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Ingles VII

Lic. Julio Cesar Hernandez Morón

“Titanic sketch dialogues”
Juan José Villegas Hernández 17040041

Manuel De Jesús Esquivel Gaytán 17040090

Ricardo Alonso Núñez Villarreal 17040055

Martin Viesca López 17040056

Omar Aníbal Ramos catillo 17040112

Ing. Metal Mecánica 8°B

Scene 1 "Poker Game"
The scene begins gathered at a table playing a game of poker.
Fabritzio - Jack, are you crazy? You bet everything we had.
Jack. - If you have nothing, you have nothing to lose.
* Jack looks at Sven and asks for a change.
Jack. - According to the moment of truth, it is about to change someone's life.
Jack. - Fabri ... tzio, (stutters)
* Fabritzio shows his game.
Jack. - Nothing
Jack. - Olaf?
Olaf shows his game.
Jack. - Nothing
Jack. - Sven?
Sven shows his game.
Jack. - mmm two pairs.
Jack looks at Fabritzio.
Jack. - I'm sorry Fabritzio.
Fabritzio - Are you sorry? –Don't tell me that, you bet our money.
* Jack trying to calm Fabritzio interrupts him saying.
Jack. - I am sorry that you will not see your mom in a long time because we are going to
America, I have complete friends.
* Euphoric Fabritzio begins to celebrate and says.
Fabritzio a your fuckin house, bitch.
* Olaf simulates hitting Jack, but hits Sven
Bartender - If not uber, the Titanic sets sail 5 minutes.
Scene 2 "Jack looks at Rose for the first time"
*Jack is drawing while Thomas and Fabritzio argue.
Thomas. - It is typical for first class dogs to come here just to mess.
Jack - That lets us know what place we have in all this.
Thomas. –We can forget it.
Thomas. –Do you earn money with your drawings?
*Jack stares at Rose and Thomas turns to see why Jack is looking stupid and says to her.
Thomas. "Forget it, friend, a girl like her would never notice someone ugly and black like
Rose turns and looks at Jack.
Fabritzio waves his hand in Jack's eyes to see if he can get his attention and scoffs when
he doesn't.
*Cal goes for Rose and takes her from where she was.
Scene 3 "The spit"
Jack and Rose are talking about Jack's drawings and the subject of how to spit comes up.
Rose. "Like any man, you have to know how to spit."
Jack. -What? "Didn't they teach you that at school?" Do you go to the Tec de Monterrey
or Tec Milenio to not know how to spit?
Rose. - Yes, surely you are from CONALEP.
Jack. –I also know how to get women pregnant (flirting face), come I'll show you.
Rose. -What? Get pregnant?
Jack. –No, well, if you want… To spit!
Rose resists, but Jack takes her by force.
Jack. "Watch this (Jack spits into the sea).
Rose. -Guacala that rich.
Jack. -Now is your turn.
Rose spits into the sea without a joke.
Jack. –How depressing you really have to clear your throat, take momentum and use
your arms (Jack spits into the sea again) –Did you see the scope of that one?
Rose nods her head.
Rose's mother and her friends are coming closer.
Jack. –It was better you have to practice more.
Rose. -Seriously?
Jack. –If you are sure just trying to clear your throat, push yourself with the body.
Jack begins to clear his throat savagely, but Rose looks at her mother and begins to hit
her in the arm to stop her from doing so.
Jack turns to look at Rose's mother and stops, but the saliva is still in his mouth.
The mother and friends turn to bewildered.
Jack eats his saliva.
Rose approaches her mother and introduces them to Jack.
Rose. "Mother, let me introduce you to Jack."
Rose's mother. -Yes of course.
One of Rose's mother's friends tells Jack to wipe the spit. Rose's mother invites Jack to
Scene 4 "The meeting"
They all start sitting at the same table drinking and joking with each other.
Rose's mother. -Tell us about the third class Jack, they say she is very comfortable on
this ship.
Jack. –The best thing I have seen, Madame, there are almost no rats and they put music
in Alta demanda.
Everyone laughs.
Cal. "It turns out Jack has been very helpful to my fiancée."
Rose. –Jack is a great artist and he was very kind to show me his art collection.
Cal. –My fiancee and I differ too much in terms of art without underestimating your works
Jack shakes his head denying what cal said.
Rose's mother. "And where does your Jack live?"
Jack. –For now my enclosure is here in the Titanic
Mr. Andrews. –How did you do to get to the titanic?
Jack. –My ticket won in a poker bet.
Mr. Andrews. -Life is a gamble
Cal. –A man creates his own luck Andrews.
They keep making jokes
(Will complement later)

