Video Reflection

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Video Reflection: Observation of Learning Experience Plan

Teaching a learning experience is one thing. Seeing yourself teach a learning experience is another.
Watch the video recording of your learning experience plan. Reflect on your teaching practices as an
objective observer. Include observations in every section, including comments in both the strengths and
areas for improvement.

Your Name: Mauri Princl

Name of Learning Experience: Community helpers bingo
Did you…prepare materials well in advance; organize the materials for easy access during the
Plans for Instruction

experience; effectively manage transitions; demonstrate flexibility in planning; etc.?

Strengths You Observe Areas for Improvement You Observe
Materials were done on time Different placers could have been used. Didn’t
Materials were easy to access try them out before hand
Activity didn’t take too long

Did you…focus the children’s attention; inform the children of the purpose of the experience;
Activity Implementation

relate the learning experience to prior knowledge or future lessons; practice purposeful and
intentional implementation that is inclusive of all learners; make real-time adaptations to the
activity should children lose interest; etc.?
Strengths You Observe Areas for Improvement You Observe
Kept childrens attention Explain reasoning for the activity
Explained activity

Did you…foster positive, nurturing relationships that encourage individual engagement; provide
Interaction with Learners

adequate time for children to respond; discuss content at a developmentally appropriate level for
each child; give proactive, clear and constructive feedback to each child; etc.?
Strengths You Observe Areas for Improvement You Observe
Let children respond when wanted to Could of showed the calling card a little better
Helped children in a positive way so the children could see it better

Did you…use consistent, positive behavioral support strategies; manage disruptive behavior
Classroom Management

constructively; arrange the environment for effective instruction; use time efficiently; etc.?
Strengths You Observe Areas for Improvement You Observe
Gave positive support when they needed help Had eyes on one child more than the other for
Handled disruptive behavior positively a lot of the time
Final Reflection…What surprised you the most watching yourself teach? Did the video of your
teaching practices reflect how you see yourself as an educator? Why or why not?
What surprised me was that I was engaged with them and didn’t let anything distract me.
I was doing the activity with the children and talking to them the whole time. I didn’t look
away and showed that I was interested in what I was doing without even trying. It
reflected on how I see myself cause I saw that I was passionate about what I was doing.

Mauri Princl

Student Signature Date 4/15/20

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