Core Vol 1-2 PDF

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​“ Some people want it to happen, some people wait for it to happen, some 
people wish it would happen and some people make it happen, despite any 
adversity– Heba Ali” 


Some people waste their whole lives waiting for the “right time”. The right time doesn’t 

exist, you create it when you’re ready to commit, when you’ve had enough of settling for a 

lifestyle you know you can improve...when you’ve had enough of the person you’re settling 

to be but you know you can ​be more​. Let this be the “right time” you’ve been waiting 

for​—​start now and never stop evolving... 

Here’s a few things you should know before starting: 

This guide is designed for everyone, at ​any​ fitness level. 


1. Improving Stamina, Strength and Endurance  

2. Improving Core Strength 
3. Condition Healthier Eating Habits 
4. Condition A Healthier Mindset  
5. Reduce fat 
6. Happier you 

I want it to be C L E A R that this guide is applicable to every individual and intransigent to 

every excuse. You are capable of doing everything listed. I’ve worked with hundreds of 

clients from athletes to the elderly, single moms to college students, mentally ill to 

physically disabled, lower class to dead broke and the one thing that led all these people to 

succeed despite their adversities was making the choice of ​not​ ​tolerating excuses. This is 

​ hoice​ we a
​ ll h
​ ave and are capable of making. ​I’ve provided you with highly effective 

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workouts you can complete every day to not only get you closer to the physical appearance 

you desire, but to obtain more mental resilience and strength which I know you need. That 

we each all need.  

Sure, in the beginning it’s tougher but day by day, sacrifice after sacrifice, you’ll build 

discipline that’ll out beat motivation a

​ ny​ day. The key isn’t to find motivation, the key is to 

build ​discipline​ and you’ll do this by continuously doing things you may not always feel like 

doing. Such as waking up at 5 am to get in a 30-45 minute workout or spending an extra 

hour a week dedicated towards preparing meals that will actually nourish and reward your 

body. The reward is worth it and the only things standing between you and that reward are 

you and the choices you make. Are you going to hold it off for “tomorrow”, for “the right 

time”, or are you going to get up, show up, and build better habits that’ll reward you in 

every aspect of your life.  

I created this guide specifically to build more discipline by creating better daily habits, this 

means, every day you will be active, because every day your workout can be completed in 

and outside of your house. No excuses. I recommend following this guide for at least 4 

weeks however, I didn’t create a duration for this specific guide because I still implement it 

till this day in configuration it with my hybrid training program plus the self awareness 

reminder is always needed. 

For some people it will be a ​primary​ workout program and for others, it may be added to 

their current workout regimen. It depends on your situation, whether you have time to 

implement this plan with other training sessions or if you’re limited on time, resources, etc.  

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My recommendation: 

For beginners: Use this guide as your primary workout to get you up and running for the 
next 4 weeks. To prove to yourself how capable you are of sustaining an active lifestyle.  

For intermediate: Complete this guide + 2-3 weight training days 

For Advanced: Complete this + your current workout regimen. 

Waking up early in the morning to do these workouts will give you the best results in 

regards to burning more fat because you’re on an empty stomach. Waking up earlier 

promotes healthier decision making skills just by starting your day on a positive and strong 

note you’ll be putting more of a conscious effort into what you allow yourself to eat 

throughout the day. PLUS, you don’t give yourself the “I got out of work late” excuse, or “I’m 

so tired” excuse. Get up and do it!! 

This guide will require little to no equipment:  

1. Jump Rope 
2. Mat 
3. Resistance Bands   

All of these items are $20 or <. You can take it to the next level by investing in a weighted 
vest or parachute to add resistance as well. These items can all be found on amazon. I 
recommend getting the medium and heavy resistance set for the resistance bands.  

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To sustain healthy eating habits l​ ong-term​, you must start with the most powerful step 

which is changing your outlook on food and its effects on you. If​ emotional binging i​ s a 

issue that prevents you from eating well then​ here’s the solution: be more self-aware.​ It’s 

simple. It’ll take a lot of awareness and will power initially but eventually after each battle of 

conquering the desire to feed that bad itch, you’ll break your old unhealthy habits of 

“emotional eating”.   

Next time you go for a bite, ask yourself, why am I doing this? Is it because I’m treating 

myself for all my hard work this week or simply because I’m frustrated in the moment and 

want instant gratification? This behavior is known as Self Awareness, the more aware of 

your behaviors, thoughts, emotions, etc. the more effective you become. 

