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Name: M.

Zain Tasaduq Registration no: SP19-BSE-064

Section: Bse-2b.


Q:“Every deed is not acceptable in the view of Allah(SWT)”, what are the
conditions for the deeds to be righteous and acceptable in the view of Allah(SWT)?
Every deed done isn’t percieved to be acceptable in the view of Allah(SWT).
The conditions for deeds to be righteous and acceptable in the view of Allah(SWT) are as
 The act of worship to be devoted to Allah (SWT) and Him(SWT) alone.
 To follow the example of Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
 To do as much is asked or required
 To have clear intentions

Worship Allah(SWT) alone:

Worshipping Allah alone and believing that He (SWT) is the only one who should
be worshipped is the core belief of Islam, one that a person can not be a muslim without.
So, to make deeds acceptable, they should be done in regards to Allah, believing it is
Him, you are performing the deed and only He can reward you equally for it.

Allah(SWT) says, “On that day men shall come forth in sundry bodies that they may
be shown their works. So he who has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it. And
he who has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it. (99:6-8).”

To follow Example of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

Then, believing that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last prophet is what
makes a complete Muslim. We should follow Hazrat Muhammad’s (PBUH) life example,
i.e. sunnahs, if we are to achieve greatness in this life and the one hereafter. This makes
the deeds acceptable.
Allah (SWT) says, “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a
good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last
Day and remembers Allah much.(Surah Al-Ahzhab, Verse 21)”
To do as much is asked or required:

Islam is in itself not only a religion but a complete lifestyle. Doing something in
excess for example praying four Rakat of Fajr, will not enhance the reward but in some
cases as one above the results might prove to be consequential.
Allah (SWT) says, “And whosoever does not content with the Messenger (PBUH)
after guidance has been made clear to him, and follows the way other than the way
of the believers, we shall leave in the path he has chosen, and land him in hell, what
an evil destination. [Al-Nisa: 115]”

To have clear or clean intentions:

Having clean intentions while doing deed, even a good one, is of high importance.
For example a person can perform all five prayers, he/she does all good deeds, but their
intention is not to please Allah (SWT) but for their peers to see and feel how religious
they are, then the deeds of these people will not be accepted but regarded as rather
disgusting and vile acts.
Allah says, “Be quite sure that to Allah doth belong whatever is in the heavens and
on earth. Well doth He know what ye are intent upon: and one day they will be
brought back to Him, and He will tell them the truth of what they did: for Allah
doth know all things. An-Noor (Verse-64)” 

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