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Sears, 1

Sears, Jenesis
Jun. 20, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 1: Nightmare
Quotes​ ​Notes
“The Klansmen shouted threats and warnings It’s ironic how the Klansmen and other call
at her that we had better get out of town themselves so called “good Christian white
because ‘the good Christian white people’ people”. If they are so good and religious,
were not going to stand for my father’s why do they threaten, harm, and lynch those
‘spreading trouble’ among the ‘good’ Negroes who disagree with their view and superiority?
of Omaha with the ‘back to Africa’ teachings I also noticed that this irony is similar to the
of Marcus Garvey.” (p. 3) one within the police force. The police are
supposed to be citizen protectors, but some
officers subject citizens to unjustified or
unlawful beatings and deaths. (C)

“He believed, as did Marcus Garvey, that This belief is sort of strange , but it is
freedom, independence, and self-respect could somewhat true. Black Americans are seen as
never be achieved by the Negro in America, one of the most inferior races known.
and that therefore the Negro should leave Therefore we are pushed to our limits and
America to the white man and return to his discriminated against. One thing wrong about
African land of origin.” (p. 3-4) the belief is that freedom, independence, and
self-respect can be achieved by blacks. There
are Black/Afro-Americans graduating and
getting careers, creating paths for others to
follow. Therefore, these things have been
proven to be accessible to Negroes and other
races in America. (R)

“It has always been my belief that I, too, will I do remember that he did die by violence.
die by violence. I have done all that I can to Malcolm X was murdered by people from the
be prepared.” (p. 4) Nation of Islam during a speech and took on
multiple body shots from close and far range.

“So early in life, I had learned that if you I too have learned this lesson. You don’t
want something, you had better make some necessarily need to have a tantrum or throw a
noise.” (p.4) fit to get what you want, but you should be
able to voice your wants and needs. You also
have to be able to work for it as well. (C)
Sears, 2

Sears, Jenesis
Jun. 21, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 1: Nightmare
Quotes ​Notes
“She had always been a strange woman in this This reminds me of a show called “That’s so
sense, and had always had a strong intuition Raven”, which is about a young girl that can
of things about to happen.” (p. 12) see into the future. I also get similar feelings
about people. It’s almost as if I can tell how
they are before getting to know them and
most of the time I’m either correct or partially
correct. (C)

“We couldn’t understand why, if the state was I know a lot of people like this, most of them
willing to give us packages of meat, sacks of are black. We don’t like asking for a lot of
potatoes and fruit, and cans of all kinds of help because we have been working
things, our mother obviously hated to accept. collectively together to get ourselves where
We really couldn’t understand. What I later we needed to be. (C)
understood was that my mother was making a
desperate effort to preserve her pride -- and
ours.” (p. 16)

“Whites have always hidden or justified all of This actually reminds me of Adolf Hitler and
the guilts they could by ridiculing or blaming the Holocaust. When Hitler got a hold of
Negroes.” (p. 19) political power he blamed everything that
went wrong with Germany on the Jewish
people. (C)

“Hence I have no mercy or compassion in me Malcolm X is trying to say that he can not be
for a society that will crush people, and then kind to and forgive people who degrade and
penalize them for not being able to stand punish those whose spirits are weakened
under the weight.” (p. 26) when a lot of pressure is pressed upon them.
This is particularly what the state welfare
people did to his mother. They bothered,
pressed, and criticized her until she went
crazy, and then shipped her to a mental
institution. (E)
Sears, 3

Sears, Jenesis
Jun. 22, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 2: Mascot
Quotes ​Notes
“What I am trying to say is that it just never This actually reminds me of the movie
dawned upon them that I could understand, Freedom Writers.​ The teachers and staff
that I wasn’t a pet, but a human being. They didn’t give the “at risk” students credit for the
didn’t give me credit for having the same progress they were making with Mrs.
sensitivity, intellect, and understanding that Gruwell. Mrs. Gruwell was the only one,
they would have been ready and willing to besides Dr. Cone and a few others, that
recognize in a white boy in my position.” (p. showed and gave these kids credit for their
32) intellect and well beings. (C)

“She was plainly very proud of her very dark This is something that is starting to become
skin. This was unheard of among Negroes in very common now. We have black people that
those days, especially in Lansing.” (p. 39) are growing up to be lawyers, business
people, doctors, motivational speakers,
presidents, and more this century. All those
people work very hard and are proud of
themselves and the things in their lives that
got them to that point despite all the

“The way she sat, moved, talked, did This reminds me of Lena Younger from ​A
everything, bespoke somebody who did and Raisin in the Sun​. Lena Younger was a black
got exactly what she wanted.” (p. 39) woman who swelled with pride in everything
that she did. Lena did what she wanted when
she wanted to and made sure people knew
who she was.” (C)

