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Circle of Blood

Not all spirits of nature are benevolent beings, a fact only some druids truly embrace, forming the circle of
blood. Those who wander this wilder path are often seen as savages, sacrificing both beasts and more
intelligent creatures for their own ends. However, not all druids of the Circle of Blood spill the blood of others
so eagerly, seeing it as a last resort.

Druids of this circle often see themselves as ensurers of the balance of nature. Pacifiers of the darker aspects
of the wild, performing rites that keep the malicious beings in check and granting boons in return. Other who
join the circle are as violent as the spirits themselves, where both they and the spirits revel in the blood that
is spilled. However, a price must always be paid, warm, red fluid dripping to the floor, keeping the ravenous
spirits at bay.

Blood Magic:​ Starting at 2nd level, the wild spirits have begun whispering their secrets to you,
and reveal how to draw power from your own blood. You have a pool of blood magic represented by a
number of d8s equal to your druid level.
When you cast a spell that deals damage or restores hit points to a creature, you can increase that
damage or healing by spending dice from the pool, up to a maximum of half your druid level, rounded
down. Roll the spent dice and add them to the damage dealt or hit points restored. When you spend dice
this way, your current and maximum hit points are reduced by 1 for each die spent. This reduction to
your maximum hit points lasts until you complete a long rest.
In addition, Daggers, scimitars, and sickles can be used as a spellcasting focus for your druid spells.

Ritual Offering:​ You have learned to sate the bloodthirsty spirits of nature. Beginning at 2​nd​ level,
you can perform a Ritual Offering to regain blood magic dice. To perform a Ritual Offering, choose a
number of Blood Magic Dice you wish to regain, up to half your druid level. The ritual takes 10 minutes,
and you deal damage to a willing, incapacitated, or restrained living creature equal to the number of
Blood Magic Die you regain, you may choose to repeat this damage once per minute while you are
performing the ritual. You can use this ability again after you finish a short or long rest.

Ravenous Influence:​ Beginning at 6​th​ level, the spirits whose hunger you sate leave you with a
craving of your own. You can use your Wild Shape ability to transform into a beast with a challenge rating
as high as your druid level divided by 5, rounded down.
While you are in wild shape form you can use an action to eat the flesh from a dead corpse, or a
bonus action after you deal damage to a living creature with a Bite attack. You can then spend up to one
Hit Die for every 5 druid levels. For each Hit Die spent in this way, you roll the die and add your normal
form’s Constitution modifier to it. Both your beast form and your normal form regain hit points equal to
the total.

Sacrificial Rites:​ The spirits are pleased with your dedication, and become more open with their
secrets as you perform more sacrifices. Beginning at 10th level, you may choose of the following spells
when you begin your Ritual Offering; ​Find Familiar, Augury, Plant Growth, Death Ward, Scrying,​ or any
druid spell with the ritual tag. If the living creature dies during your Ritual Offering, you may cast cast that
spell without using a spell slot or material components. These spells are considered druid spells for you
when you cast them.

Tooth and Nail:​ Just as you are dealt a fatal blow, your body shifts as you cling to life. Beginning
at 14​th​ level, you can use your Wild Shape ability as a reaction if you take damage that would reduce you
to 0 hit points, it reduces you to 1 instead before you transform. You can't use this ability again until you
finish a short or long rest.
Performing the Ritual
The ritual you perform as part of your Ritual Offering feature is something that can truly shape the feel of
your blood magic and provide a means to illustrate your craft to your fellow players and their characters.
It can be your own unique invention, ancient and invariable, or anywhere in between. Discuss your ideas
with your DM and come to a conclusion about the type or types of damage dealt during the ritual. Also
consider how the performance will be perceived by onlookers. For example, the ritual could involve clean
and carefully placed cuts forming beautiful runic patterns on the surface of the subject, or be a brutal and
messy ordeal; a revelry in the source of your power.

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