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Another common issue is ​overeating​.  

The best ways to reducing the amount of food you’re eating in a single seating is to: 

1. Drink a bottle of water before every meal and whenever you feel hungry. At times, 

you’ll feel hunger but it may be just thirst.  

2. Put less on your plate. Obvious right. When you’re hungry, it’s easy to devour 

whatever is in eyes site, therefore, plate wisely...better yet, meal prep ahead of time 

so your meals are ready to go with the proper amount of protein, fat, and carbs.  

3. Eat your proteins first. Protein is the priority! Then veggies, then carbs. A common 

mistake people make is filling up on carbs and having no room left for protein and 


4. Chew slowly. Overeating happens when you act too fast, without being aware of 

your hunger. Slow. Your. Role. The food is going nowhere. 

5. Wrap it to go. If you’re out eating and don’t have control over the serving size, wrap 

it to go and have your next meal ready to go!  

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Complete this warm up routine to prepare your body for a workout. Warm up your muscles 

and joints, increase your heart rate and burn body fat with these exercises before every 


High knees or jog in place 6

​ 0 seconds. Keep a fast pace and bring your knees as high as 
you can, contracting your core as much as possible. Form is everything! 

Jumping Jacks 6
​ 0 seconds. Jump up, spread your feet and bring both your hands together 
above your head. ​Tight​ core.  

Butt kicks​ 60 seconds. Kick your feet up until your heels touch your glutes, and pump your 
arms at the same time.  

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Mountain Climbers 6 ​ 0 seconds. Maintain a plank position during the entire exercise, 
keeping your core engaged and your hips low.  

High Kicks 6
​ 0 seconds. Alternate quickly between legs and lift them as high as you can.  

Side to Side Squats​ 60 seconds. Squat, take a small step to the side, and squat again. 

Inch Worm: 6 ​ 0 seconds. (One of my favorites)​ ​This will warm up the arms, chest and upper 
back as well as the lower back and abs. Feet shoulder width apart, bend down with a slight 
bend at your knees, walk your hands out until you’re in a plank position then walk your 
hands back to your feet and repeat.  

Finish every workout with foam rolling or static stretching to properly cool down your 

limbs, muscles and joints properly. Stretching can help reduce the buildup of lactic acid, 

which can lead to muscles cramping and stiffness. 

1) Incorporate low- to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise (e.g. walking, jogging, 

cycling, at an easy pace) to gradually decrease heart rate (2 to 3 minutes) 

2) Foam roll - Incorporating self-myofascial release into your cool-down using tools 

such as a foam roller or tennis ball can address any tight areas of the body, helping 

to relieve tension, improve mobility, increase blood flow, and reduce stress. 

Focusing first on addressing tissue density will help to then address tissue length 

through the incorporation of static stretching. 

3) A regular routine of static stretching to address tissue length can help to increase 

flexibility, enhance joint range of motion, and even improve posture. Hold each 

stretch for 30 seconds.  

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There’s nothing more rewarding and encouraging than seeing your hard work pay off. 

Many of us will hit bumps along the road and that’s ok. Logging your training, goals and 

eating habits will:  

1. Allow you to be more self-aware of how often you’re training and what foods you or 

aren’t nourishing yourself with  

2. Allow you to pick up where you last left off 

3. Show you improvements you wouldn’t have known about otherwise, because, let’s 

be real...You’re not going to remember how long it took you to run a mile 4 weeks 

ago or how many push-ups you were capable of achieving initially or even how 

much long of a plank you could hold. This is known as p

​ ositive reinforcement​: a 

reinforcing stimulus following a behavior that makes it more likely that the behavior 

will occur again in the future.  

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4. Practicing gratitude​. When you express ​gratitude​, it’ll lead to a stronger sense of 

well being, and it may make you more resistant to stress. For the next 30 days, log 

one thing you’re grateful for every day; a person, an experience, an 

accomplishment, etc. It can be anything and more than 1 thing, just don’t forget to 

log the good things in your life. This ​positive reinforcement​ not only recognizes 

the good that is going on but it also promotes a better attitude to start the day. 

5. Another task for the next 30 days is to complete a mile every day. The workouts 

instruct you to either run, sprint or walk the mile. I’ve attached a runners log for you, 

incase you wanted to print it out and use it for your personal logging. (I can also 

email you the log)  

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It’s so important to understand what muscle you’re working on to promote greater 

muscle-mind connection. I’m going to go over the basic anatomy of the core, the 4 different 

parts that make up the core and what exercises you can do to strengthen each muscle. 


