed and used as
a checklist by 100% companies worldwide. It’s like Pitbull back in in 2012-14.
1.Consumer Analysis:
As the name tells. Consumers are to be strictly judged, the same way you judged IET before
entering. Broadly, one has to take care of the consumers’ Accessibility, Sustainability,
Profitability, Compatibility, Consistency, Effectiveness and Dependability.
To do this, Professionals divide consumers in 4 major segmentation variables.
a. Geographic: dividing the market by country, state, region, country and city.
b. Demographic: this on Age, SEX, Income, Marital Status, Family life cycle, Education,
Occupation, Ethnicity, Religion and race
c. Psychographic: divides by Psychological differences like lifestyle (activities, interests
and opinion) and Personality (Conservative, risk taking, status seeking, Private
college wale, DU wale)
d. Behavioural: Usage, Purchase Occasion, Brand Loyalty (unlike in relationships) and
Responsiveness to Price and promotion.
The researchers then consider all the points mentioned in first paragraph for each of the
segmentation variable, to create further strategies.

2.Market Analysis:
The definition is obvious.
In this we’ll majorly talk about a thing called PLC (Product Life Cycle). A PLC basically
describes how a product’s sales grow as new segments become aware and start
using/buying your service.
Understanding the PLC will actually give you an MBA feel.

a. STAGE 1, Introduction (What is it?): Firstly, the product is introduced in the market.
In the initial phase there are frequent changes according to the customer’s needs.

Let’s take the TRIMAX (in the image, right mein dekho) as an example.
The TRIMAX was introduced in the market with a boom “Sachin Tendulkar Ad” Specifying it’s
Abilities to write 3 times extra. And eventually by your Class’s rich kid bossing around with
that TRIMAX.

b. STAGE 2, Growth (Where can I get it?): Focussing more on the approachability part.

In case of TRIMAX, making available to the nearest store was the major concern in this part.

c. STAGE 3, Maturity (Why this one?): The most complicated part. Understand how.

TRIMAX is now in the market, imagine the challenges it faced (competitors rising, Better
options in the given scenario, No more a style statement). With these things, a company
needs to optimise, if it won’t change it will eventually fall.

Soon changes were made in the cap to make it look “cool” and also to sustain its uniqueness
from its competitors at that time (Cello 4g, flair Writometer etc).
A premier GOLD was launched. A special edition SPORTS collection was launched. A
SPIDERMAN Edition was launched too.
(Now you know why.)
d. STAGE 4, Decline phase. This phase according to me is inevitable, just like thanos.
The company has to play the Dr. Strange part here. Assume 14,000,605 Futures and see if
they sustain. Just like predicting what the teacher would think by taking a look at your
answers (Pragati ma’am rocks).

3.Competition Analysis:

I’m making this a Question based topic.

“Understand it in your own way to understand better.” I’ve listed the points to judge on.

What is your company good at and what is the competition good at?

• Distribution (Frito-Lay)

• New Product Development and Introduction (3M)

• Advertising (Absolut vodka)

Who are we in the marketplace?

• Market Size and Relative Market Share

• Financial Position

• Historic Performance and Reputation

What are our resources versus those of the competition?

• People

• Technology, Research

• Sales Forces

• Cash

• Trade Relations

• Manufacturing


Yes, Distribution is also a part of marketing. You’ll agree that the cost plays a major role in marketing
too, imagine things being 99/- not 100, 349/- not 350 there’s a lot of psychology involved and yeah,
this works! Human brains are sloppy, very sloppy, we avoid performing big calculations and
unknowingly in our subconscious we run in the multiples of 50 and 100.

Observe this whenever going to a mall (oops! Corona), shopping online. This phenomenon is a
beauty. Want to read about it more?

Now, talking about the distribution channels. I’m convinced that you are convinced that price plays a
major role in marketing, hence, the distribution hierarchy is a team player too.

First, what’s the hierarchy?

a. Wholesalers
b. Distributers
c. Sales Representatives (“ye dhoop batti apni dukaan pe rakhiye, profit hoga”)
d. Retailers

The above-mentioned chain is the most commonly used channel intermediaries to the consumer.

