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a MEMO To: HARRISBURG CITY COUNCIL From: Kirk Petroski, City Clerk LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL FORM Date: LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL FORM/CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE BILLNO. _-2020 RESOLUTION NO. _-2020 THE ABOVE LISTED ITEM WAS WRITTEN AND PREPARED FOR INTRODUCTION AT THE HARRISBURG CITY SOLICITOR’ S OFFICE ON: Requested by Department/Bureau: Plann DepartmentBureau Contact Person: _( eal? Knit For Action on or before: ‘The attached was received in the Office of the City Clerk for introduction on Received by: Date: RESOLUTION NO. -2020 ‘Moved by: A Resolution approving the Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan submitted by Tarik Casteel on behalf of TLC Comerstone Renewal, LP to develop five (5) lots as residential project featuring twenty-four (24) multifamily dwelling units and twenty-six (26) individual townhomes as well as a community center and garden on the 100 block of North 15® Street. WHEREAS, Tatik Casteel applied for a Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan on December 6, 2019. Copies of the Application materials and Plans are attached hereto respectively as Exhibits “A” and “B”; and WHEREAS, the property is made up of five lots which span five blocks along North 15" Street between Walnut Street in the north and Crabapple Street in the south; and WHEREAS, the Applicant states the proposed project will remove a condemned and dangerous structure while providing safe and affordable housing to the area. The Planning Bureau notes that affordable housing is a pressing need throughout the community. ‘Additionally, the project will create public amenities that enhance quality of life and general aesthetics in the area while removing dangerous and dilapidated structures; and WHEREAS, the Planning Bureau notes that the project site is located in the Residential Medium Density-(RM) Zoning District and the project has received zoning relief from the Zoning Hearing Board; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has proposed 17 off-street parking spaces in two separate areas along Bombaugh Street. The Planning Bureau notes the applicant received zoning relief from the off-street parking requirements and there is suflicient on-street parking to accommodate residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, in regards to Pedestrian Access, the Applicant has stated: “pedestrians shall access the site from the proposed ADA accessible ramps and sidewalks.” ‘The Planning Bureau notes that the Applicant is making significant improvements to the public right-of-way bringing safety benefits to the community; and WHEREAS, the property is located in Zone X (No Floodplain), per the most updated FIRM maps dated August 12, 2012; and WHEREAS, in regard to Utilities, the Planning Bureau notes the Applicant has not addressed utilities in their application, but Capital Region Water has reviewed the proposal and provided comments. It is reasonable to assume other utilities — heat, clectric, gus, telecommunication — will be sufficient for tenants; and WHEREAS, in regards to landscaping, the Applicant has indicated the installation of six new street trees on the project site and ten new trees in the public right-of-way along North 15" Street; and WHEREAS, tho Planning Bureau notes the Applicant has not provided a lighting plan but given the small size of the off-street parking area, on-site lighting would likely be limited to exterior sconces on the building facades or individual porch lights; and WHEREAS, in regards to Stormwater Management, the Applicant provided stormwater ‘management documentation to CRW; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has not indicated the specific addresses to be used by each building; and WHEREAS, the Construction Value of this project is projected to be $10,726,834 with a Total Value of the project of $14,752,876. It is anticipated that this project will produce 30 new construction jobs, and the number of new, permanent, full-time living wage jobs will be approximately 2 and an additional 2 part-time jobs; and WHEREAS, Capital Region Water reviewed the application and their comments are attached hereto as Exhibit “C”; and WHEREAS, the Codes Bureau and Law Bureau have no issues; and WHEREAS, the Fire Bureau states they are hopeful all units will be protected with an automatic sprinkler system to ensure the safety of residents; and WHEREAS, the Police Bureau recommends adequate lighting on building exteriors, especially all entrances and porch areas of the townhome units and defensive planting in front of the first-floor windows to deter access; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has not provided comment; and WHEREAS, the Dauphin Couaty Planning Commission reviewed the application and their comments are attached hereto as Exhibit “D”; and WHEREAS, the Harrisburg Planning Commission reviewed the application at its regular ‘meeting on January 8, 2020, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 7-508 of the Planning and Zoning Code, and heard testimony from the Applicant and the report of the Planning Commission staff, Which is attached hereto as Exhibit “2; and WHEREAS, the Harrisburg Planning Commission by a vote of (6-0) recommended that Harrisburg City Council approve the request with the following conditions: 1. Any proposed signage on-site will conform to the regulations in Chapter 7-325 of the Zoning Code and, if not in conformance, will submit a zoning relief request as necessary. 2. The Applicant will coordinate with the City Engineer's office to ensure that improvements made to the public right-of-way are in compliance with ADA requirements and Vision Zero best practices, and to coordinate such work with respect to pending, street paving, 3. The Planning Bureau recommends the Applicant coordinate with the City Arborist regarding the installation of new plantings on-site or in the adjacent public right-of-way. WHEREAS, the Harrisburg Planning Commission recommended that Harrisburg City Council approve the request for the following reasons: 1. The proposed project ‘will bring modern, affordable housing units to the neighborhood, which is a pressing concem in the Allison Hill community. 