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© National Strength & Conditioning Association

Volume 23, Number 1, pages 47–56

Acute and Long-Term Power Responses to

Power Training: Observations on the
Training of an Elite Power Athlete
Daniel Baker
Sport and Exercise Science
University of Sunshine Coast
Maroochydore DC QLD 4558

Keywords: power training; elite athlete; cycle.

BECAUSE OF THE LIMITED TIME board diver I trained for 3 years) power responses to the training
frame for force application in most who has competed at 2 Olympic process.
sports, an often desired result of and various international compe-
the strength training process is in- titions. Before commencing the ■ Definitions Used in Power
creased power (force × velocity) program discussed below, this Training
(20, 22). Power development (and athlete had already had an exten-
furthermore, how power is affect- sive training background in plyo- Intensity for strength training is
ed by training variable manipula- metric and acrobatic training, defined in a number of accepted
tion) is of keen interest to coaches, which is performed as part of the manners (e.g., 5 repetition maxi-
athletes, and sport scientists. The dry-land training for divers, as mum [5RM] or a percentage of
purpose of this article is to discuss well as general experience in 1RM). However, intensity in power
the acute and long-term respons- weight training. training may refer to the percent-
es to power training in an elite During the multiyear training age of maximum power output.
power athlete. period, an extensive amount of Therefore, intense power training
Wilks (21) has stated that data concerning maximal leg ex- resistances are those resistances
training programs need to be con- tensor power was collected with that allow for power output to be
sidered in the context of the multi- the plyometric power system, a close to the maximum possible.
year, training year, macrocycle modified Smith machine weight- Consequently, an intense power
(long cycle), mesocycle (monthly training device that measures the training session may require that
cycle), microcycle (weekly cycle), distance and speed of barbell dis- the athlete generate a power out-
and single training day/unit peri- placement. Software uses these put of 80–100% of his maximum
ods. The adaptations in power, data to determine the average me- even though the resistance may be
and to a lesser degree strength, chanical power output for the con- only 40–60% of his 1RM. For ex-
across these periods will be dis- centric portion of a repetition dur- ample, a resistance of 50% 1RM
cussed, with special reference to ing barbell jump squats (or bench may be a very low intensity for
the manipulation of training vari- press throws) (5, 6). The collection strength training if performing
ables that may account for these of power output data from various squats, but it may equate to the
changes. training and testing sessions has highest intensity for power train-
The subject for this report is allowed the accurate monitoring of ing if performing barbell jump
an elite power athlete (a spring- both the acute and long-term squats. Here, high-intensity train-

