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Quick Reference for Guilds and player rankings within them

by Phil Allison
Azorius Senate Boros Legion
The legislative branch of Ravnica The military force of Ravnica
Judge Isperia
(sphinx) Azor (sphinx) New Prahv Aurelia (angel) Razia (angel) Sunhome

The betterment of Ravnica Protect and enforce

usually lawful, often neutral usually good, often lawful
human, vedalken human, goblin, minotaur
bard, cleric, fighter, paladin, wizard cleric, fighter, paladin, ranger, wizard

Azorius Functionary 33 Legal Authority Boros Legionnaire 40 Legion Station

34 43
1 Official 3 modest ls 1 Sergeant 3 modest ls
2 Authority 10 comfortable ls, guild charm Skyknight 5 level 5
3 Minister 25 wealthy Wojek 5 level 5
Judge 25 2 Brigadier 10 guild charm, modest ls
Senator 25 Sunhome Guard 10 level 7
4 Arbiter 50 wealthy 3 Captain 25 comfortable ls
4 Commander 50 comfortable ls

House Dimir Golgari Swarm

The information brokers of Ravnica The keepers of the cycles of Ravnica
Lazav Jarad Yod Savo
(shapechanger) Szadek (vampire) Duskmantle (Devkarin lich) Svogthir (Devkarin) Korozda

secrets and misinformation celebrate growth, vibrancy as well as decay, death

usually neutral, sometimes evil usually neutral, often evil
half-elf, human human, elf(dark)
monk, rogue, wizard druid, fighter, ranger, rogue, wizard

Dimir Operative 46 False Identity Golgari Agent 53 Undercity Paths

48 56
1 Independent Agent 3 1 Agent 3 modest ls
2 Collector of Secrets 10 guild charm 2 Monstrous Favors 10 guild charm
3 Inner Circle 25 Ochran 10
4 Guildmaster’s 50 3 Advisor 25
Confidant 4 High Chancellor 50
Matka 50 Darkelf caster req.

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Gruul Clans Izzet League
The raiders of Ravnica The scientific researchers of Ravnica
(cyclops) Cisarzim (cyclops) Skarrg Niv-Mizzit (dragon) Niv-Mizzit (dragon) Nivix

Living in the now with little concern for tomorrow Gain knowledge, discover the secrets of the multiverse
usually chaotic, often neutral usually chaotic, often neutral
human, centaur, goblin, minotaur human, goblin, Vedalken
barbarian, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger fighter, sorcerer, wizard

Gruul Anarch 60 Rubblebelt Refuge Izzet Engineer 66 Urban Infrastructure

62 69
1 Proven 3 1 Researcher 3 spellcasting/Pact Magic req
2 Beast-friend 10 guild charm Scorchbringer 3
3 Celebrated 25 2 Supervisor 10 guild charm, modest ls
4 Chieftan 50 Independent 10 spellcasting/Pact Magic req
3 Director 25 comfortable ls
Clans: Burning Tree Clan, Ghor Clan, Scab Clan, Slizt Clan, 4 Advisor 50 wealthy ls
Gravel Hide Clan, Zhur-Taa Clan, Bolrac Clan, Trogs
Laboratories: Pyrology, Storms and Electricity, Metallurgy,
Orientation, Mimeography, Continuism, Gravitational
Inversion, Plasma-Dermatology

Orzhov Syndicate Cult of Rakdos

The religions and banking of Ravnica The raucous performers of Ravnica
(undead) Obzedat Orzhova Rakdos (demon) Rakdos (demon) Rix Maadi

The quest for power, through organized community To exemplify chaos and evil, driven by lust for power
usually lawful, often evil usually chaotic, often evil
human human, goblin
cleric, fighter, rogue, wizard barbarian, bard, fighter, warlock

Orzhov Representative 72 Leverage Rakdos Cultist 79 Fearsome Reputation

75 82
1 Syndic 3 1 Extra 3
2 Knight 10 comfortable ls, guild charm 2 Sideshow act 10 guild charm
3 Ministrant 25 wealthy ls Blood witch 10 spellcasting/pact magic req
4 Pontiff 50 aristocratic ls 3 Star performer 25
4 Ringmaster 50

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Selesnya Conclave Simic Combine
The naturists of Ravnica The scientists of Ravnica
Trostani (fey) Mat’Selesnya Vitu-Ghazi Zegana (merfolk) Simic (Zonot Seven)

To grow and seek a peaceful collective combine science and nature; the Holdfast and upwelling
usually good, often neutral usually neutral
human, centaur, elf(wood), half-elf, loxodon human, centaur, elf(high), Simic hybrid, vedalken
bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, warlock druid, fighter, monk, wizard

Selesnya Initiate 86 Conclave’s Shelter Simic Scientist 93 Researcher

88 95
1 Evangel 3 1 Technician 3 spellcasting/pact magic
Votary 3 prof martial weapons req 2 Researcher 10 guild charm
Sagittar 3 prof longbow req Luminary 10
2 Selesnya Charm 10 guild charm 3 Project Leader 25
Equenaut 10 prof Animal Handling req 4 Clade Leader 50
Hierarch 10 spellcasting/Pact Magic, comfortable ls Speaker 50
3 Ledev Guardian 25
4 Dignitary 50 wealthy ls

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