“‘We all here like you, you know that. But, These are the words of Malcolm X’s teacher
you’ve got to be realistic about being a Mr. Ostrowski. He tries to deter Malcolm’s
nigger. A lawyer -- that’s no realistic job for a dream of becoming a lawyer and tries to sugar
nigger. You need to think about something coat what he’s really trying to say. The
you can be. You’re good with your hands -- meaning of the words are really just him not
making things. Everybody admires your wanting Malcolm to become more successful
carpentry work. Why don’t you plan on than him: That’s why in those day blacks got
carpentry? People like you as a person -- menial jobs simply because knowledge is
Sears, 4

you’d get all kinds of work.’” (p.43) power. Just as in slavery, the whites of
segregation didn’t want blacks to be able to be
working in jobs of superiority, so they gave
them all the less important jobs with
important sounding titles such as, fourth cook
which is really just a dish washer. (E)

“What made it really begin to disturb me was In this paragraph Malcolm had asked the
Mr. Ostrowski’s advice to the other in my other kids in his class what Mr. Ostrowski
class -- all of them white. Most of them had said about their future careers. It was no
told him they were planning to be farmers. surprise to me that the classmates said that the
But those who wanted to strike out on their teacher encouraged them. It really just
own, to try something new, he had expressed how racist Mr. Ostrowski really
encouraged. Some, mostly girls, wanted to be was and the thing that made it worse was that
teachers. A few wanted other professions, Malcolm was smarter than nearly all the kids
such as one boy who wanted to become a in his class. This makes me feel as if some
county agent; another, a veterinarian; and one people were just made to denounce others to
girl wanted to be a nurse. They all reported feel superior. (R)
that Mr. Ostrowski had encouraged what they
wanted. Yet nearly none of them had earned
marks equal to mine.” (p. 43-44)

“All praise due to Allah that I went to Boston Malcolm X must be speaking about how most
when I did. If I hadn’t, I’d probably still be a blacks couldn’t see past the whites fake love
brainwashed black Christian. because they like to sugar coat the truth.
Therefore, if he wouldn’t have moved to
Boston he wouldn’t have been able to see the
true meaning of what those white people did
and said. (E)
Chapter 3: Homeboy
“This was my first, really big step towards There are people that alter themselves to
self-degradation: when I endured all of that become something they aren’t. I once heard of
pain, literally burning my flesh to have it look this girl that bleached her skin to become light
like a white man’s hair. I had joined that skin. I don’t know why, but it seemed kind of
multitude of Negro men and women in offensive because she was a nice dark
America who are brainwashed into believing complexion. (C)
that the black people are ‘inferior’ -- and
white people are ‘superior’ -- that they will
even violate and mutilate their God-created
bodies to try to look ‘pretty’ by white
standards.” (p. 64)

“We were in the world of Negroes who are I believe that Malcolm X was trying to say
both servants and psychologists, aware that that some people saw through the facade and
Sears, 5

white people are so obsessed with their own have seen that white people would do
importance that they will pay liberally, even anything to feed their egos. This must be how
dearly, for the impression of being catered to some of them became arrogant in those days.
and entertained.” (p. 88) (R)
Sears, 6

Sears, Jenesis
Jun. 26, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 6: Detroit Red

Quotes ​Notes
“All women, by their nature, are fragile and I believe that when he said this Malcolm X
weak; they are attracted to the male in whom was thinking about his mother. His mother
they see strength.” (p. 107) was a strong woman, but when his father dies
that strength slowly seeped its way out of her.

“Both white men and women it seemed, It is pretty interesting to find this out
would get almost mesmerized by Negroes.” especially since during segregation days.
Someone from that time period probably
wouldn’t even think of it.” (CL)

“ I told Reginald what I had learned: that in This reminds me of I quote I’ve heard or seen
order to get something you had to look as before. I don’t know when or where I heard or
though you already had something.” (p. 121) seen it, but it was, “If you want that part, you
have to look the part.” (C)

“‘Daddy-o, now you and me, we’re from up I’d like to start off saying that if Malcolm X
North here, so don’t you tell nobody….I want was alive I would have given him an award
get sent down South. Organize them nigger for the best dramatic acting performance. I
soldiers, you dig? Steal us some guns, and kill honestly never knew he did this and found it
us crackers!’ interesting and very funny. How can a
That psychologist’s blue pencil dropped well-trained professional psychologist believe
and his professional manner fell off in all that act? (Q)
directions. He stared at me as if I was a
snake’s egg hatching, fumbling for his red
pencil….A 4-F card came to me in the mail,
and I never heard from the Army anymore,
and never bothered to ask why I was
rejected.” (p. 123)
Sears, 7

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 5, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 10: Satan