February 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 47

ing of both strength (>80% 1RM) require a concentric force produc- Understanding the Load and
and power (>80% maximum tion time of less than 500 ms (for Speed Contribution to Power:The
power) were always aligned to- example, 100 ms in sprinting [19] Load-Power Curve
gether (and vice versa) in the and 250–300 ms in jumping [12, As the resistance to be overcome
weekly cycle. As such, the term 16]), which is typical of the times increases, there is a reduction in
“high-intensity training week” executed by this power athlete in movement speed (17). However,
refers to a week where strength training and competition. Howev- the power output will increase up
and power training intensities er, heavy squats, one of the main to a certain point, regardless of the
were both high. training exercises used for lower- reduction in speed, because of in-
I use the term “volume” to body strength development, may creased barbell mass (and hence
refer to the total number of repeti- require concentric contraction force production) contributing to
tions of a workout, microcycle, times of 1.5–2 seconds (14). Thus the power equation. At some
mesocycle, and so on. “Load” is the neuromuscular system of the point, increased resistances will
used to refer to the resistance power athlete needs to be trained result in a marked decline in
placed on the barbell or on the to produce power over a shorter speed, which will negate the in-
athlete during loaded vertical time (<500 ms) than the maximal crease in force, and thus power
jumps. Load volume will relate to strength exercises can provide (20, output will begin to decline (Figure
the volume multiplied by the load. 22). 1). The barbell resistance with
Consequently, to bring about which the Pmax is achieved is called
■ Training Philosophy further positive adaptations in the maximal power load, or Pmax
Across a multiyear period, training power output and vertical jumping
load (22). In Figure 1, the power
was directed by the philosophy of performance, increasing emphasis
output increases with increased
increasing the power output, ini- may need to be placed on special
barbell loads till the Pmax is
tially by primarily instituting a exercises, such as barbell jump
achieved with 90 kg (the maximal
general strength stimulus followed squats, and specific exercises,
power load), and then power out-
by a special power stimulus and fi- such as loaded vertical jumps (re-
put starts to decrease with 100 kg.
nally converting this increased sistance 1–5 kg) (3).
Resistances below or above
power into more sport-specific the Pmax load (submaximal and
power. Thus training may be di- ■ Assessing the Power of an
Athlete supramaximal power loads, re-
rected by the philosophy of gener-
spectively) also have value in that
al, special, and specific adapta- Maximal Power Output they allow for a load-power profile
tions induced through general,
Monitoring of the effects of power to be developed, which may help
special, and specific strength-
training can take place by moni- monitor training. Hakkinen and
training prescriptions (2, 3). The
toring the maximal power output Komi (11, 12) and Hakkinen et al.
strength coach prescribes exercis-
(Pmax) (5, 6). The Pmax for the lower (13) have used an essentially sim-
es, volumes, and intensities ac-
and upper body can be assessed ilar method of analyzing the jump
cording to their diagnosis of the
by performing jump squats and height–barbell load profile to mon-
athlete and the intended effects of
bench press throws (or incline itor the effects of power, maximal
the prescription in response to the
bench press throws), respectively. strength, or competitive weightlift-
diagnosis (2). Examples of the
The Pmax is very highly correlated (r ing types of training.
training programs used by this
= 0.79–0.87) to maximal strength The shape and nature of the
athlete are detailed in previous re-
(Smax) and maximal speed (r = load-power curve will alter in re-
search (1, 4).
sponse to the type of training un-
Increases in strength largely 0.39–0.75) (5, 6). Consequently
dertaken. Light resistance power
account for increases in power in the Pmax would appear sensitive to
training, with an emphasis on
the early stages of training; howev- changes induced by speed or
speed rather than pure force, will
er, with increased adaptation, the strength training. By monitoring
tend to improve power primarily at
general strength stimulus will not the changes in Pmax or Pmax per
the left end of the curve, where re-
provide an adequate overload in kilogram of body mass across sistances are low (12, 15). Maxi-
the direction that the power ath- years or training cycles, the effec- mal strength training may only
lete needs to take (3, 16). This tiveness of the training induced improve power at the extreme
could be attributed to the fact that stimulus can be determined. right side of the curve, where re-
many sports movements typically

48 Strength and Conditioning Journal February 2001

shorter foot contact time (12) and
hence may be more sport specific,
needed to be improved.
An analysis of the multiyear
improvements in power at the
completion of various strength or
power phases indicates that power
may still be improved in an elite
athlete (Table 1). In 1993, the
maximal power output was 1,448
W (produced during jump squats
with 30 kg), whereas in 1995, the
maximal power output was 1,811
W (produced during jump squats
with 90 kg), an improvement of
25%. The power output during
jump squats with a 20-kg barbell
(P20) also improved 16.3%, from
1,266 W to 1,472 W.
For the power athlete de-
scribed in this article (aged 26
years, body mass 74–77 kg,
height 178 cm), the 5RM full
squat and bench press increased
from 80 and 60 kg in late 1993, to
120 and 85 kg by mid-1995. The
Figure 1. The load-power curve after 12 weeks of combined strength and power higher level of Smax has allowed
training. the athlete to perform power
training with much heavier loads,
resulting in increased Pmax over
sistances to movement are high of performance in most sports in- the multiyear cycle. For example,
(11, 15). A combined approach, creases every year, and conse- in late 1993 with the full squat
which theoretically should suit quently, performance measures 5RM at 80 kg, jump squats were
most athletes, may induce im- such as the Pmax or power output only performed with loads up to
provements throughout the entire against certain absolute resis- 20–42.5 kg (approximately 20–
load-power curve. The entire load- tances must also increase across 45% of the estimated 1RM of 95
power curve should shift upward multiyear periods. It was deter- kg). By mid-1995, the 5RM full
and to the right as a result of a mined for this athlete that both squat was 120 kg, resulting in
combined methodology aimed at the Pmax and the power output jump squats being performed
improving Smax and Pmax through with light loads such as 20 kg safely and routinely with 70–90
general, special, and specific (P20), during which there is a kg, and even 100 kg on occasions
strength training.

