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SECTION 1  It may be a demand instrument but it is

Law on Negotiable Instrument normally a time instrument
 Act no. 2031 2. Bill of Exchange
 Took effect on June 2, 1911  An order made by one person to another
to pay money to a THIRD PERSON.
Forms of negotiable instruments:  Check - If drawn on the bank and
1. in writing & signed by MAKER or DRAWER payable on demand (Most common
 GR: Signature is placed at a lower type of order paper)
right hand corner of the instrument  (1) to (5) characteristic MUST BE PRESENT
 If the signature is not clear of the in order for a Bill of exchange be
intention  INDORSER considered as NEGOTIABLE
 Initials or any mark will be  3 parties:
sufficient as long as the maker or  Drawer – the person who issues
drawer intends to be bound by it. and draws the order bill. HE DOES
 Party against the Genuineness of NOT PAY DIRECTLY
the signature MUST PROVIDE SOME  Drawee – the person whom the bill
EVIDENCE is addressed and who is ordered
 Unusual signature may limit the and expected to pay.
acceptability of an instrument  In case of a CHECK  Bank
 Writing material must be (Drawee)
TRANSFERRABLE (bawal sa board,  Assumes liability only when
sa dahon pwede) he accepts the bill 
2. Contain an unconditional promise or order acceptor
to pay a sum certain in money  Payee – the person whose favor the
 Money is a medium of exchange bill is originally issued or is payable
authorized or adopted by a  May be specifically
domestic or foreign government as designated, or may be an
part of its currency office or title, or
 Gold, silver, bank notes unspecified
are NOT money  Must contain an “unconditional order”
3. payable on demand or at a fixed or  Parties need NOT BE DISTINCT persons
determinable future time  Purpose:
4. Payable to order or bearer   Drawer’s funds in hands of drawee
5. Name of the DRAWEE must be indicated in  Liability of drawee for non-payment
the instrument SECTION 2
Commercial paper Certainty as to SUM to be paid:
 Written promises or obligations that arise 1. With interest – still NEGOTIABLE
Functions of a Negotiable instrument b. Increased or reduced rate
 Considered as “substitute” for money c. Accrual or rate not specified
 NOT legal tenders  No date from which interest
 Doesn’t extinguish the DEBT is to run  Date of the
 Can be used in both COMMERCIAL and
 Undated instrument  Date
CREDIT transactions
of issuance
 Will be considered as Negotiable
 Rate not specified  6
instrument if it follow all (5) forms
provided above
2. By stated installments
2 Forms of Negotiable Instrument:
a. Amount and due date must be
1. Promissory note
stated. If not  NON NEGOTIABLE
 Must contain an “unconditional promise” b. With Acceleration clause
 (1) to (4) characteristic MUST BE PRESENT dependent on MAKER
in order for a promissory note be  Any installment not
considered as NEGOTIABLE paid/defaulted  Instrument
 2 parties: becomes DEMANDABLE
 Maker – the one who makes the and DUE
promise c. Acceleration at option of HOLDER
 Payee – the one whom the promise  NON NEGOTIABLE
is made 3. By stated installments with a provision
4. With exchange
a. Exchange – the charge for the  If the language used is AMBIGUOUS
expense of providing funds at the or OBSCURE, the court usually
place where the instrument is decides in favor of Negotiability
payable to meet the instrument 3. Particular account to be debited with the
which is issued at another place amount – NEGOTIABLE
b. Does not impair negotiability Statement of transactions:
c. Drawn to one country and payable 1. Mere recital of consideration – has no
to another adverse legal effect on the negotiability of
d. RA 8183: every monetary the instrument
obligation must be paid in PH 2. Terms and condition – Instrument is
currency burdened by TERMS and CONDITIONS
e. But the parties may agree therefore, NON NEGOTIABLE regardless of
otherwise the terms.
5. With cost of collection or an attorney’s fee
a. NON NEGOTIABLE if the amount to SECTION 4
be paid cannot be ascertain (Ex. To Determinable future time:
pay all costs, charges, and 1. At a fixed period after date or sight
expenses) 2. On or before a fixed or determinable
b. Attorney’s fee not specified  future time specified therein
reasonable sum 3. On or after the fixed period after the
c. Acquisition of instrument after occurrence of a specified event which is
maturity – Holder NOT in due certain to happen through the time of
course  Non-negotiable and happening be uncertain
subject to defenses Instrument payable upon Contingency
Certainty of sum payable  NON NEGOTIABLE
1. Payment of fixed amount of money  Happening of the EVENT doesn’t cure the
 If the instrument calls for an DEFECT
act (may condition)  NON After DATE – After date of issuance
NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT After SIGHT – After the date the instrument is
2. Permissible clauses or stipulations seen by the drawee
 If the note gives the maker the
right to ascertain the amount SECTION 5 AND 6
INSTRUMENT Provisions NOT affecting the Negotiability of the
SECTION 3 instrument:
When promise is UNCONDITIONAL:
 No condition Under Sec. 5
For Promissory Notes:  Sale of collateral securities in case the
(1) Implied promise to pay instrument (not paid in maturity)
(2) Bare acknowledgement of indebtedness  Confession of judgement (Not paid in
a. If it does not constitute a PROMISE maturity)
TO PAY  NON NEGOTIABLE  Waives the benefit of any law intended for the
For Bill of Exchange: advantage or protection of the obligor
(1) Words equivalent to an order to pay  Gives the holder an election to require
(2) Mere request to pay something to be done in lieu of payment of
(3) Liability of the drawer money
Under Sec. 6: Omissions
Indication of a particular fund  Not dated
1. Reimbursement is to be made – o Promissory note – Date of issue
NEGOTIABLE o Bill of Exchange – Date of the last
a. The fund indicated is indirect negotiation
source of payment  Does not specify the value given, or that any