2. The project will bring substantial community benefits by removing dangerous and dilapidated structures in varying states of deterioration and develop vacant lots currently used for illegal dumping and storage of junk vehicles, thereby enhancing the aesthetics of the community. WHEREAS, the Resolution of the Harrisburg Planning Commission is attached hereto as Exhibit “F”; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG that the Preliminary/Final Subdivision and Land Development Plan submitted by Tarik Castecl on behalf of TLC Comestone Renewal, LP to develop five (5) lots as a residential project featuring twenty-four (24) multifamily dwelling units and twenty-six (26) individual townhomes as well as a community center and garden on the 100 block of North 15° Street is hereby approved with the conditions recommended by the Harrisburg Planning Commission, as set forth herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate City officials are authorized to take all steps necessary to effectuate the purpose of this Resolution. I second the Resolution: Exhibit A City of Harrisburg a ‘Subdivision aid/or Land Development Application Note: The Planning Bureau must review all. applications for coinpleteness; incomplete applications | may. 7 ©. ease a delay in processing, _- Conitiet Ben Scheidt at 717-255-6408 or brachmidi@harrishurapa yoy to schedule a rideting. Project Name or Plan Title ae Preliminary/Final Land DeVélopment Plan Proposed Comststone Renewal PHFA Primary Property Address > ~~ = Primary Tax Parcel iD Number North 18th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104 Ploase List All Property Addresses And Tax Parcol 1D Numbers Zoning Distict(e) Involved in The Project (Use Additional Sheets ‘If Necessary) Residential Medium Density (RM) Application Type (check one) Lot Add-On Plan (Lot Consolidation) 1 Sketoh Pian Proiminary Subevision 11 Preliminary Lend Development 1 Final Subdivision 1 Final Land Development {Combined PIF Subdivision Combined PIF Land Development 1D Combined PIF Subdivision & LDP PIF Subdivision/LDP Aporoval Extension Waiver Project Narrative Please answer each of the following questions/statements, Provide as much information and be as specific as p . (Use additional shoots if necessary) 1. What's the purpose of thie project? —The purpose of this pian i 5k ymbination of ‘multifamily and single-attached housing with a community center. 2. Describe the current or previous use of the property. Is the proposed use permitted in the current Zoning district? ~~ Current an previous Uses Molude single Family HOUSING, a CHUGH That RAS STS —been abandoned and condemned. and vacant lots. The proposed use is either permitted by right or allowed by special exception within the current zoning district » Subdivision and Land Development Application 3 Applicant = ‘Applicant's Status Name. ‘Mr. Tarik Casteel é (Circle or Cheok One) ‘Company. TLC omerstone Renewal LP | &.. owner Hana anes | OO Lessee = Harrisburg, PA 17110 wos eee eg 2 \Bhone 7iz-s85-60a3 : eee ~ Adsress 1821 Fulton’Streat Equitable Owner * Contract Purchaser Email téastee| 2 ‘e Main Contact for the Project oe _ Nanie’ Mr. Tarik Casteel FH Compeny TLC Comerstone Renewal LP Address _1821 Fulton Street ean Eevee nega EE Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone _717-565-0343 a> alae ae ae at et err Emel — Site Plan Designer Name Mr, Greg Holtzman Company __BL Companies Address _ 2601 Market Place, Suite 350 Harrisburg, PA_17110 Phone 717-943-1667 Email Property Owner Name Company Address Phone ELSES Emalt ‘Subdivision and Land Development Application 5 APPLICANT / OWNER CERTIFICATION Thereby certify that the proposed work Is authorized by the owner of récord and that | agree to cohfortn to all applicable laws of this Jurisdiction. I understarid thet any falsification could lead to ‘ienlat oF criminal penalties, or revocation of any permit pursuant to this application, Tagree that work wii not commence prior to final approval, A vw bla wast lag Oa dail Baie ‘The owner must sign this application. The applicant signature is required when diferent from owner. Exhibit B Exhibit C Preliminary/Firial Land Development Plan for five parcels along the 100 block of North 15% - Street, zoned Residential Mediam-Density,(RM), filed by Tarik Castel with TLC Comerstone , Renewal Construct a combination of residential apartments, bath as townhome units and Within a 24-mnit “Multifamily Dwelling,” as well as a community center and a garden, No issues from this Bureau/Office, «4, A iwmocontien Se Conlin mals Ulla Hadeah ‘erento Ss Conlin Camels — Calla A eat Sane a ee TD Recommend denial for the following reasons: _ Sa PnEIRneeeeeeeeeeeee FS sionarure:_ (UY. Abd fa _ DATE: _. Olfor facas City of Harrisburg, Department of Community & Economic Development Bureau of Housing ~ Bureau of Planning — Bureau of Parks & Recreation 10" North Second Street, Suite 206, Harrisburg, PA 17101 - Phone: (717) 255-6480 - Fax: (717) 255-6421 GAPITAL REGION. : ‘WATER Sincerely yours, ew MoleoSfo re Mauihardt, PLA ify Beautiful H20 Program Manager RE: Cornerstone Renewal PFHA - 15° & Wainut January 2; 2020 Page 2 of 2 NSGHADerelpmant Review Projects Sth & Walnut TLC ComerstoneNIOY6-1206 LD SubissoN202D01 02 Corecstone Rene PHA IEth& Wilaur-CravConattons eter dose Exhibit D No: 20.012 Dauphin County Subdivision/Land Development Review Report Manicigality, — City of Hanisburg _ Surveyor BE Companies Engincer _ BL Companiés. Plat Tile . Preliminaty/Final Land Developmect Plan for Propased Carmer@one Reueival PEA ‘Mali Fatnily, Single atcha? Zoning Distt. Resideatial Medium Density M1) 5. ‘Proposed ZandUse housing, Community Center Plat Situ Peclininety Plat Type; Subision _-. egiatons: Couty Final ‘Land Development x Municipal

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