■ Monitoring the Responses

to the Prescribed Training Table 1
Multiyear Responses to Power Changes in Pmax and P20 (W) Across a Multiyear Training Period
The objective of the power training October November December March August December
process is to ensure that athletes Variable 1993 1993 1993 1995 1995 1995
have the muscle power to perform Pmax — 1,448 1,491 1,571 1,811 1,774
the tasks their sport requires to P20 1,266 1,281 1,339 1,362 1,440 1,472
the best of their ability. The levels

February 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 49

tant for a number of sports (for
sports where the resistance to
movement is lower and speed high-
er than may occur during the
achievement of the Pmax load). Con-
sequently, the power developed
with light resistances and at higher
speeds also provides information
pertinent to the speed aspect of the
power equation. Loads of 15–40 kg
require only 300–350 ms for the
concentric execution time (12),
which is typical of the times used
by this athlete in competition.
Thus, although the overall
load-power curve has shifted up-
ward and to the right, the degree
of change at different points of the
curve has varied across the multi-
year period. Smax has increased by
approximately 50% and Pmax has
increased by 25%, whereas P20
has increased by 16.3%. Of impor-
tance is the fact the jump and
reach score improved from 63 to
74 cm in this time, a 15% in-
Figure 2. The percentage change in performance measures of differing external crease. Thus, the larger the mag-
resistance across the multiyear period. The VJ represents no external
resistance, whereas the Smax represents a large external resistance nitude of the external resistance,
(5RM full squat). the greater the increase in perfor-
mance over the multiyear period.
(approximately 50–65% of the es- Research conducted in 1994 This is not unexpected, as the ath-
timated 1RM of 140 kg). on elite male divers, which includ- lete already possessed a far
The majority of the improve- ed this athlete (4), has indicated greater training history in plyo-
ment in power could be attributed that over 50% of the improvement metrics and acrobatic drills (e.g.,
to the introduction of a methodical in a sport-specific vertical jumping somersaults), as compared with
strength/power training process, movement could be attributed to heavy resistance training, and
with an increased emphasis on the change in the contractile con- should therefore improve less in
heavy full squats and jump tribution to jumping (the concen- this fast end of the power curve
squats. In 1993, it was assumed tric-only squat jump measure). relative to the improvement possi-
that the athlete needed a higher Thus, to improve performance, the ble in Smax and Pmax levels.
level of maximal strength so that contractile components of the Accordingly for this power ath-
the conversion to maximal power musculature needed to be empha- lete, the most fundamental change
could take place. He already pos- sized by heavy resistance training across a multiyear training period
sessed extensive training in plyo- in power athletes whose training was the increase in Pmax, which
metrics; thus the first stage of the history had been marked by low- may be largely attributable to an
multiyear plan was to increase resistance, high-speed training increase in Smax. The use of higher
Smax. Furthermore, Smax had to (e.g., plyometrics). loads in typical power exercises
occur, initially by emphasizing the Although the Smax and Pmax level such as jump squats resulted in
contractile elements of the muscu- are of considerable importance, it marked improvements in maximal
lature but without significant hy- should be remembered that power leg power and in corresponding in-
pertrophy; jump ability is nega- performance with light resistances creases in various vertical jump-
tively correlated to body mass (7). and at higher speeds is also impor- ing performance measures.

