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Journal of Voice

Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 480–487

© 2002 The Voice Foundation

Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio: An Index of Vocal Aging

Carole T. Ferrand
Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York

Summary: Distinguishing between vocal changes that occur with normal aging
and those that are associated with disease is an important goal of research in
voice. Several acoustic measures have been used in an attempt to illuminate the
integrity of the vocal mechanism, including harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR),
jitter, and fundamental frequency (F0). HNR is a measure that quantifies the
amount of additive noise in the voice signal; jitter reflects the periodicity of vo-
cal fold vibration. In this study, measures of HNR, jitter and F0 were used to
compare vocal function in three groups of normally speaking women: young
adults, middle-aged adults, and elderly adults. Significant differences in HNR
emerged between the elderly women and the other two groups. F0 differences
were also apparent between the elderly group and the two younger groups; there
were no significant differences in jitter between the three groups. HNR was
found to be a more sensitive index of vocal function than jitter. The significant
lowering of HNR evident in the elderly speakers may be attributable in part to
medications taken by the majority of these elderly subjects. Key Words: Har-
monics-to-noise ratio—Jitter—Fundamental frequency—Vocal function—El-
derly adults.

INTRODUCTION to change with aging, increasing with advancing age

Given the importance of distinguishing between in elderly men, and decreasing in elderly women.1–4
vocal changes that occur with normal aging and By itself, however, F0 does not yield a sufficiently de-
those that are associated with disease, finding a ro- tailed picture of vocal fold vibratory patterns to dif-
bust acoustic measure that reliably signals vocal per- ferentiate between normal and disordered vocal func-
formance in older adults remains an ongoing chal- tion. Other acoustic measures such as jitter have
lenge. Fundamental frequency (F0) has been shown yielded inconclusive results in comparisons of
younger and older adults’ vocal function. For in-
stance, Linville and Fisher5 reported higher mean jit-
Accepted for publication March 25, 2002. ter values in elderly women than in younger women.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Carole However, jitter levels did not contribute to the over-
Ferrand, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, all estimation of the speaker’s age. Wilcox and Horii6
106 Davison Hall, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549, found significant jitter differences between young
and elderly men, while Ringel and Chodzko-Zajko7
Portions of this work were presented at the American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, indicated that jitter values were more related to phys-
San Francisco, CA, November 1999. iological health than to chronological age. Linville8
e-mail: found considerable overlap in jitter levels among


groups of young, middle-aged, and elderly women. might be a more sensitive index of vocal function in
Elderly women, on average, did not display more jit- older speakers than is jitter, as the ratio reflects both
ter than younger women. cycle-to-cycle variability in frequency and amplitude,
Another acoustic measure that may be a more sen- as well as additive noise generated at the glottis.20 As
sitive index of vocal function is the harmonics-to- such, it could be a valuable adjunct in quantifying and
noise ratio (HNR). HNR quantifies the relative differentiating between possible deterioration in voice
amount of additive noise in the voice signal.9 Addi- function in adults who are aging normally and in
tive noise arises from turbulent airflow generated at those with voice problems.
the glottis during phonation.10 Inadequate closure of The first purpose of this study, therefore, was to
the vocal folds allows excessive airflow through the compare HNRs in three age groups of women:
glottis, giving rise to turbulence. The resulting fric- younger, middle-aged, and older adults. The second
tion noise is reflected in a higher noise level in the purpose was to compare HNR and jitter measures in
spectrum.11 Noise in the signal may also result from terms of sensitivity to potential differences in vocal
aperiodic vocal fold vibration. The ratio thus reflects function in different age groups. The third purpose
the dominance of harmonic (periodic) over noise was to determine F0 differences among the three
(aperiodic) levels in the voice, and is quantified in speaker groups.
terms of dB. Yumoto, Sasaki, and Okamura12 report-
ed that adult speakers with normal voice quality ob-
tained HNRs of 7.4 dB and above when producing METHOD
isolated vowels; other research suggests that values Subjects
between 11–13 dB are normal for adults.13,14 Per- Forty-two adult women with normal voices served
ceptually, HNR reflects voice quality. HNR seems to as subjects, with 14 speakers in each of three groups:
be one of the parameters that can be used to relate young adults, middle-aged adults, and elderly adults.
physiological aspects of voice production to a per- Young adults ranged in age from 21 to 34 with an av-
ceptual impression of the voice, because the degree erage age of 25 years. Young adults were recruited
of spectral noise is related to the quality of the vocal from the student population at Hofstra University in
output.11 Indeed, it has been reported that HNR is a Hempstead, NY. Middle-aged adults ranged in age
significant predictor of voice samples rated perceptu- from 40 to 63, with an average age of 50 years. The
ally as rough.15–17 middle-aged speakers were recruited from faculty
A limited number of studies have investigated
members at Hofstra University, as well as friends and
HNR in elderly speakers. One of the few studies fo-
relatives of the examiners. Older adults ranged in age
cusing on spectral characteristics in the voices of old-
from 70 to 90, with an average age of 77 years. Old-
er adults found that HNR decreased in subjects aged
er speakers were recruited from senior centers and
60 to 99 years old, reflecting a growing voice insta-
bility with normal aging.18 Ramig et al19 reported retirement homes in the Hempstead, NY area. All
that older speakers in poor physical condition older adults lived independently. No subject had re-
showed more spectral noise than older speakers in ceived any voice therapy or professional voice train-
good phsyical condition or than younger speakers. ing. All subjects denied a history of neurologic dis-
However, rather than quantifying the degree of noise, ease or dementia. All the elderly subjects passed a
Ramig et al used spectrograms to visually determine hearing screening at 250, 500, 2000, and 4000 Hz at
the level of spectral noise. Mueller1 made the as- 25 dB HL. The young and middle-aged adults all re-
sumption that because hoarseness is prevalent in the ported that they had normal hearing. All speakers
voices of elderly speakers, a lower HNR would be were free of colds or other respiratory illness on the
predicted. However, this assumption needs to be sup- day of testing. All subjects were naive to the purpose
ported and quantified in order to distinguish between of the study, and no subject had participated in a
vocal changes that are within normal limits and those voice study before. Two of the young adults, 5 of the
that may be due to pathology. middle-aged adults, and 12 of the elderly adults were
It is important to establish a normative acoustic taking some form of medication on a regular basis,
database for laryngeal function in older adults. HNR incuding estrogen, antidepressants, blood pressure

Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002


medications, and cholesterol-lowering medications. metrics CSL manual). The impulse command was set
All subjects reported that their voices sounded typi- prior to the voicing analysis command. This com-
cal for them on the day of testing. mand computes and marks the divisions between
each voicing impulse in the waveform, placing divid-
Procedures ing marks at the locations immediately following pos-
Recording sessions were held in a sound-treated itive-going zero-crossings that precede the first posi-
laboratory at Hofstra University for the young speak- tive-going amplitude peaks of the voicing impulses.
ers; in a quiet schoolroom in a school that was closed The process thus separates the voiced signal into its
for the summer for middle-aged speakers, and in a periodic components. This command is used in prepa-
quiet room at a senior center housed in a church ration for subsequent pitch-synchronous analysis of
building for the elderly speakers. Subjects vocalized the data (Kay Elemetrics CSL manual).
the vowel /!/ five times each, using a comfortable
pitch and loudness level, with each prolongation last- Reliability
ing 3 seconds, and a 2 to 3 second pause between Each taped voice sample was analyzed twice by
each trial. Voice samples for all subjects were tape each research assistant, in order to determine intra-
recorded by two graduate research assistants. Each judge and interjudge reliability.
individual session lasted no longer than 20 minutes.

Instrumentation and acoustic analysis RESULTS

A Sony Portable MiniDisc Recorder (model MZ- For more than 98% of the samples, neither HNR
B3) was used to collect all voice samples, with Max- nor jitter differed by more than 0.02 dB and 0.02%,
ell 74 recordable minidiscs. The recorder had a built- respectively.
in microphone, and was held by the examiner at a Values for HNR, jitter, and F0 were averaged over
distance of 6 inches from each subject’s mouth. The the five vowel prolongations for each individual. In-
recorder uses a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz, and dividual means were then averaged for each of the
has a frequency response of 20 to 20,000 Hz. Wow three groups of speakers. Tables 1, 2, and 3 display
and flutter are below measurable limits. The record- individual and group means and standard deviations
able minidiscs use magneto-optical technology. The for HNR, jitter, and F0.
laser inside the recorder applies heat to the minidisc, In terms of HNR, young and middle-aged subjects
demagnetizing the magnetic layer of the minidisc. obtained mean values of 7.82 dB and 7.86 dB, re-
The recorder then applies a magnetic field to the lay- spectively. Elderly women obtained an average of
er. This magnetic field corresponds exactly to the au- 5.54 dB. Intrasubject standard deviations (SD) for
dio signals generated by the connected source (Sony the young women ranged from 0.71 to 5.63 dB, with
Portable MiniDisc Recorder Manual, 1995). The a mean of 2.27 dB. Individual SDs for the middle-
