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1. Explain the 7 Self Mastery skills and give examples.

a. Learning to think​- This self mastery skill focuses on rational, sequential and
analytical, critical, logical, creative, associative, systematic and integrative
thinking. These skills help us​ to be aware of the different approaches to a
problem, enabling us to actively and skillfully conceptualize ideas through
understanding the way our brain can easily process information. For us to
activate and utilize these thinking processes, there are several ways to effective
learning and examples of these are ​making ideas into classification and
categorization​, v ​ enn diagram, flow chart, asking ourselves basic questions,
five whys, brainstorming, metaphoring and mindmapping​. All of these are
essentials for all learners to be able to put information in context and to be able to
apply it in a variety of ways.

b. Learning to intuit​- This self mastery skill tackles on how we use our judgments,
decisions and our actions unconsciously. This strengthens our ability to
understand something instinctively, without conscious mechanisms. It allows us
to see things that our rational mind is oblivious to, letting us see new ideas and
opportunities. On the other hand, people with intuitive thinking can easily sense
the feelings and what others are thinking, making them evaluate and analyse
every situation or problem-solving quickly. These are the common situations that
leaders most consistently rely on using their intuitive intelligence. Examples of
these are ​during a crisis​, time available is limited when analyzing potential
outcomes of decisions to be made. Strong time pressure requires speed actions
and quick intuitive decisions. In a ​high-speed change​ where things are changing
rapidly, decisions must be made quickly. In ​handling messy situations​, creative
decisions must be made for us not to feel uneasy about something. Lastly, in
ambiguous situations​, where lack of clarity happens in our work, intuitive
decisions must also be applied. In general, intuitive thinking could be a great
business strategy.

c. Learning to feel-​ This self mastery skill deals with the four fundamental
capabilities of emotional quotient such as self awareness, social awareness, self
management and relationship management. VentureBlocks logic teaches us how
to​ spot a space, ask and listen, build insights and identify opportunities​.
Learning to feel is also important when having group meetings or discussions.
We should​ deal with empathy and sympathy​ by simply knowing the emotional
impact of every situation that might happen to ourselves or other people. It
focuses on how we learn to be aware of what’s happening around us, keeping us
aware of the limits and possibilities of pre-existing situations that might affect us
d. ​Learning to do​- There are three phases needed in learning to do. Before doing,
while doing and after doing. First, before taking on an entrepreneurial venture, it’s
important to understand the commitment required. A person needs to be
confident and a risk taker before learning to do business because
entrepreneurship can be a tough game. Some methods that are useful before
learning to do are ​gantt chart, process flow chart and pert-cpm method​.This
is a phase where a business owner needs to be realistic, very careful and
meticulous in making decisions especially when starting a business for the first
time. In addition, the​ prototype of the product​ must be planned thoroughly
which will greatly affect the outcome success of the business.

e. Learning to communicate​- Communication requires a two-way street,

transmitter and the receiver that acts as frequently changing roles while the
communication process unfolds. The transmitter as the speaker or writer and
receiver as the audience or respondent. This self mastery skill is important when
conducting interviews to potential customers in order to improve your idea to
meet their expectations as well as to competitors, financial institutions and key
informants. Learning to communicate is important to the workplace because it will
lead the staff or employees motivated so they can be productive and can operate
effectively. Some factors that will greatly help are having a​ business idea
analysis form, conducting field study and making a pitch deck format​ that
will support unanswered questions.

f. Learning to lead​- Learning to lead basically means managing, motivating,

influencing and directing people. In business, the entrepreneur seeks for
opportunities, persistence, commits to work, improves quality to do things quickly,
better and much cheaper and is a risk-taker. He sets goals and always think of
the future, seeks relevant information and consults experts on business regarding
his market and systematically plans his visions and thoughts for long term goals.
There are three qualities of leadership. ​Inspirational leaders​ who are the
formstors of values, ​transformational leaders ​who are masters in managerial
change and can forecast what will happen in the industry, and ​adaptive leaders
who understand and claim authority.

g. Learning to be​- Learning to be involves activities that will greatly foster personal
development which includes the body, mind, intelligence, sensitivity and spiritual
values. It focuses on the development of the person to his/her highest potential.
An entrepreneur must be decisive and must act independently to fulfill his
responsibilities in all richness of his personality. Example of learning to be is
motivating yourself to strive better and do better​ when you’re down and
feeling depressed with the outcomes of your actions.
2. ​ ​How did the 7 Self Mastery helped you in your venture pitch preparation

