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The Habits of Productive People!

(Don’t take this too seriously)

A guide brought to you by a former couch potato.

Ever sat on the couch so much, with crumbs all over the same shirt you’ve worn for the past

week, stared into a screen all day and wished you could be doing something successful and

productive? Ever suddenly want to change your life at 3am? This is exactly the guide to teach

you all of the tricks and habits you want to start doing in order to achieve that dream life.

Obviously, you can’t flip everything around overnight. The saying, “hard work pays off” goes

strongly with this one. However, you can start right now!

Wake up early

Everyone knows the sayings- “early bird gets the worm” or “last one there is a rotten egg!”

You don’t want to be a rotten egg. You want to be a bird. Be the bird. You need to start getting

up at 3am and start your day. Yes- 3am. NO ONE is awake at this time so none of the creative

thoughts have been taken by anyone else yet. Maybe you’ve heard of others getting up at 5 or 6.

That’s too late. Get up early. In fact, don’t even sleep. Stay awake and watch the sun rise, be the

first person awake at the start of the new day.

Eat or drink something for energy.

You are probably sleep deprived so you NEED coffee. All the professionals drink it. Make a

double expresso shot. Don’t add creamer or milk. All you need is caffeine. It makes you awake,
alert, and fast. Instead, save even more time and just eat the coffee beans. You’re probably

thinking- what if I have a condition that doesn’t allow heavy doses of caffeine? Well, that is too

bad. I guess you’ll have to just drink water. Water is good for you too, but make sure you don’t

drink it all so you can brew a nice cup of coffee instead.

Start a healthier diet.

Sorry, but we have to cut out sugar. Sugar is just no. Don’t even THINK about going over to the

pantry to see what tasty treat you can eat when no one’s watching. I am watching. And I am

telling you- NO SUGAR! You can’t just moderate your sugar intake. You need to cut it out

COMPLETELY! Sugar can make you depressed. You have to be happy all the time.

Limit distractions.

I want you to go on your phone right now, and text your best friend saying you don’t like them

anymore. There! You no longer have anyone to talk to so you can stay focused. Staying focused

is all that matters. Don’t go on social media for a “break” (what even is a break??) You’ll give

into the endless abyss of infinite scrolling and you won’t get any work done! Some people say to

put your phone in another room- I say just throw the whole thing away! No distractions! Don’t

listen to music either. Music is VERY distracting.

Plan out your day.

Go to the store and buy this tool called an agenda. Pick the prettiest cover EVER so you’re

motivated to use it. Spend a lot of money on it because the cover is so designer. Don’t settle for
an affordable, straight-forward planner. Those are boring and you need something eye catching!

Buy some random pastel markers to jazz up your writing in it! Color color color! Now go and

write down EVERYTHING you want to do today! Also- plan FIVE years into the future. Be in

control of what the future brings! You’re probably asking- “But I don’t know what the future

will bring!” Focus on all of your days at once and don’t take one day at a time! Life is too long

for that!

Meditate and clear the mind.

Meditation is one of the best things you can do to relieve stress and calm the body! You can

mediate however you want- just don’t fall asleep! Just close your eyes and focus on your breath.

Breathe in and out. Relax!

By now, you should be so productive that there’s almost nothing left to do. Ha! Imagine, doing


Understandably, not everyone can adjust their lifestyles to commit to brand new habits. What

works for some might not work for others, but you can always find out what you can do

differently to maximize the time you have for yourself later! Hopefully this guide gave you some

inspiration on ways you can turn your life around. Now get to work or go read a book!

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