WRITTEN TEST 1 - 45 Minutes PI-A Silver-Top Notch 2 Units 1 - 5 Student: Teacher: Date: Score / 41 Pts

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WRITTEN TEST 1 - 45 minutes

PI-A Silver- Top Notch 2 Units 1 – 5

Student: Teacher: Date: Score / 41 pts
I.- Listening (Top Notch Test Audio Track Listen to the phone conversation. Read the phone message. Then listen again and
complete the message with the correct information.


B. Listen to the phone conversation. Read the statements. Then listen again and write true or false.

Example: Mr. James wants to leave a message for Michelle.

(7) Mr. James will check into the hotel on June 23 __________________ __
(8) He wants a room with a fitness center and a sauna.___________
(9) He wants a smoking room with an Internet connection._________
(10) Mr. James would rather have a small car._____________
(11) He would rather rent a car with a manual transmission._______________
(12) Mr. James will pick up the rental car the day after he arrives.___________
(13) He will pick up the rental car on June 28._______________
(14) He wants to get a haircut today.___________________
II.- USE OF ENGLISH.-A Complete the sentence. Choose the correct answer.
1.- Steve ____________Anita twice before. a) has met b) will meet c) was meeting
2.- I _________a book when you called. a) will read b) was reading c) read
3.- She needs a good grade in that class. She_____________a lot next weekend.
a) had better study b) would rather study c) has studied
4.- Do you have__________sunscreen? I don’t want to burn. a) many b) a c) any
5.- Have you __________been to South Africa? a) yet b) before c) ever
6.- Please don’t tell _________that I was here. a) someone b) anyone c) somebody
7.- Eddie is getting a haircut. When he is finished,____________a tip.
a) he’ll leave b) he would rather leave c) he was leaving

8.- We have to return the rental car before tomorrow. I can_______________ this afternoon.
a) drop it off b drop off c) drop it
9.- I'm on a diet. I ___________dessert. a) had better not b will eat c) have
eat ) eaten
10.- We need more gas. Let's_________ a) fill up it b fill it up c) will fill it
. )

B.- Cross out or write the word or phrase that does not correctly complete the sentence.

1.- I need (soap / conditioner / a nail file / shampoo)__________________ when I take a shower.
2.- I didn’t enjoy the movie. It was so (weird / funny / violent / boring).___________________
3.- The (window / hood / trunk / headlight) won’t open.___________________
4.- People in some countries (shake hands / bow / say good-bye / hug) when they meet.________________
5.- You can ask someone at the hotel to (replace a taillight / turn down the beds / bring room service / bring the newspaper).
III.- READING.- Read the article. Then read the article again and complete each sentence with information from the reading.

Workers have officially begun to fix the old Hanover Inn at the corner at the Main Street and Third
Avenue. Last summer the Asteria Hotel Company bought the building. After a lot of planning, the
renovations began on Monday. This will be the sixth Asteria Hotel in Canada. These hotels are famous for
their full scale salons, offering a large variety of services and personal care products.
Some people welcome the new hotel because because of the business they hope it will bring. The
increased numbers of hotel guests and salon customers may attract more people to smaller business in the
area, such as family owned restaurants on that block. And Asteria Hotels are famous around the world .
The company predicts that the hotel will bring international travelers to the area as well.
Others are worried that the hotel will cause problems. They think there will a lot of rental
cars and taxis around the hotel, and people will get stuck in traffic. It’s already difficult to find
parking spaces in that area. More cars will make it even harder.
The Asteria Hotel Company has said that the grand opening will be on the weekend of
September 5 – 7.

(1) The Asteria Hotel Company has opened ______________________hotels in the country.
(2) ____________________will offer a lot of different services.
(3) Some people think _______________________ will bring more business to the area.
(4) _____________________will probably get more business when the hotel opens.
(5) Some people think the new hotel will cause problems with ______________________.
(6) The hotel will open for business in __________________________.

IV.- WRITING. Choose 1 (ONE) topic and write at least three ( 3 )sentences about it.
A.- A trip you have taken
B.-Ways to improve a person’s
appearance C.-Violence in movies
D.-Good and bad driving behaviors

Topic :

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