50 Strength and Conditioning Journal February 2001

Yearly Responses to Power
Training Table 2
Across any training year, there Pmax (W) Levels Across Different Stages of 1995
may be a number of competitions
at which the athlete needs to per-
form at a high level. The strength Time Macrocycle Pretest Posttest
coach may only receive the athlete January–February 1 NT 1,571
for a short cycle (4–6 weeks) or for May–August 2 1,426 1,811
a longer macrocycle (12 weeks), October–December 3 1,661 1,774
depending on the competition cal- Note: Macrocycle 1 lasted 5 weeks; macrocycle 2, 12 weeks, and macrocycle
endar or the coach’s decisions. 3, 10 weeks. NT = not tested.
Consequently, the training year
and competition calendar may af-
fect the choice of overall micro-, the Pmax was 1,571 W. However, higher than the peaks from pre-
meso-, and macrocycle structure ceding macrocycles. For example,
after the athlete competed in more
to be implemented. the starting Pmax of macrocycle 3
competitions and had a phase of
Performance measures there-
active recovery, the Pmax was re- was 1,661 W, which is 5.7% high-
fore vary according to the state of
duced to 1,426 W, 91% of the pre- er than the peak Pmax of 1,571 W
training of an athlete within a
vious peak Pmax. This is also not from macrocycle 1. Also, the in-
yearly cycle. Pmax and various
unexpected because of the effects tense competition and cessation of
other measures can fluctuate, de-
of intense competition and the ces- strength/power training resulted
pending on whether the athlete is
sation of the strength/ power in the Pmax being reduced to about
at peak, at midcycle, or at the be-
ginning of a macrocycle, or de- training stimulus. 90–92% of the previous peak Pmax.
pending even on how long a Significantly, the following This level may indicate the resid-
macrocycle is. Consequently, an strength/power macrocycle was ual or base level of power from
athlete’s progress must take these the longest strength/power macro- which athletes tend to launch into
factors into account. It is not pru- cycle of the athlete’s career; the a peaking cycle.
dent to implement a test battery athlete was preparing for interna- As body mass for this athlete
midway through a training cycle tional competition. Consequently, varied only 2.5 kg (3.3%) over the
and expect an elite athlete to be at the Pmax increased markedly, up to year, these changes in muscle
peak levels of performance. 1,811 W. With the commencement power must be ascribed as attrib-
The phases of volume and in- of the last macrocycle of the year, utable to other factors, such as
tensification inherent in any peri- which commenced after competi- changes in the neural firing of the
odized training plan appear to im- tion and active recovery, again the muscles (12) or fiber changes
pact acutely on muscle power. By Pmax was lowered to a level of 92% gravitating the muscle to more in-
analyzing the results of testing in of the previous peak Pmax. However, herently powerful contractions
1995, it is clear that Pmax increases after 10 weeks of training, it was (20). Thus analysis of the data re-
at the end of a training cycle when again back to virtually the same veals not only the general upward
the athlete is tapered, and de- peak level of 1,774 W (a slight re- trend in Pmax but also the tempo-
creases after intense sports com- duction in body mass of 1 kg rary negative impact following in-
petitions and the ensuing active meant the Pmax per kilogram of tense competition and cessation of
recovery phase, which coincides body mass was the same as in the the strength/power stimulus.
with the start of the next macrocy- preceding macrocycle).
Macrocycle Responses to Power
cle (Table 2). This is, of course, not The importance of this infor-
unexpected. mation is that it reveals the peak
The Pmax was not measured and valleys in Pmax and power out- Of interest is the effect of the acute
early in 1995, as this was during put in relation to the peaks in in- manipulation of training volume
the competitive in-season; howev- tensity and cessation of the and intensity on the Pmax and
er, a short cycle of power training strength/power training macrocy- power output against submaximal
was implemented immediately cles. However, with increased ex- loads across a macrocycle. Macro-
after these early competitions. At posure to power training, the cycle 2 of 1995 has been chosen
the completion of this short cycle, troughs in Pmax can actually be for analysis because the athlete