Quotes ​Notes
“I was going through that hardest thing, also Just as Malcolm X does, I think that accepting
the greatest thing, for any human being to do; things the way they are is one of the greatest
to accept that which is already within you and and hardest things to do. There are people that
around you.” (p. 189) either make their lives or other people’s lives
miserable because they can’t accept the world
as it is. (R) (C)

Chapter 11: Saved

“...the history of the Negro had been covered When I was working on US History in middle
in one paragraph…” (p. 200) school there was only a paragraph about black
people in a certain section. That was a bit
upsetting. (C)
Sears, 8

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 20, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X
Chapter 12: Savior
“In the years to come , I was going to have to Malcolm X must be talking about when he
face a psychological and spiritual crisis.” (p. broke off his connection to the Nation of
247) Islam because he did hit a few rough patches
concerning in his belief in Elijah
Muhammad’s words and teachings. (CL)

Chapter 13: Minister Malcolm X

“When I saw our Brother Hinton it was all I This reminds me of Marlene Pinnock’s case.
could do to contain myself. He was only The damage wasn’t as severe as Hinton’s, but
semiconscious. Blood bathed his head, face, she was repeatedly punched in the head and
and shoulder. I hope I never again have to face. (C)
withstand seeing another case a sheer police
brutality like that.” (p. 269)

“(After that operation, the Nation of Islam When Marlene Pinnock sued the Highway
helped him to sue; a jury awarded him over Patrol she won a large sum of money which
$70,000, the largest police brutality judgment now keeps her off the streets. (C)
that New York City has ever paid.)” (p. 270)
Sears, 9

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 25, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 16: Out

Quotes ​Notes
“But the threat of death was much closer to As he had mentioned earlier in the book, he
me than somewhere in Louisiana. What I am has an intuition of things to happen. This must
telling you is the truth. When I discovered be that intuition telling him that the Nation of
who else wanted me dead. I am telling you -- Islam is planning his due date soon. The other
it nearly sent me to Bellevue.” (p. 339) person that must’ve wanted him dead had to
be none other than Elijah Muhammad. It
seems to be the only logical explanation for
Malcolm X to be nearly sent to Bellevue since
he basically believes that Elijah Muhammad
is godly. (R)

‘But in the physical divorce, I could not evade I think that he means that even though he
the obvious strategy and plotting coming out wasn’t mentally ready to leave the Nation of
of Chicago to eliminate me from the Nation of Islam, he couldn’t help the things that were
Islam… if not from this world. And I feel that being done to get him kicked out. Also he has
I perceived the anatomy of the plotting.” (p. caught on to the plan of his isolation. (E)
Sears, 10

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 26, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 17: Mecca

“Ella had started studying under Boston I think that this explains his appreciation and
orthodox Muslim, then she founded a school admiration for Ella. This is Malcolm X’s half
where Arabic was taught! She couldn’t speak sister who took him in and dealt with his
it, she hired teachers who did. That’s Ella! growth and changes. She was there when he
She deals in real estate , and she was saving was wild with zoot suits, conks, and lindy
up to make the pilgrimage. Nearly all night, hopping. She has showed her pride for dark
we talked in her living room. She told me skin and her physical and psychological
there was no question about it, it was more strength. Ella has even paid for the great
important that I go….A strong woman. She pilgrimage to Mecca. She is indeed a strong,
had broken the spirits of three husbands, more independent woman. (R)
driving and dynamic than all combined. She
had played a very significant role in my life.”
(p. 367)

“He also pointed out how color, the This is pretty ironic because people come to
complexities of color, and the problems of America to escape problems similar to this.
color which exist in the Muslim world, exist Yet we have issues with race and sexuality,
only where, and to the extent that, that area of which is pretty weird because America is
the Muslim world has been influenced by the supposed to be the land of the free. (R)
West.” (p. 385)

“The ​color-blindness​ of the Muslim world’s By color-blindness, Malcolm X means that

religious society and the ​color-blindness​ of the true Muslim religion is open to people of
the Muslim world’s human society: these two all color. No person in the Muslim religion is
influences had each day been making a discriminated against for their skin
greater impact, and an increasing persuasion complexion or racial background. (E)
against my previous way of thinking.” (p.389)

“‘There were tens of thousands of pilgrims Back in America, Malcolm X lived disliking
from all over the world. They were of all white people. Being with the Nation of Islam
colors, from blue-eyed, blonds to has taken that dislike further to the point
black-skinned Africans. But we were all where white people were seen as demons that
participating in the same ritual, displaying a have been created to make non-whites’ lives
spirit of unity and brotherhood that my terrible. On the pilgrimage though, he realized
experiences in America had led me to believe that they were just as human as anyone else.
never could exist between the white and the (E)
non-white.” (p. 390)
Sears, 11