They finish eating and the men leave and Jack leaves on his side.
Scene 5 "I can fly, the portrait of Rose"
It starts at the tip of the boat and Rose approaches from behind Jack.
Rose. "So here you were."
Take Rose's hand.
Jack. "Close your eyes." Hold on.
Rose closes her eyes and Jack places her on the tip of the boat and extends her arms.
Jack. "You can open your eyes now, Rose."
Rose. –I'm flying Jack, I'm flying.
Jack and Rose go to Rose's cabin to draw her.
Rose approaches Jack and shows him a necklace.
Rose. –I want you to paint me with this, only with this, paint me like your French girls.
Jack puzzled answers.
Jack. -Okey.
Jack begins to arrange the sofa and his work materials.
Rose comes out and reclines on the sofa.
Jack begins to draw Rose and total silence is created in the room.
Rose. –How serious, "that turns me on (in a deep male voice)".
Jack. –Ssh, concentrate now and don't move.
Jack finishes the drawing and hands it to him.
Scene 6 "The hand on the glass"
They arrive at a cellar where they find a royal car.
Rose asks Jack to open the door for her and help her up, Jack climbs in front of the car.
Jack: Where are we going?
Rose: To Lequeitio ...
Jack: (turns to see Rose very strange) Are you crazy?
Rose: come back mmmh I want you to hit me you stun me and leave me.
Jack: (undressing) Ok ..

Scene 7 "The Iceberg"

Scenes taken on stove, oven, microwave, and household appliance handles simulating
the ship's boilers and ovens.
Boat Safety: (looks at the iceberg) DON'T SUCKS "I have a mustache" ?! AN ICEBERG!
Call the Captain desperately, they begin to take action.
The ship collides with the iceberg.

Scene 8 "Scene of the musicians"

Four musicians (Meny, Omar, Martin and Ricardo) playing melody in the midst of
people's panic over the sinking of the ship.
Meny: Well gentlemen, do well.
Martin: Good luck ... (Sarcastic)
After a moment Meny starts playing a huapango.
Ricardo: It was a pleasure to have played with you, gentlemen.
Omar: God bless you.
All: Ass whoever leaves.
They all disappear from the scene.

Scene 9 "Deck officers looking for people alive"

Two officers hover around the sinking site of the ship, looking for people who are alive.
Officer: We should look for people who are still alive.
Officer2: Sure, there is a single boat.

Officer: Is anyone here ?! Do you hear me ?! (They start singing like Thalia, in gay mode),
do you hear me ?! Do you feel me?
Officer2: It looks strange.
Officer: Whoa? If the gay minutes join me, it's worse.
Officer 2: you're right my dear.
Scene 10 "Jack's Death"
Jack and Rose after the sinking of the ship are lost in the water and meet again.
They find a large closet that the two of them could climb on, but Rose turns her eyes and
says they can't both fit.
Jack stays in the water and Rose in the closet spends time waiting for the lifeboats to
return, but they take time and Jack freezes.
Rose sings as the lifeboats return. (Tusa)
Rose hears that the boats are coming and speaks to Jack.
Rose. –Jack the boats are coming, Jack?
Jack being already dead of hypothernia.
Rose looking at Jack, begins to mourn for his death.
Rose says goodbye to Jack and lets him sink
The retreater, as no one answers, resorts to his last alternative, he shouts saying
The retreater- Ass !!!
Rose responds
Rose: lends me
and this is how it could be rescued

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