Rectus Abdominus 

● Location: Covers the area from sternum all the way down to the pelvis bone. 

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● Function: Pulls the upper torso to the hips 

● Exercises: Crunch or Sit-up 


● Location: Side of the waist. 

○ Internal Obliques 

○ Transverse Obliques 

○ External Obliques 

● Function: Tilt and twist the torso 

● Exercises: Side Bends and Decline Oblique Crunches 


● Location: Between the side of the rib cage. It comes into play when you flex the 

torso and twist from side to side. 

● Function: Elevation and depression of the ribs 

● Exercise: Air Bike 


● Location: Between front abs and lats. 

● Function: Pulling of the scapula forward and around like in the motion of throwing a 


● Exercises: Barbell Pullovers and Cable Crunches 

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Rep Ranges 

The core is made up of primarily fast-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch muscle fibers are 

more dense than their counterparts (the slow-twitch muscle fibers. Therefore, hard and 

explosive bouts of exercise will stimulate fast-twitch fibers a lot more which means minimal 

rest periods and moderate reps. 

It’s better do to 15 reps and complete 3-4 rounds with no rest than it is to complete 30 reps 

and take 30 seconds in between every exercise. Got me?  

Now that you understand which muscles make up the core, their function, location and the 

rep range needed to stimulate them, let's get to the workouts. 

All exercises should be performed in perfect form because bad form or habits you start 

now will f​ ollow​ you and lead to lack of progress or injury in the future.   

Remember, this guide was created to provide you with workouts you can do every day 

without the necessity of a gym, however if you’re adding this to your current regimen or 

decide to take it to the gym, I encourage you to add weights to the exercises such as 

holding a dumbbell, plate, medicine ball, etc. 

Workout #1 “Core K.O.” 

If you’re doing this core circuit properly, your abs will be so tight it’ll feel like someone punched 
you in the stomach 100x. Feels oh so good…  

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Complete 10 minute warm-up  

1 minute jump rope (with high knees if advanced) ⟶ 15 Flat Lying Leg Raises ⟶ 15 Toe 
Touches ⟶ 15 Bicycles (On each side) ⟶ 1 Min Plank Twists⟶ 15 Mountain Climbers (On 
Each Side) 

Repeat 4 x NO REST during the exercises. Only 60 second rest in between sets, if needed!!! 

Finish with a mile run. 

Workout #2 “Core Chaos” 

Chaos​, because you’re going to be running all over the place. Hit the track if it’s available to 

you. If not, improvise with a park or even the sidewalk and use the “MapMyRun” Under 

Armour App to measure the distance.  

Complete 10 minute warm-up  

2 sets 100 meter sprint ⟶ 30 mountain climbers ⟶ 10 push-ups (for advanced: spiderman 

2 sets 100 meter sprint ⟶ 10 burpees + knee tuck jump (The knee tuck jump is advanced 
and o
​ ptional​) ⟶ 30 Russian Twists  

2 sets 10 Lateral sprint shuffles to the left ⟶ 30 seconds high knees (the tighter your core 
is, meaning, the harder you squeeze, the higher your knees will remain and the more you’ll 
work your stomach.) ⟶ 10 Lateral sprint shuffles to the right  

30 second side plank on each side ⟶ 30 second plank jacks ⟶ 20 bear crawls  

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Cool down ½ mile run/jog + stretching/foam rolling. Great job! 

Workout #3: “Can’t” ​Won’t Stop Me 

Today I want you to find a set of stairs. Bring a mat! For those who choose to go to the gym, 

the StairMaster is fine, however, I encourage you to step out of your comforts and take 

your workout outdoors. At a park, on your own staircases, a random building, whatever it 

is, plan ahead and find a staircase. Make it happen, don’t fall for the “ I can’t” lie your mind 

will try to convince you of. It’s not too cold outside, it’s not too far, it’s not too dark, it’s not 

impossible, it’s a lie. Beat it!!!  