At each stage the price is cut (as profit for the respective stage representative). Hence, What the
company can control is only the MRP (also called the mark-up price). If you are a manufacturer,
you’ll have to set a printed MRP on the basis of the percentage mark-up at each level.

There’s a simple formula,

SELLING PRICE * (1-MARKUP %) = The Preceding distribution level’s selling price.

Note: don’t confuse selling price with the Mark up price.

Again, taking the case with TRIMAX and considering a 2-step hierarchy.

30 Rs to the customer * (1- 0.23(Retail mark-up Percentage)) = 23.1 Rs

23.1 Rs price to the retailer *(1-0.09(Wholesale M-P at this level) = 21.021rs

And then 21.021 would be the TRIMAX’s price to the wholesaler.

Consider the making cost to be 15.

By this MRP, TRIMAX per pen would make a profit of 6.021Rs.


Now everything you know about marketing comes here. This topic is huge.

In this face the marketing goes to the higher level, the company focusses on the enhancement of it’s

Features and Capabilities in terms of,

• Fit - Tailoring Typing-Functional, visual

• Reliability – Warranties, return policies

• Packaging - Colour, size, shape, protection

• Sizes - Clothing, appliances, computers, and luggage sizes

• Service-Timeliness, courtesy, accuracy

• Brand Naming - Labelling


If Ralph Lauren had used his real name, Ralph Lifshitz(read the name), he would have forgone the
psychological benefits derived from his ralph lauren’s polo label on the clothing. Lifshitz somehow
fails to convey the image of English aristocracy.

The MIX further includes

a. Advertising: On TV, Radio, Billboards, Magazine and Newspaper.

b. Personal Selling: Used when in direct contact with the buyer.
c. Sales Promotion: Coupons? Flat 50% off? Upto* 50% off??
d. Public Relations and Publicity: Dhoni’s Reebok bat? Ronaldo’s CR7 Nike shoes?
e. Direct Selling: Spamming on mail, naaptol, homeshop 18, online market. This is kind of
obsolete now.


This part goes majorly into Complex Mathematics and Statistics.

Unit economics are the direct revenues and costs associated with a particular business model
expressed on a per unit basis.

For instance: in a consumer internet company, the unit is a user. The fundamental unit economics in
this case are:

 Lifetime value (LTV): the amount of revenue a single user generates during the entire
duration of their usage of your service.

 Cost per acquisition (CPA): How much it costs to acquire a user.

To the extent that LTV exceeds CPA with a very huge margin. One of the major jobs of an
entrepreneur is to understand the levers that impact those unit economics, and figure out ways to
create structural advantages that shift them in your favour.

In this example, LTV and CPA are the primary metrics, but they are really the outputs of many other
secondary metrics, which are  the things you can most easily measure and influence. You can
improve LTV by finding ways to increase the amount of money each user spends, or by figuring
out how to improve user retention. CPA can be tweaked by optimizing your virality or
improving the effectiveness of your online advertising.
7. REVISE (last finally!)
“The same thing your JEE teacher told you to do after JEE-MAINS.”




(Scenarios in the present social media-based marketing)



(A kind of a case study on “Reynolds to Rorito”)

4. “The 10 Day MBA” by Steven Silbiger. (PDF is available)

The above summary is majorly referred from here.

5. “Understanding Marketing” Havard Business press


Lastly, it is very important to understand that Marketing goes away very different from
Stock markets, Investments etc. There is no right or wrong in marketing. What a person
knows/does can easily be proven wrong practically in the real world. This summary is my
perception/understanding about marketing. It may be right or wrong. But important is to
have an individual perspective and understanding.

Nothing that big.

Just taking a look at the present scenario of marketing on social media such as on facebook, twitter
and majorly Instagram. Imagine we are opening a daily business and marketing page on Instagram.

How should you market it to reach a 100k in 2 months if you have full authority?

Take a look at the Instagram accounts


2. (sardar ji is great)


One page of detailed and well-structured study is enough.

And guys no plagiarism. We are same students as you are and we know every bit of a copying

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