Venture pitch preparation has been very helpful for us in building our self mastery
skills. However, there were some misunderstandings in terms of clarity of instructions and
difficulties in distributing tasks because of the pandemic that suddenly pushed education
systems to rely exclusively on online classes. COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented
global crisis and showed staggering effects on everyone’s mental health. Nonetheless, these
were all successfully made with the help of our professor Keene, who actively encourages us to
learn entrepreneurship and my group mates who were also very active online. Every member of
the group was hands-on in handling our own responsibility or task in this requirement.

The 7 Self Mastery Skills was a lifelong skill which led us to effective learning skills,
specifically the 4 most important C’s of learning. These are critical thinking, creative thinking,
communication and collaboration. In terms of learning to think, with the help of the members of
the group, we were able to put our heads together, meaning, we were all desired to a successful
plan that includes all our creative thoughts. In terms of learning to intuit, I was able to suggest
some details that could enhance and improve our prototype. My group mates as well, also relied
on their intuitive intelligence when all were suggesting ideas for our business plan. In terms of
learning to feel, we were able to identify opportunities through asking our team and listening to
their own insights that also helped us in building relationship management through being aware
of the emotional intelligence each one has. In terms of learning to do, our team leader identified
which roles are most appropriate for us to work for. He first identified those who have good or
stable internet connections who will come up with video presentations and those who have
unstable internet connections will focus on the written form and audio presentations. These
were all decided for the benefit of everyone. In terms of learning to communicate, we
collaborated very well in identifying the future orientation of our product. In terms of learning to
lead, our group leader was very influential in core areas. He made a clear schedule for us to
finish each task he gave us and we complied with it. Lastly, in terms of learning to be, we all
strive for the development of the whole team.

These self mastery skills made significant steps in our personal development and
provided us self-fulfilment. It has helped us broaden our horizons, gain knowledge and
understanding that will benefit us in the long run. This venture pitch paved the way for us to see
valuable skills that will serve as the most efficient way for us to start preparing for career job
3.​ Explain examples in your life where you used the 7 Self Mastery skills

As a medical technology student, I was able to use self mastery skills several times.
Learning to think is very important for me when identifying problems and evaluating solutions
through listing methods that would help me locate the possible causes and effects, and
gathering as much information about a subject as possible to be able to understand the topics
thoroughly. In terms of learning to intuit, sometimes, it can be very stressful when cramming for
school works that are due very soon. I quickly think of my priorities first when it’s crunch time.
Setting aside those that are not still due and easy to do. As they say, first things first and that’s
what helped me to finish tasks before the due date. In learning to feel, during group work, it is
important to identify the emotional quotient of each member. Being aware of their insights and
simply by feeling empathy and sympathy towards them. In terms of learning to do, when
preparing for an exam, I always make handouts ahead of time. After long hours of lecture, I
make well-organized notes in an outline form for me to easily familiarize myself with the
important terms.

One of the most important skills is learning to communicate. Effective communication is

important especially in laboratories to avoid mistakes and accidents. In laboratories, our
capacity to communicate is seen on how good we are in terms of coordinating, collaborating
and transferring information flow. During laboratory sessions, I listen carefully to instructions our
professor has prepared for us. We should always be mindful especially when dealing with
chemicals in the laboratories to avoid risks and dangers. In learning to lead, we all have special
and unique skills. Sometimes, someone also needs our help and that could mean that you are
trustable. When this happens, I make sure to always remind him/her that everything is possible
with prayer, step-by-step process and always believing in ourselves.

Lastly, in learning to be, one example is when failing an exam, it was never easy to
accept things that are certain to happen even if you spent the whole night prepping for an exam.
Going into med-related courses was never easy. We need to brace ourselves to whatever may
happen. One way I make when coping with the stress of failing an exam is praying. Praying
gives us strength and helps us in our weaknesses. In addition, I always think about how I will
strive better for the next exam. I do strategic ways and start making study plans. Failing an
exam is not the end of the world, it reminds us that we can do much better next time. Failure is
the stepping stone towards success in which we learn to be the best versions of ourselves.

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