February 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 51

these weeks (i.e., weeks 5 and 9),
and power output was always re-
duced during these weeks. This is
especially noticeable in week 9, as
the athlete was in very good shape
and hence more affected by the
acute manipulation of volume and
intensity (as opposed to the early
weeks of a cycle when it is relative-
ly easy to regain strength lost be-
cause of the cessation of re-
sistence training). Of importance
is the fact that week 9 was also a
shock week in terms of the sport
training. In this context, “shock”
refers to a large increase in sports
training volume and difficulty (i.e.,
the total number and degree of dif-
ficulty of dives within the training
week). This shock week, in terms
of sports training and strength/
power training, serves as the last
volume-oriented training stimulus
before commencing the tapering of
Figure 3. Relationship between training volume (total number of repetitions) and
volume with the concomitant rise
power output (W) across a 12-week macrocycle. When training volume in intensity and technique, in
is higher and intensity is lower, power output is usually reduced, and preparation for competition.
vice versa.
By examining the data across
a macrocycle, it is evident that the
made considerable improvement output is lower. However, when power output is susceptible to
in Pmax in this cycle, despite the volume is sharply decreased and acute manipulation of volume and
starting Pmax being at 92% of the intensity increased, there is gener- intensity. The highest power out-
preceding Pmax from macrocycle 1. ally a large increase in power out- puts are associated with training
Most improvement could be ex- put. This was very clear in weeks weeks of reduced volume and in-
pected to be from the acute affects 4, 8, and 10–12, in which drops in creased intensity. High-volume
of manipulating the exercise selec- training volume and increases in training, both from the strength/
tion, volume, and intensity, rather intensity gave rise to an increase power and sports training orienta-
than the simple reconditioning or in power output. Conversely, in tions, causes a temporary de-
regain of the neuromuscular sys- week 9, where there is a sudden crease in power output. These
tem back to normal levels that ap- increase in volume and a decrease sudden increases and decreases
pears to account for most im- in intensity, a drop in power out- in power output may be attributed
provement when athletes have put was clearly visible. to neural-related alterations,
long layoffs. Thus the pattern in power out- fiber-related alterations, or both
Figure 3 depicts the general put mirrored fairly closely the pat- (20).
inverse relationship between tern of the periodization of the
macrocycle. In each of the fourth Mesocycle Responses to Power
training volume and power out-
weeks of the 3 mesocycles within Training
put. In this example, the volume
refers to the total number of the 12-week macrocycle, there Within a mesocycle (a period of 3
lower-body repetitions (loaded ver- was a large drop in volume and an or 4 weeks), power output increas-
tical jumps, jump squats with bar- increase in intensity, resulting in es in accordance to decreases in
bells, and full squats). When the an increase in power output. A training volume and increases in
volume is high, the intensity is higher volume, lower intensity intensity. Figure 3 displays 3
proportionally lower, and power training week would always follow mesocycles with clear increases in