2. Payment is to be made – NON- value has been given
NEGOTIABLE  Does not specify the place where it is drawn
a. The amount to be paid is made to or payable
depend upon the adequacy or  Bears a seal
existence of the fund  Designates a particular kind of current money
b. Direct source of payment in which payment is to be made
When payable on demand: Date is necessary to determine the maturity of
1. Expressly stated the instrument when it is:
2. No time for payment is expressed 1. Payable at a fixed period after date
3. Payable on demand as regards the maker 2. Payable at a fixed period after sight
 Already overdue SECTION 12
4. Payable on demand as regards the acceptor Ante-dated and post-dated:
 Accepted by the drawee  Ante-dated if it contains a date earlier
5. Payable on demand as regards the indorser than the true date
 Indorsement after maturity  Post-dated if it contains a date later than
SECTION 8 the true date
No effect on the negotiability not unless, done for
When payable to order may be drawn an ILLEGAL or FRAUDULENT purpose.
payable to the order of: SECTION 13
1. A payee who is not maker, drawer, or drawee When date may be inserted:
2. The drawer or maker 1. Payable at a fixed period after date but is
3. The drawee issued undated
4. Two or more payees jointly 2. Payable at a fixed period after sight but
5. One or more of several payees the acceptance is undated
6. The holder of an office for the time being Effect of insertion of a WRONG date:
Considered as payable to order when:  As a holder with knowledge
 The payee must be named, if not  Non  Will avoid the instrument as to him but
negotiable not as to SUBSEQUENT holder in DUE
 Must be to a specified person, or to himself or COURSE
his order  As to subsequent holder in due course
 “to the order of”, “or order”, “to P and  Alteration, therefore is still considered
assigns” TRUE DATE
SECTION 9 o Incomplete but delivered
 The holder has the authority to
Payable to bearer when: COMPLETE but not to alter any item
1. Expressly stated  Authority to put any amount when a
2. Payable to a person named or bearer SIGNATURE in a blank paper was
3. Payable to the order of fictitious or non- delivered (if the maker has the
existing person, and such fact was known to intention of making it a negotiable
the maker instrument)
4. When name does not purport to be the name SECTION 15
of any person o Incomplete but NOT delivered
5. When the only or last indorsement is in BLANK  Defense even against a holder in
Bearer due course (real defense)
 The person in possession of a bill or note  Defense available to parties
which is payable to bearer or legally  Invalidity only to person/s
qualifies as bearer instrument whose signature appear on the
Bearer instrument instrument BEFORE delivery
 Payment to any person in possession SECTION 16
thereof in good faith and without o Complete but NOT delivered
notice that his title is defective  Still incomplete and revocable
 DELIVERY alone is enough to effect the o Complete and Delivered
negotiation of the instrument  Valid instrument
 Whoever possesses the instrument is the
bearer SECTION 17
SECTION 10 “If the instrument is ambiguous”
Terms, when sufficient Rules:
1. Sum written in words will prevail
Criterion of negotiability  But if WORDS are ambiguous,
1. Clear intention of the parties reference will be made to figures
2. Use of foreign language 2. The interest will run at the date of the
3. Mere defect in the language or grammatically instrument
error  If UNDATED, the interest will run
SECTION 11 at the date of issuance
Presumptions as to date
3. Written provision will prevail over the to A
printed provision
 Written provisions are the real
intention of the maker  M becomes liable because there has been
4. The holder has the option to determine if a TRANSFER (from P to A)
the instrument is: SECTION 23: Forgery
 Promissory note “If the signature is forged or made without
 Bill of exchange authority, it is considered inoperative.”
5. If there is doubt with the person signing, Forgery
the person will be treated as an  fraudulent alterations of any writing
INDORSER.  real defense
 Endorsers are secondarily liable Inoperative
6. Instrument where 2 or more persons  You have no right to retain, discharge, or
signed. enforce payment.
o “I promise to pay”, 2 or more persons  applies only to SIGNATURE
signed  The negotiable instrument with a forged
 Solidary liable signature is still valid.
o “We promise to pay”, 2 or more 2 ways to commit forgery:
persons signed 1. Signature
 Jointly Liable 2. Indorsement
SECTION 18,19,20 Situations under Promissory notes
GENERAL RULE: “Only those whose name or 1. By order (Forged Signature)
signature written on the document are liable.”
Exceptions: M issued a PN
1. The name written is ASSUMED NAME OR by order to P
TRADE NAME P forged M’s
2. If the person authorized someone to sign signature
in behalf of the principal
Requirements:  M is NOT liable because of inoperative
 The agent must be authorized  P is criminally and civilly liable
 He adds words indicating that he is  A, B, & C are LIABLE for Warranty
an agent
2. By Bearer (Forged Signature)
 He discloses his principal (If
M issued a PN
NOT, he will be personally
by Bearer to P
P forged M’s
Agent has a limited authority:
1. If he is only signing by procuration
 Procuration is an act by which a
 M is NOT liable because of inoperative
principal gives power to another to
 P is criminally and civilly liable
act in his place as he could himself
 A & B are not liable (remote parties)
2. If he acted beyond his scope or limits
 C is liable because he is an immediate
 He will be liable party (liable for warranty)
 Under this situation, Liability for warranty
There will still be a transfer even if:
only extends to IMMEDIATE PARTY
1. Ultra Veris Act
2. Minor (Minority is a real defense)
3. By Order(Forged Indorsement)
Situation 1:
M is a minor
T forged the
P indorses it to A
indorsement of P
to A
 M is not liable
because of real
defense (minority)