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 27, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 17: Mecca

Quotes ​Notes
“Perhaps it could be in time to save America I believe this sentence is referring to the
from imminent disaster -- the same Holocaust. In the Holocaust, Hitler turned the
destruction brought upon Germany by racism whole country against Jews who not only dn’t
that eventually destroyed the Germans cause any trouble, but were also Germans like
themselves.” (p. 391-392) everyone else. (CL)

Chapter 18: El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

“I saw that people who looked alike drew This reminds me of the movie ​Freedom
together and most of the time stayed together. Writers​. The kids in Mrs. Gruwell’s class
This was entirely voluntary; there being no hated each other in the beginning so they
other reason for it. But Africans were with stuck with their crews. Blacks with blacks,
Africans. Pakistanis were with Pakistanis. hispanic with hispanic, asian with asian, etc.
And so on. I tucked it into my mind that when (C)
I returned home I would tell Americans this
observation; that where true brotherhood
existed among all colors, where no one felt
segregated, where there was no ‘superiority’
complex, no ‘inferiority’ complex -- then
voluntarily, naturally, people of the same kind
felt drawn together by that which they had in
common.” (p. 395)

“The true Islam has shown me that a blanket As I understand blanket indictments are
indictment of all white people is as wrong as basically like stereotypes. The blanket
when whites make blanket indictments indictment being held against whites was that
against blacks.” (p. 416) they were devils created on earth to make
non-white people’s lives miserable, which is
pretty bizarre to me. That’s pretty bizarre
though because no one is born to be hateful or
born to make someone’s life a living hell. (R)

“Why here in America, the seeds of racism Racism isn’t just born or rooted within
are so deeply rooted in the white people people, but it can be something that must be
collectively, their belief that they are very common in that area for a racist person
Sears, 12

‘superior’ in some way is so deeply rooted, to think that it’s just okay. So it is true that
that these things are in the national white some white people are unaware of racism, but
subconsciousness. Many whites are even it’s only because they’ve been around it long
actually unaware of their racism.” (p. 417) enough to think that it’s a normal thing. (R)

“Nearly through the night, my telephone kept What did the Nation of Islam think of this
ringing. My black brothers and sister around speech? (Q)
New York and in some other cities were
calling to congratulate me on what they had
heard on the radio and television broadcasts,
and people, mostly white, were wanting to
know if I would speak here or there.” (p. 417)
Sears, 13

Sears, Jenesis
Jul. 28, 2017
English 10 (H)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Alex Haley and Malcolm X

Chapter 19: 1965

Quotes ​Notes
“‘What you are telling me is that it isn’t the The meaning of “it isn’t the American white
American white man who is a racist, but it’s man who is a racist” is that American white
the American political, economic, and social people aren’t born with racism in their blood
atmosphere that automatically nourishes a lines. The meaning of the second part of the
racist psychology in the white man.’” (p. 427) statement is that it’s the environment that
influences them, or someone in general, to be
and act the way they do. To make it simpler
the fault isn’t all on the person that acts a
certain way. (E)

“You only get action as a black man if you get This statement must mean that as a black
regarded by a white man as ‘irresponsible’.” man, when a white man calls you
(p. 439) irresponsible, you are actually getting under
their skin and discovering their weakness. (E)

Alex Haley: Epilogue

“I had noticed that while Malcolm X was This pointed out that Malcolm X was good a t
talking, he often simultaneously scribbled multitasking. Also, the things he wrote on the
with his red-ink ball-point pen on any handy napkins are pretty interesting. I think the
paper….I begin leaving two white paper reason for the coding was distrust and it felt
napkins by him every time I serve him more like he was testing Alex Haley. (R)
coffee, and the ruse worked when he
sometimes scribbled on the napkins, which I
retrieved when he left. Some examples are
these: ‘Here lies a YM, killed by a BM,
fighting for a WM, who killed all the RM.’
(Decoding that wasn’t difficult knowing
Malcolm X. ‘YM’ was for yellow man, ‘BM’
for black man, ‘WM’ for white man, and
‘RM’ was for red man.)” (p. 447)

“...this was the kind of evidence that caused I feel as if Malcolm X was sort of expecting
many close observers of the Malcolm X for Alex Haley to eventually mention this
phenomenon to declare in absolute rumor at some point simply because of his flat
Sears, 14

seriousness that he was the only Negro in reaction. He wasn’t very surprised when it
America who could either start a race riot -- was brought up. I did find his reply interesting
or stop one. When I once quoted this to him, and therefore, Malcolm X had a very unique
tacitly inviting his comment, he told me tartly, way of thinking. (R)
‘I don’t know if I could start one. I don’t
know if I’d want to stop one.’” (p. 455)

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