52 Strength and Conditioning Journal February 2001

power output coinciding with de- content were therefore chosen for ing week. In strength/power train-
creases in volume. Although this is analysis. The final 3-week meso- ing, there is usually a methodical
clearly evident, what is not clear is cycle of a 9-week macrocycle in system of altering the volume and
the effect of varying the method of 1993, which emphasized the intensity within a week. For exam-
increasing intensity in power train- speed and light load method (no ple, if the athlete performs lower
ing. In training for increased mus- strength training exercises such body strength-power twice a week,
cle power, increased intensity may as full squats) resulted in the Pmax then 1 day is the prescribed heavy
be deemed to occur through in- improving from 1,458 W to 1,491 day and the other the light day (al-
creased speed of lifting or through W, a change of only 2.3%. Howev- though in actuality, it is a medium
increased mass being lifted. er, a 4-week mesocycle performed day, which feels lighter in compar-
Thus it is sometimes argued in 1995 and emphasizing the ison to the heavy day). For 3-day-
that power training mesocycles holistic approach to power devel- a-week training, the prescription
need not include exercises that opment, which included heavy is usually heavy-light-medium.
emphasize the strength contribu- and light jump squats, loaded ver- These differences in training in-
tion to power output and that in- tical jumps, depth jumps, and full tensity provide a form of contrast
creased intensity can occur squats, appeared to garner better in loading that appears to be effec-
through purely a speed orienta- results. The Pmax improved from tive for power development.
tion to the power output after the 1,537 W to 1,793 W, an increase The rationale for these con-
strength base has been estab- of 16.7%. It is of interest that ad- trasting load methods is that the
lished. This would entail light vanced strength-power athletes heavier loads superstimulate the
jump squats and plyometrics and usually improve less with in- nervous system so that the lighter
no heavy resistance squats. Al- creased exposure to training (10, loads feel lighter and hence can be
though this power via speed 13), but this elite athlete improved moved with more force and speed
methodology does theoretically in- considerably more. (i.e., the force required for lifting
tensify the power training process, The more holistic approach to the heavier loads is applied to the
in my experience, it may not be power training within a mesocycle lighter loads), resulting in greater
the best method to increase power would offer more avenues through power outputs (8, 9). Conversely,
(see Newton and Kraemer [16] and which the complex nature of power the lighter loads, which are moved
Tidow [20] for reviews). development may be addressed at far greater speeds (17), may
My experience is that a meso- (16). Thus, although a mesocycle have the effect of stimulating
cycle emphasizing very light, may be deemed to be either a faster movement with the heavier
speed-oriented training, such as “basic strength” or “peak power” loads. With very heavy loads, the
light jump squats (20–30 kg), mesocycle according to the tene- main factor resulting in dimin-
loaded jumps, and plyometrics ments of fundamental strength pe- ished power is the marked de-
have less effect on power perfor- riodization (18), this does not crease in lifting speed (17).
mance than does a mesocycle with mean that the training content of For this athlete, strength-
a more holistic training content, that mesocycle should be solely power training was performed
such as heavy and light jump unidirectional. For a power ath- twice per week with the heavy-light
squats, loaded vertical jumps, full lete, a mesocycle may contain ele- system of applying overload in
squats, and power shrug jumps. A ments that emphasize the general, jump squats. Typically, the first
unidirectional training content special, and specific nature of day, which was the designated light
probably neglects parts of the mul- strength/power (2, 3). What prob- day, would entail a straight sets
tifaceted nature of muscle power. ably needs to be altered in each method of overload whereby the
Very light, high-speed training or mesocycle is the number of gener- barbell load is held constant (e.g., 4
very heavy strength training are al, special, and specific exercises × 4 at 45 kg). The second day, the
both examples of unidirectional and the exact amount of volume heavy training day, would typically
training insofar as they attempt to and intensity thereof. entail the use of more sets and also
improve performance through only contrasting loading that entailed
one avenue (speed or strength). A Microcycle Responses to Power exposing the athlete to alternating
combined methodology would ap- Training sets of heavier and lighter barbell
pear to offer more avenues for in- Power output will be acutely af- loads (e.g., 3 × 4 at 30 kg alternated
creasing power output (16, 20). fected by the manipulation of vol- with 3 × 4 at 70 kg).
Two mesocycles with different ume and intensity within a train- In the example above, the best

