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Composites/Materials selection and Analysis.

(Workshop, week 15) 11th may, 2020

Solved by: Tania Bermúdez, Angie González Codes: 0000176296, 0000178053


Stainless steel it’s a promissory reinforcement in refractory concretes due to its high durability against corrosive
environments and loss of basic pH in concrete matrix. This advantage is combined with the thermal compatibility matrix-
filler, and flame resistance of silica cement for structures in metallurgical and petrochemical industries, thermal plants
and blast furnaces. These combination of performances increase the refractory life and is cost-effective as long life and
strength at elevated temperatures and corrosive environments. The addition of stainless steel reinforcement it’s
preferable in fibres-shaped particles. This kind of composite increase the operating time by reducing the duration of
maintenance stops inside the industrial units 1.

These fibres are extensively utilized in the following applications: tank lining, steel ladle, piping, burner block, blast
furnace and other components exposed to elevated temperatures and possibly corrosion. Typical properties are listed in
table 1.

Table 1. Typical physical and mechanical properties of stainless steel fibre

(retrieved from

Another study (Pat. L. Mangonon, “Ciencia de Materiales: Selección y Diseño, 2008, Pearson Ed. Pp 766-768, pdf
scanned file available temporally at:
mangononpdf-4lo9dpgdxwlx) analyse the behaviour of concrete reinforced with stainless Steel bars against other kind of
Steel reinforcement and found some cost for maintenance and pieces reposition along life time service. Next figure
summarizes the more relevant issues when comparing different steel as concrete reinforcement and chloride ions
present in the mixture.

Figure 1. Visual conditions for reinforce stainless steel bars after corrosion exposure inside concrete
(adapted from Mangonon, 2001, Chapter 16, case 16.2.2- table 16-6)

Going back to the first case, the thermal performance of stainless steel fibres reinforced concrete is described in the
following figures. Below this ones, the captions (a), (b), and (c), where (a) is for straight fibres, (b) is for wavy fibres, and
(c) for knurled fibres, respectively, at 3 different testing temperatures 25°C, 600°C, 100°C under flexural/bending tensile

Bareiro, W. G., de Andrade Silva, F., & Sotelino, E. D. (2020). Thermo-mechanical behavior of stainless steel fiber reinforced refractory concrete:
Experimental and numerical analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 240, 117881. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117881

1. Hypothesize about the effect on the fibre surface/shape in the compatibility reinforcement/matrix in this
ceramic composite/metal reinforced. Use less than 100 words.

As we can see in the tests carried out previously, the shape of the fibers greatly affects some properties that the
matrix can reach, for example, the bending results showed that the behaviour of the reinforcement with knurled
fibers was superior to all other shapes of the fibers this may be related to the way in which the fiber joins the
matrix according to its shape and that this knurled shape may increase the compatibility of the shape of the fiber
with the matrix and therefore there is a greater bond. In other words, the knurled shape has a better anchorage
to the matrix since its structure facilitates its union, interaction and incorporation.

2. Make Calvin understand the performance and properties of concrete/SS316 composite in the context provided
(thermal, corrosive, tensile assays). Susi is the one chosen for develop the explanation in simple but technic and
comprehensive phrases. Please use the concept developed in previous class session.
Of course not! For example But nothing is so good it must have some failure if
I don't see the How can you say Really! I I work at high pressures, but you are right because
adding these fibers and varying
that, the fibers of think it’s
point of adding their concentration can allow to I can see that the fibers improve the capacity of
stainless steel can reach a concrete with greater the concrete to withstand high pressures, we can
metal fibers to impossible
improve the tensile, strength, toughness and flexural reach MGa !!!
concrete that strength this fibers can also Nobody
corrosive and
improve the resistance to
thermal properties happens will break
corrosion of the material
of the concrete

It isn’t a good idea to

Hi Susi!, my company allow to use With small
Yes!. At any %Cl- below
use Steel type 405 3.2%, Steel type 316 is
composites, please help me to because water of
concentrations of Cl-
Steels type 405 will not going to corrode.
decide between Steel type 405 coast contains a litter corrode. So I And it’s possible that
and Steel type 316 to do a tank % of Cl- that increase recommend you to use the tank with Steels
support basement near the coast.
the susceptibility of Steels type 316 405 doesn’t resist much Are you
corrosion time
sure Susie?

3. From composites seminars… (and possibly the textbook shared with you las session as extras points comments
activity) Please make a concept map that shows clearly the next topics/questions: What is a composite
material?, Which structural properties achieve a composite?, Types of fillers and matrices in composites and,
importance of fibre orientation in composites. Please use cmaptools for drawing your map.
4. Figure in right side depict Aluminium (ref. Al7075) and Al/Zr-Glass fibre reinforced (in a15% fibres composite)
(Source: Please redraw the tensile test for stainless steel
described in table 1, hypothesising about elongation at fracture. Then analyse the set contrasting the paths

According to the comparison between the

different graphs, it can be established that at the
beginning the 3 graphs have the same slope,
therefore initially the three material has the same
strength, later it can be seen that the 3 materials
have a different yielding point, that is to say that
the area under the curve varies according to the
material and therefore their resilience is different
in concordance with this our composite is the
material that absorb less energy before reaching
the elastic limit, in addition it is possible to
observe that the moment of the fracture is
different in the 3 materials so their ductility is
different, in this order of ideas since the green
line that is to say our composite is the first to
suffer the fracture then it is less ductile than all
the materials even though that the fracture moment is not clear in the aluminium composite the fracture of our
composite happens very early, also it is known that in the tensile test the area under the whole curve is the
toughness so we can observe that our composite has the lowest ability to absorb energy and plastically deform
without fracturing.

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