Complete warm-up + 5 minute jump rope  

3 sets 1 minute sprint on the stairs ⟶ 10 explosive 90 degree squat jumps (explosive 
meaning load your butt deep into your squat and jump as high as you can,completely 
extending your arms and legs) ⟶ 15 lying knee reverse curls ⟶ 30 lying straight leg scissors 
horizontal & 30 vertical scissors (​Optional: Add a resistance band for the extra burn​)  

3 sets 20 Commandos ⟶ 1 Minute StairCase Double- Step Sprint (Skip a step with every 
step) ⟶ 8 Burpees ⟶ 1 Minute Plank  

3 sets 10 squat jumps up the stairs (if they’re not spread far apart enough, jump over 2 or 3 
stairs at a time) ⟶ 15 Lying Leg Raises + Sky Kick (This means with every leg raise you do, 
you’ll put in as much effort as you can to kick your legs up towards the sky/ceiling, lifting 
your butt off the mat.) ⟶ 20 Toe Touches  

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Ta-da! If you kept your rest minimal, your core should be on fire right now and you should 

be drenched! If not, just aim to push yourself harder next time. Let’s get it Team! 

Workout #4: “Runners High” 

You’re going to look forward to this longer run because you’re going to believe this run is 

mentally healing you. Use the time to be self aware of your emotions, your needs and your 

thoughts. For once, you have silence and time to yourself. Play music that’ll calm you. On 

my Spotify playlist, “For The Ride” has some pretty good tunes.  

Run 2 miles. Don’t think about how much time you have left to run, how fast you’re going 

or how slow you’re going. Focus on your breath and set your thoughts free. This is ​you 


Workout #5: “Me ​Vs​. Me”  

Today’s goal is to run your fastest mile. Achieving your greatness will require you to do 

more things outside of not only your comfort zone but outside of your beliefs..Believe you 

are a strong runner, believe you can pick up your feet and go faster, believe that your lungs 

are fine and breathing heavy is normal for every runner to endure, believe every doubt 

wrong that crosses your mind. Running can build your mindset stronger, if you ​believe​ it 

will. Run hard because today’s training is strictly ​static​ core training.  

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3 sets of 15 V-Ups with a 2 second hold at the contraction of each rep ⟶ 30 seconds V-Sit 
Hold ⟶ 30 seconds side plank on each side ⟶ 30 second reverse curl or leg lift hold ⟶ 45 
seconds plank  

Once complete, be sure to complete 15 minutes of static stretching, holding each stretch 
for a minimum of 30 seconds.  

Workout #6: Total Body “Fat ​Blaster​”  

I chose this workout specifically for the weekend to get your bodies burning more calories 
on your down days...this workout will do just that ;) 

Run 1 mile to start 

4 Rounds of this circuit with a resistance band for the extra burn! 

Place the band above your knees then begin:  

1. 10 Lateral shuffles to the left ⟶ 20 mountain climbers ⟶ 5 burpees ⟶ 10 Lateral 

shuffles to the right ⟶ 20 mountain climbers ⟶ 5 burpees  
2. 15 Ice Skaters ⟶ 10 Reverse Lunge into Kick each leg ( BE EXPLOSIVE) ⟶ 10 Tuck 
Jumps ⟶ 15 Push-Ups  

-Modification to regress Tuck Jump for less impact: Extend arms straight in front of you and 
alternating lifting your knee all the way up to your hands. Don’t lower your arms, keep them high.  

-Modification to progress Push-Ups: Alternating single leg push-ups  

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3. 20 commandos with a push-up every 5 commandos ⟶ 20 lunge jumps with a squat 

jump every 5 lunge jumps ⟶ 30 Plank Jacks  

-Modification to regress plank jack: Step out and in with each foot instead of jumping in and out  

4. Grab 2 small towel or sliders for this one. Place them under your feet for the next set 20 
wide mountain climbers ⟶ 20 plank knee tucks ⟶ 10 fly push-ups  

Day #7: Revaluation  

Your homework for today: 

1. 1-2 mile walk (Use this walk as a mental reset) 

2. Practice self-awareness during your walk 
3. Focus on your breath and positive thoughts  

Sundays are the best days for this because you have the down time to evaluate how well you 

did throughout the week and prepare for the next week ahead. On the contrary, if you can the 

down time to make improvements in areas you didn’t do as well as you wanted. Just by 

evaluating what you’ve achieved every week, you’re being self aware of your accomplishments 

and errors. Accomplishments give you positive reinforcement and awareness of your errors 

gives you an opportunity to strategize and make it better. This is why logging all your 

experiences, emotions, eating habits, etc is so helpful. It literally provides you a blueprint of 

how and what you’ve achieved and by evaluating it from the outside looking in, you can make 

the changes you want to improve in. It’s simple.  

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