Situation 2:
M issues the instrument
to P  Cut off rule – All the parties PRIOR to the
P is a minor, indorses it forgery are NOT liable (M & P are not liable)
 T is criminally and civilly liable
 B and D are liable for warranty

4. By Bearer (Forged Indorsement)

 All parties acquired title with delivery

 Endorsement is not required
 T is criminally and civilly liable

Situations under Bill of Exchange

1. By order(Forged Signature)



Classes of holders:

1. Holders simply or Holder not in due course

2. Holder for value
3. Holders in due course

FALSE: The Holder in due course is always a

Holder for value. (NOT ALWAYS!!)
TRUE: The Holder for value is always a Holder in
due course.

Ordinary holder or mere holder

- Holder not in due course

Requisites for a Holder in Due Course

1. receives the instrument complete and regular
on its face – Personal or equitable defenses are those
2. became a holder before it was overdue and which grow out of the agreement or conduct of a
had no notice that it had been previously particular person in regard to the instrument
dishonored if such was the fact which renders it inequitable for him through legal
3. takes the instrument for value and in good title to enforce it. Can be set up against holders
faith not HDC
4. at time he took the instrument, no notice of
infirmity in instrument or defect in the title of – Legal or real defenses are those which
the person negotiating it attach to the instrument itself and can be set up
against the whole world, including a HDC.
Notes on Section 52

– every holder is presumed to be a HDC

(Sec. 59)

– the person who questions such has the

burden of proof to prove otherwise

– if one of the requisites are lacking, the

holder is not HDC

– an instrument is considered complete and

regular on its face if a) the omission is immaterial
b) the alteration on the instrument was not
apparent on its face

– an instrument is overdue after the date of


– on the date of maturity, the instrument is

not overdue and the holder is a HDC

– acquisition of the transferee or indorsee

must be in good faith

– good faith means lack of knowledge or

notice of defect or infirmity

47. A holder is not a HDC where an instrument

payable on demand is negotiated at an
unreasonable length of time after its issue (Sec.
53 NIL)

48. Rights of a HDC:

– holds the instrument free from any defect

of title of prior parties

– free from defenses available to prior

parties among themselves (personal/ equitable

– may enforce payment of the instrument

for the full amount against all parties liable(Sec.
57 NIL)

Notes on Section 57

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