tape recorded samples were analyzed using a Kay El- aged subjects were similar, ranging from 0.36 to 4.30
emetrics (Lincoln Park, NJ) Computerized Speech dB, with an average of 2.42 dB. For the elderly
Lab (model 4300). The samples were input directly speakers, intrasubject SDs ranged from 0.81 to 3.73
from the tape recorder to channel 2 of the CSL. The dB, with a mean of 1.95 dB. These small intrasubject
voice analysis function of the CSL was used to obtain SDs demonstrate a good deal of intertrial consisten-
HNR, as well as jitter and average F0. The sampling cy for all subject groups. Intersubject SDs were also
rate on the CSL was set to 51.2 kHz, and the time consistent among the three groups, with a value of
frame was set to 2 seconds. The first and last portions 2.64 dB for the young group, 3.14 dB for the middle-
of each vocalization were discarded in order to avoid aged group, and 2.91 dB for the elderly group.
any perturbations due to onset or offset of vibration. Table 2 indicates that mean jitter values were sim-
The CSL calculates the HNR based on the ratio of ilar for the three speaker groups: 0.69% for the young
harmonically related energy to noise in the speech adults, 0.57% for the middle-aged subjects, and 0.66%
signal. The algorithm follows Yumoto’s method, ex- for the elderly group. Intrasubject SDs for the five tri-
cept that the signal is not preemphasized (Kay Ele- als ranged from 0.03 to 0.36% for the young group,

Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002


TABLE 1. Individual and Group Means and Standard TABLE 2. Individual and Group Means and Standard
Deviations (SD) for Young, Middle-Aged, and Elderly Deviations (SD) for Young, Middle-Aged, and Elderly
Women for HNR (in dB) Women for Jitter (%)
Young Middle-Aged Elderly Young Middle-Aged Elderly

Subject Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Subject Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD

1. 5.12 5.62 5.84 1.99 4.98 3.73 1. 0.91 0.31 0.65 0.14 1.06 0.21
2. 7.42 2.42 1.51 2.13 7.03 2.72 2. 0.45 0.15 0.88 0.18 0.33 0.07
3. 8.80 0.92 5.92 2.94 1.71 2.03 3. 0.48 0.19 1.07 0.18 0.56 0.03
4. 8.61 0.79 7.97 2.62 6.80 2.24 4. 0.74 0.10 1.01 0.28 0.28 0.06
5. 9.68 1.53 8.72 1.05 1.21 2.66 5. 0.39 0.16 0.37 0.09 1.05 0.33
6. 7.04 2.39 10.05 4.30 7.09 2.37 6. 0.70 0.11 0.34 0.04 0.33 0.07
7. 6.56 0.83 9.07 0.36 10.59 0.81 7. 0.75 0.24 0.67 0.10 0.26 0.06
8. 8.32 2.26 8.09 3.53 4.40 2.44 8. 0.45 0.05 0.60 0.10 1.45 0.36
9. 9.50 0.71 9.39 2.52 9.56 0.89 9. 0.93 0.36 0.26 0.03 0.26 0.23
10. 2.85 2.71 7.85 3.08 5.71 1.89 10. 1.36 0.25 0.29 0.05 0.37 0.05
11. 3.62 5.63 13.92 1.35 6.49 2.50 11. 1.00 0.29 0.31 0.05 1.04 0.70
12. 8.89 1.82 2.54 0.93 7.60 1.11 12. 0.86 0.24 0.53 0.03 0.53 0.05
13. 12.29 1.70 9.80 3.34 2.25 1.72 13. 0.31 0.10 0.35 0.10 0.87 0.24
14. 10.83 3.40 9.31 3.71 2.20 1.20 14. 0.34 0.03 0.60 0.28 0.78 0.51
Mean 7.82 2.27 7.86 2.42 5.54 1.95 Mean 0.69 0.18 0.57 0.12 0.66 0.21
SD 2.64 1.47 3.14 1.17 2.91 0.84 SD 0.30 0.10 0.27 0.08 0.39 0.20