February 2001 Strength and Conditioning Journal 53

ing method. The contrasting load
Table 3 method was seen as the most ef-
Power Output During Barbell Jump Squats in fective method for the long-term
Response to Variations in Overloading Within the stimulation of the neuromuscular
Weekly Training Cycle system of an athlete well accus-
tomed to plyometric and jump
training (8, 9).
Variable Day 1 (5 × 4) Day 2 (6 × 3) In earlier training of young
Set 1 elite female divers, it was found
Power (W) 1,496 1,615 that the use of a set of heavier full
Resistance (kg) 40 50 squats between sets of light jump
Set 2 squats resulted in an average in-
Power (W) 1,578 1,718 crease of 17% in jump height (1).
Resistance (kg) 40 60
This result seemed to validate the
Set 3
Power (W) 1,539 1,728
effectiveness of contrast loading
Resistance (kg) 40 70 on performance. However, with
Set 4 young female divers unaccus-
Power (W) 1,555 1,626 tomed to strength training, it may
Resistance (kg) 40 50 be relatively easy to achieve this
Set 5 rapid increase in jump squat
Power (W) 1,557 1,696 height, as their initial perfor-
Resistance (kg) 40 60 mance may be hindered to a de-
Set 6
gree by inhibitory feedback. It
Power (W) - 1,774
Resistance (kg) - 70
could be argued that the heavy full
squats may result in the disin-
hibiting of the inhibitory feedback
of the tension receptors (Golgi ten-
power outputs generated during 50-kg and heavier 70-kg weights, don organ and Renshaw cell), re-
training with those loads within both increased, although by only sulting in a sudden increase in
the training week were 1,565 W at small amounts, most likely be- myoelectrical output, and as a re-
45 kg, 1,492 W at 30 kg, and cause of posttetanic potentiation sult an increase in jump squat
1,750 W at 70 kg. Therefore, there of the neural system (9). However, height. It is doubtful that such
is marked contrast in power out- such small increases in power large increments in performance
puts within the microcycle be- output may result in a larger cu- could be expected by athletes who
tween the light (1,565 W) and mulative effect across time. are accustomed to strength/power
heavy (1,750 W) training days as a Thus, within a microcycle, training. Nonetheless, the effec-
result of varying the barbell load. power may be trained across the tiveness of contrast loading within
Accordingly, power is trained load-power spectrum by varying a training session for power devel-
across the spectrum of the load- the barbell load, and this may opment needs to be more thor-
power curve. cause the entire load-power curve oughly investigated and validated.
Another method of loading to be shifted upward rather than Recently, it has been shown
that can be used in the later weeks merely elevating one end of the that a set of heavy half-squats or a
of a meso- or macrocycle is the curve (e.g., through strength-ori- series of maximal isometric con-
wave method, which is also a ented training or speed-oriented tractions in between jumps result-
method of contrast loading. Table training). ed in a much smaller (approxi-
3 depicts an example of this mately 2%), though significant,
method of weekly overloading per- Training Unit Responses to increase in jump height (9, 23).
formed in week 10 of a 12-week Variations in Loading To determine the effects of
macrocycle. This trend is evident As discussed above, 2 main meth- contrast loading within a training
in the power outputs listed in ods of applying overload were used unit on an advanced athlete, the
Table 3 for the day 2 (heavy day) within a training unit: the con- results for an entire macrocycle
workout. The second sets of jump stant load method and variations were examined. Ten workouts
squats, performed with the lighter of the alternating or contrast load- contained contrast loading during

54 Strength and Conditioning Journal February 2001

Power output is generally
Table 4 highest when training intensity is
Results for Power Output in Response to highest and volume concomitantly
Contrast Loading Within a Training Unit Across lowest. Specific variations in load-
10 Observations (Mean ± Standard Deviation) ing, such as the use of contrast
loading, may have a significant
acute effect on power output.
Power output (W) Changes in Smax and Pmax general-
Load Set 1 Set 2 ly underlie the changes in other
performance measures, such as
Light (mean, 31.5 kg) 1,480 ± 126 1,517 ± 153
Heavy (mean, 46.0 kg) 1,567 ± 156 1,582 ± 165 vertical jumping performance.
There would also appear to be a
Note: Set 1 of a light load is followed by set 1 of a heavy load, diminishing transfer of the im-
then set 2 of a light load, etc.
provements induced by training
from the strength end to the speed
end of the load-power spectrum. ▲
jump squats (heavy and light this load probably needs to be the
jump squats), and the results of lighter load. A heavier contrast load ■ References
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56 Strength and Conditioning Journal February 2001

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