Ammara Assignment

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Ball Milling Process:

i i

Ball iprocessing iis ia imechanical iprocedure ibroadly iused ito icrush ipowders iinto ifine iparticles iand
imix imaterials. iIt iis ia iball imilling iprocess iwhere ia ipowder iblend iput iin ithe iball iplant iis iexposed ito

ihigh ivitality iimpact ifrom ithe iballs. iThis iprocedure iwas icreated iby iBenjamin iat iinternational

inickel icompany iin i1960. iIt ihas idiscovered iwide iapplication iin iindustry ieverywhere ithroughout

ithe iworld. iIt iwas idiscovered ithat ithis itechnique, inamed imechanical ialloying, icould ieffectively

ideliver ifine, iuniform iscattering iof ioxide iparticles iin inickel ibase isuper ialloys ithat icouldn’t ibe

imade iby iincreasingly iordinary ipowder imetallurgy istrategies. iIt iis ibesides, ia imethod ifor iinducing

iphase itransformations iin ibeginning ipowders iwhose iparticles ihave ino idifferent isynthetic icreation,

iamorphization ior ipolymorphic ichanges iof imixtures, ialloys ietc. isince ithe ipowders iare icold iwelded

iand ibroken iduring imechanical ialloying. iIt iis ibasic ito ibuild iup ibalance ibetween itwo iprocedures iso

ias ito icomposite isuccessfully. iPlanetary iball ifactory iis ia imuch imost iof ithe itime iutilized iframework

ifor imechanical ialloying. iSince ijust ia ilittle iquantity iof ipowder iis irequired. iIn ithis imanner, ithe

isystem iis iappropriate ifor iresearch ifacility iin ithe ilaboratory. i

Synthesis of Zno nanowires:

i i i

Nanowires iin ia ibig iamount iand ia ihigh ithickness ihave ibeen icreated ifrom ia iblend iof iamorphous iB
iand iZno ipowders iwith ia imolar iproportion iof i1:1:5.

The iZn inanowire istructure iwas iobserved iby iusing iXRD. iArrangement iof ithese inanowires iare ithat
iboron iinitially irespond iwith iZno ito ishape iZn iand iboron ioxide ifume iat ia ihigh itemperature iof i1050

i1C. iZn ifume iis ithen iconveyed iby iN2 igas ito ilow itemperature izone iof ithe itemperature ibelow ithe

iliquefying ipurpose iof ithe iZn iand isaved ion iheater itube idivider ito iform iZn inanowires. iIt ican ibe

iclear ithat ithe ireaction iis iuseful iprocess. iBesides, ithere iis ino iimpetus imolecule iat ithe itips iof

inanowires, ithese iZn inanowires iought ito ibe ishaped ithrough ia ifume istrong icomponent. iIt iis ia iclear
ithat ithe iball iprocessing itreatment iof ithe ibeginning imaterial iimproves ithe inanowire idevelopment
iin iboth ithickness iand iamount, iwhich icould ibe irelated iwith iquicker ireaction ibetween iB iand iZno ias

iwell ias idecreased ireaction itemperature.

Synthesis of Sic nanowires:

i i i i

Sic inanowires ihave ibeen icomposed iat i1600 itemperature iby iutilizing ia istraight iforward iand
iminimal ieffort istrategy iin ia ihigh irecurrence iinduction ifurnace. iThe icommercial iSIO ipowder iand

icurve irelease iplasma ipretreated, icarbon iblack iwas iblended iand iutilized ias ithe isource imaterial.

iThe iwarming iup iand iresponse itime iis inot iexactly i30 iminutes. iIt iwas idiscovered ithat ivast imajority

iof inanowires ihave icenter ishell iSIC/ iSIO2 inanostructures. i

The imanufacture iof iβ-Sic inanowire iwas idone iin ia ihigh irecurrence iintroduction iheater. iIn ithe ifirst
iplace, icommercial icarbon iwas ipretreated iso ias ito ishape ipermeable iand ifree istructures iwhich ican

imake ithe ireaction imuch isimpler. iThe icarbon iblack iwas isqueezed ito ia icarbon ibar iand iput iinto ia

icircular isegment irelease iplasma iinstrument. iIn ithe iwake iof itreating ifor iaround i1 ihour, ia iblack

ipowder iwith ifree istructures iwas iobtained. iAs iarranged, icarbon iblack iwas iblended iin iwith iSio

ipowder iand ia iball iprocessed ifor ia ifew ihours. iAt ithat ipoint, ithe iprecursor iwas istacked iin ia igraphite

ivessel iand isituated iin ia ihigh ivirtue igraphite itube. iThe igraphite itube iwas iset iin ieven iquartz itube

iand iwarmed iin ia ihigh irecurrence iinduction iheater. iThe iheater iwas ifirst iemptied ito i50 iPa, iand

iafterward ithe iargon igas iwas ipresented iuntil ithe iheater ipressure icame ito iaround i4*100000 iPa

iwhich iwas ikept iup iall ithrough ithe ientire itrial iprocess. iThe ipowder iwas iquickly iwarmed ito i1600

icentigrade itemperature iinside i3 iminutes iand isaved ifor i40 iminutes. iA ibrilliant iblue icolored

ipowder iwas ifound iin ia igraphite iboat. iA ivitality idispersive iX ibeam ispectroscopy iand iX ibeam

idiffraction iwere iutilized ito iportray ithe icreation iand icrystal istructures iof itests. iA ifield ioutflow

ifiltering ielectron imicroscopy iand ia itransmission ielectron imicroscopy iwere iutilized ito iwatch

imorphology iand idetail istructure iof inanowires.

