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What you

Don’t Know
Taryn Pistorius
About & Audience
I made this presentation because I want my audience to understand the
effects that vandalism has on several things around us, but more specifically
businesses and companies.

My audience is aimed toward teenagers. However, it can also be aimed

toward parents so they can teach their kids about the information I will be
The Big Impact
According to the US Small Businesses Administration, a single incident of vandalism
on average costs about $3,370. That’s A LOT!

Vandalism can cause:

● Fear to customers
● Business relocation (Hazard, 3)
● Workplace turnover
● Business reputation ruined (Raines, 1)
● Unhappy customers
● Loss of thousands of dollars
● Business interruption
● An unsafe atmosphere (Cruz, 1)
According to Maggie Gnadt, who works for a reputation management website, It
costs up to as much as 537 billion dollars to help unhappy customers.

● Customer reviews can make or break a positive reputation

● It takes 10-12 customer reviews to offset a bad one
● 80 % of people won’t buy from somewhere with bad reviews
Stay Cautious
According to Business Journal news network, some graffiti may have been approved
by the owner so the vandals have been given permission.

It’s important to:

● Assess its recognized stature

● Report any type of business vandalism you see
● Find out if it’s illegal street art
Works Cited
Raines, Christopher. (n.d.). What Can Vandalism Cost a Business? Small Business - Retrieved from

Hazard, A. (n.d.). Vandalism Hurts. Retrieved from

Cruz, B. (2017, November 21). What Can Vandalism Cost a Business? Retrieved from

Why a Great Company Reputation is Crucial to Your Business. (2019, October 13). Retrieved from

KEPHART, T. (2018). 4 Tips for Property Owners When Graffiti Artists Strike. Business Journal (Central New York), 32(36), 5. Retrieved from
Picture Citations
Stop Vandalism. (n.d.). Photograph. Retrieved from

(n.d.). Photograph. Retrieved from

Theft and Vandalism. (n.d.). Photograph. Retrieved from

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