with an average SD of 0.18%. The middle-aged speak- aged group (39.44 Hz) than for the young and elder-
ers’ intrasubject SDs ranged from 0.03% to 0.28%, ly groups (23.24 and 27.04 Hz, respectively).
with an average of 0.12%; those for the elderly sub- Three separate one-way analyses of variance
jects ranged from 0.03% to 0.70%, with an average (ANOVA) were performed for HNR, jitter, and F0,
of 0.21%. Intersubject SDs were 0.30% for the with age as the grouping variable in each case. A sig-
young group, 0.27% for the middle-aged group, and nificant difference was found for HNR (F = 3.804,
0.39% for the elderly group. p= 0.0307). Post hoc testing using Fisher’s least sig-
As can be seen in Table 3, the young adults ob- nificant differences (LSD) demonstrated significant
tained a mean of 209.68 Hz for F0, the middle-aged differences between the young and elderly values (p
adults a mean of 204.49 Hz, and the elderly adults a = 0.0248), and between the middle-aged and elderly
mean of 175.23 Hz. Intrasubject SDs for the young values (p = 0.0204). There was no significant differ-
speakers ranged from 0.51 to 17.92 Hz, with a mean ence between the young and middle-aged groups for
of 3.88 Hz. Values for the middle-aged speakers HNR (p = 0.9356). Significant differences were also
ranged from 0.30 to 8.97 Hz, with an average SD of found for F0 (F = 3.614, p = 0.0361). Post hoc test-
2.60 Hz. Elderly speakers’ SDs ranged from 0.62 to ing revealed significant differences between the
23.76 Hz, with a mean of 6.01 Hz. Similar to HNR young and elderly values (p = 0.0163) and between
and jitter, these levels of intrasubject variability are the middle-aged and elderly values (p = 0.0461). No
consistent among the three groups. Intersubject vari- significant differences emerged for the young and
abiity for F0 was somewhat higher for the middle- middle-aged groups for F0 (p = 0.6610). In terms of

Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002


TABLE 3. Individual and Group Means and Standard proximately 17 to 19 dB for their male and female
Deviations (SD) for Young, Middle-Aged, and Elderly speakers. It is not clear why this large discrepancy
Women for F0 (in Hz) exists in the values for HNR reported in the literature,
Young Middle-Aged Elderly but possible candidates are different algorithms used
to calculate the HNR, different recording procedures,
Subject Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD differences in instrumentation, and differences in
1. 237.93 2.32 146.06 3.90 190.19 14.64
subject samples.
Results of the present study suggest that HNR ap-
2. 195.78 17.92 172.30 3.32 129.13 0.62
pears to be stable in the young and middle adult
3. 168.57 0.87 268.66 1.71 184.31 10.94
years, with HNR decreasing during the elderly years.
4. 213.80 1.98 248.94 2.60 142.98 1.86 The well-documented age-related decrements in la-
5. 218.25 2.09 185.77 2.29 156.84 4.94 ryngeal function such as ossification of cartilage, de-
6. 208.77 4.26 250.77 3.29 185.07 6.24 generation of muscle and connective tissue as well as
7. 166.93 1.28 185.55 0.30 210.56 1.12 respiratory changes (decreased elastic recoil of lung
8. 218.99 3.02 171.35 0.75 230.57 3.86 tissue and reductions in vital capacity24) may con-
9. 194.73 0.51 206.90 0.78 156.91 1.04
tribute to older women’s lower HNRs by contributing
to instability in vocal fold vibration and thus interfer-
10. 214.73 8.80 172.24 0.45 150.31 1.73
ing with the periodicity of vibration. Another factor
11. 202.86 8.08 235.78 2.58 165.61 4.37
that may play a role in the increasing predominance
12. 213.04 0.62 156.60 8.97 180.03 2.29 of noise over harmonic components in the voice, may
13. 248.27 1.67 232.52 3.11 182.82 6.78 be the medications taken by many elderly persons.
14. 232.84 0.95 229.41 2.33 187.84 23.76 Twelve of the 14 elderly subjects in the present study
Mean 209.68 3.88 204.49 2.60 175.23 6.01 were taking some kind of medication on a regular ba-
SD 23.24 4.81 39.44 2.17 27.04 6.50 sis, even though all the subjects considered them-
selves to be in good health, with no respiratory,
phonatory, or neurologic problems. All the older
adults would be considered to be “successfully” ag-
jitter, no significant differences were demonstrated ing. Five of the 14 subjects in the middle-aged group
between any of the groups (F = 0.630, p = 0.5378).
were taking some form of medication, while only
two of the 14 subjects in the young group were tak-
DISCUSSION ing medications. Table 4 shows the medications tak-
The major focus of this study was to determine en by subjects in each group.
whether HNR values changed with age. The second Virtually all medications including antihistamines,
purpose was to determine whether HNR values and decongestants, diuretics, hypertensives, and so on,
jitter values yielded similar results in three groups of have some laryngeal effects, the most common of
women; the third purpose was to compare F0 values which are excessive vocal tract dryness and thick-
between the three groups. ened mucosal secretions.25,26 Sataloff et al27 noted
The HNR values in the present study are compara- that normal mucosal secretions and free movement
ble to some values reported in the literature, but low- of the vibratory margins are critical for normal
er than others. Bertino et al21 and Yumoto, Gould, phonation. If “vocal tract lubrication is impaired by
and Baer22 reported values of 7.23, and 7.3 dB, re- dehydration, or by shifting the normal balance of
spectively, for adult speakers. These are very similar serous and mucinous secretions, alterations in phona-
to the values for the young (7.82 dB) and middle- tion occur” (p. 223). Other medications can interfere
aged (7.91 dB) speakers in the present study. On the directly with voluntary movement which can affect
other hand, Awan and Frenkel9 reported values of ap- laryngeal motor control. For example, antidepres-
proximately 15 dB for the adult speakers in their sants such as Zoloft and Paxil can cause not only dry-
study, and Horii and Fuller23 reported values of ap- ness of the mouth, but tremor. Antianxiety drugs such

Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002


TABLE 4. Medications Taken by HNR values between the elderly group and the other
Young, Middle-Aged, and Elderly two groups supports the hypothesis that HNR is more
Subjects sensitive to subtle differences in vocal function than
Young is jitter. A similar finding was reported by Awan and
Frenkel.9 These researchers calclulated the relation-
Claritin Antiallergan ship between jitter and HNR, and found more vari-
Rhinocort Allergic or perennial rhinitis ability in jitter values at different frequencies than
was observed with HNR levels. The authors found
Middle-Aged occasions in which small or no changes in jitter were
Claritin Antiallergan present in signals that showed substantial changes in
HNR. This led them to suggest that although jitter
Toprol Hypertension
and HNR are related, HNR may more accurately re-
Procardia Antianginal
flect the degree of additive noise in a signal.
Estraderm Estrogen (estradiol) Further, results from several types of investigations
Provera Progesterone highlight the inability of the jitter measure to distin-
Prempro Estrogen/progesterone guish between vocal function in different groups.
Altace Hypertension Wilcox and Horii6 found that older subjects obtained
Celebrex Anti-inflammatory higher levels of jitter than younger subjects (0.73%
and 0.55%, respectively). However, both these values
Elderly are well within normal limits. Brown, Morris, and
Estrace Estrogen Michel28 analyzed young and elderly womens’ pro-
Procardia Antianginal
longations of the vowel /a/. Jitter values were not sig-
nificantly different for the groups at their normal
Ultram Central acting analgesic
pitch and loudness levels (0.78% and 0.75%). Biever
Zoloft Antidepressant
and Bless29 found no significant jitter differences be-
Synthroid Hypothyroidism tween young and elderly women sustaining the vow-
Prilosec GERD el /i/. Stroboscopically, however, there were signifi-
Toprol Hypertension cant differences in vibratory patterns, with the
Celebrex Anti-inflammatory elderly group showing increased aperiodicity, incom-
Zocor Cholesterol plete midmembranous glottal closure, mucosal wave
alterations, and reduced amplitude of vibration. The
fact that the acoustic measure of jitter was not relat-
ed to the observed aperiodicity suggests that jitter
as Xanax and Valium can have side effects including may not accurately reflect vocal fold vibratory pat-
weakness, ataxia, and decreased motor perfor- terns. Omori et al30 studied subjects with normal and
mance.27 In addition, drug interactions can cause pathologic voices. Subjects sustained the /a/ vowel,
side effects that can result in vocal changes, such as and the authors calculated degree of jitter as well as
thinning and dehydration of the vocal folds.28 Thus, subharmonics in the voice. Several voices which
given that the majority of elderly women in the pres- were rated as perceptually rough and which demon-
ent study were taking medications, with many taking strated the presence of subharmonics, exhibited jitter
multiple medications, it seems plausible that laryn- levels within normal limits. Similarly, Zyski et al31
geal function was affected, possibly contributing to reported that 40% of pathological voices in their
the observed lower HNR values. study demonstrated normal jitter values.
The jitter values found in the present study (0.69% Consistent with many other studies,2–4 the elderly
young, 0.57% middle-aged, 0.66% elderly) are con- women in the present study obtained a significantly
sistent with those in the literature for normally speak- lower average F0 than the middle-aged and young
ing adults. The lack of significant differences in jitter women. Brown, Morris, and Murry24 studied /a/ pro-
values as opposed to the significant differences in longations of young, middle-aged, and elderly men

Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002


and women. The older women demonstrated signifi- their subjects to produce vowels at a comfortable lev-
cantly lower F0 levels than the young and middle- el. Subjects were not instructed to match a particular
aged speakers, with means of 209 Hz (young), 198 intensity level because the researchers wanted to
Hz (middle-aged), and 189 Hz (elderly). These val- avoid “any unnatural laryngeal variations” (p. 149)
ues are consistent with those obtained in the present that may have affected their typical F0 control. The
study: 209.68 Hz (young), 204.49 Hz (middle-aged), authors reported that their subjects demonstrated
and 175.23 Hz (elderly). This decrease in average F0 consistent F0 and jitter levels both within and across
has often been attributed to vocal fold edema resulting trials. On the other hand, Huang et al35 found a rela-
from postmenopausal changes. Biever and Bless29 tionsip between vocal effort and jitter, such that jitter
noted that edema not only adds mass to the vocal levels decreased with increases in vocal effort. Based
folds, but also changes their depth and contour, and on this finding they suggested that it is important to
these changes correlate with reports of pitch lowering control vocal effort for research or clinical purposes.
in postmenopausal women. Sataloff et al27 indicated However, their tiny sample size (n = 3) precludes
that as women reach menopause, the loss of estrogen drawing any strong conclusions from their data. In-
causes substantial changes in the mucous membranes terestingly, Brown et al28 found that both young and
of the vocal tract as well as in the muscles. According elderly speakers demonstrated signficantly more jit-
to Boone,26 the most noticeable change in the female ter when the vowel was produced either more loudly
voice after menopause is the lowering of F0 as a result or more softly when compared to the subject’s com-
of increased systemic androgen. The ovary secretes fortable loudness level.
minimal or no estrogen, but continues to secrete an- The different acoustic environments in which data
drogen,27 which causes unsteadiness of the voice, were collected for the different groups is a limitation
rapid changes of voice quality, and lowering of the of the present study. However, in light of the fact that
F0.27 These hormonal changes may contribute not on- jitter values for the three groups were similar, it
ly to lowered F0, but also to the less efficient func- seems unlikely that this factor played a major role in
tioning of the laryngeal system in elderly women, yielding different results for F0 and HNR for the
with the resultant decrease in HNR values. young, middle-aged, and elderly subjects.
Subjects in the present study were required to In sum, it appears that the HNR measure is better
phonate the vowel /a/ at a comfortable pitch and able to discriminate between the voices of elderly
loudness level. This procedure is consistent with and younger adults than is jitter. Future research
much of the research investigating acoustic aspects should expand on these findings by adding a percep-
of voice production. Brown et al24 operationally de- tual analysis of the voice quality of the three groups,
fined the term comfortable as “. . . the level of effort as well as correlating voice quality, HNR values, and
that is expended by a speaker as reflected by such vo- number and types of medications being taken by in-
cal parameters as F0 and/or intensity” (p. 299). The dividual subjects.
implication is that there is a typical level of vocal ef-
Acknowledgments: This work was supported in part by a
fort which provides the speaker with an internal ref- Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Re-
erence in producing repeated samples.32 Brown et search and Development Grant. The author wishes to
al33 quantified the amount of intrasubject variability thank Jillian Resch and Michael Sayers for their outstand-
in F0 and intensity within and across experimental ing assistance in collecting the data.
sessions in young, middle-aged, and elderly men and
women. They determined each speaker’s variability
from his or her own mean for production of /a/, and
found minimal intrasubject variability for all speaker 1. Mueller PB. The aging voice. Sem Sp Lang. 1997;18:159–168.
groups. The authors concluded that the variability in 2. Sataloff RT, Caputo Rosen D, Hawkshaw M, Spiegel J. The
F0 and intensity within and across days was small, three ages of voice: the aging adult voice. J Voice. 1997;11:
and may represent tolerable limits of variation, when 3. Russell A, Penny L, Pemberton C. Speaking fundamental fre-
subjects are required to phonate at a comfortable lev- quency changes over time in women: a longitudinal study. J
el.24 Similarly, Sussman and Sapienza34 required Speech Hear Res. 1995;38:101–109.

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Journal of Voice, Vol. 16, No. 4, 2002

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