One iof ithe imost iuseful iapplication iof ithe iball iplant iin ithe ifield iof icellulose iis ithe icomposition iof
icellulose inanocrystals iand icellulose inanofibers. iBeing imodest, iit iis iquick iand ieasy ito iutilize, ithis

itechnique ioffers ia ifavorable icircumstance ito iacquire inanocomposites. iZno inanowires iwere

iblended iby ievaporation iof ithis iprocessed. iNanowires iwith ismooth iand iharsh isurfaces iwere

iavailable iin ithe isample. iA igreen ioutflow iband ifocused iat i510nm iwas ipredominant iin ithe

icathodeoluminescence irange iof inanowires.

Nanotubes iand inanowires iin ihigh ipurity iand ibig iamount ihave ibeen idelivered iutilizing ian
iimproved iball imilling iprocedure. iIsothermal itoughening iunder icontrolled iconditions icreated

inanotubes iin itwo iunique istructures, ijust ias inanowires. i

The ifigure ishows ithe imovements iof ithe iballs iand ipowder. iSince ithe ipivot ibearing iof ithe ibowl iand
itur idisc iare iinverse, ithe idivergent ipowers iare ion ithe iother ihand isynchronized. iTherefore, irubbing

icame iout ibecause iof ithe isolidified iprocessing iballs iand ithe ipowder iblend ibeing iground ion ithe

iinner iwall iof ithe ibowl iand istriking ithe iinverse iwall. iConsequently, ithe iplanetary iball iplant ican ibe

iutilized ifor irapid iprocessing. iNano icrystalline imaterials iand iwires iare iprepared iby ithis imethod.

iThe iball ifactory icomprises iof ione iturn icircle i(turn itable) iand itwo ior ifour ibowls. iThe iturn idisc

ipivots ia isingle iway iwhile ithe ibowl imoves iin iopposite iway. iThe iradiating iforce, imade iby ithe ipivot

iof ithe ibowl iaround iits iown ihub itogether iwith ithe irevolution iof iturn idisc iare iapplied ito ithe iblend

ipowder iand iprocessing iballs iin ithe ibowl. iThe iblend ipowder iis iruptured iand icold iwelded iunder

ihigh ivitality iimpact.

Four stages of ball milling process:

i i i i i

During ihigh ienergy iball imilling iprocess, ithe ipowder iparticles iare iexposed ito ihigh ivigorous ieffect.
iThis iprocess ican ibe idivided iinto ifour istages:

1. Initial istage
2. Intermediate istage i
3. Final istage
4. Completion istage i
i Initial stage:

At ithe iinitial istage iof iball imilling, ithe ipowder iparticles iare ismoothed iby icompressive ipowers
ibecause iof ithe iimpact iof iballs. iSmall iscale ifashioning iprompts ichanges ilooking ilike iindividual

iparticles, ior iclusters iof iparticles ibeing iaffected iover iand iagain iby ithe iprocessing iballs iwith ihigh

ienergy. iIn iany icase, isuch ias idistortion iof ithe ipowder ishows ino inet ichange iin imass.

Middle stage: i

At imiddle istage iof imechanical ialloying iprocess, inoteworthy ichanges ihappen iin icorrelation iwith
ithose iin ithe iinitial istage. iCold iwelding iis imore icritical. iThe iclose iblend iof ithe ipowder iconstituents

idecreases ithe idispersion iseparation ito ithe imicrometer irange. iBreaking iand icold iwelding iare ithe

idominant iprocessing iforms iat ithis istage. iSome idisintegration imay ioccur; ithe icompound

iarrangement iof ithe ialloyed ipowder iis iyet inot ihomogenous.

Final stage:

At ithe ilast iphase iof ialloying iprocess, isignificant irefinement iand idecrease iin iparticle isize iis iclear.
iThe imicrostructure iof ithe iparticle igives ioff ian iimpression iof ibeing imore ihomogenous iin

iinfinitesimal iscale ithen ithose iat iunderlying iand imoderate istages. iTrue ialloys imay ihave ijust ibeen


Completion stage: i

Towards ithe ifinishing iphase iof ialloying iprocess, ithe ipowder iparticles ihave ia ivery idisfigured
imetastable istructure. iAt ithis istage, ithe ilamellae iare inot iresolvable iby ioptical imicroscopy. iFurther,

imechanical ialloying ican’t itruly iimprove ithe idispersoid icirculations. iReal ialloys iwith isynthesis

ilike ithe ibeginning iconstituents iis ithus iformed. i i

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