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1) People say that ________ will melt the ice caps and flood the land.

a) wind farms
b) organic food c) greenhouse gas d) global warming

2) The traveller always carried his ________, even on the beach. a) pesticide b)
SUV c) backpack d) pathway

3) My sister suffers from ________. a) asthma b) beachwear c) furnishings d)


4) Many power stations burn ________ to generate electricity. a) fossil fuel b) solar
energy c) organic food d) exhaust fumes

5) The mechanic needs to ________ the engine to repair the fault. a) pollute b)
strip c) smash up d) watch out for

6) Some people prefer to pay a little more and buy ________ in order to stay
healthy. a) greenhouse gas b) exhaust fumes c) global warming d) organic food

7) We are going to the beach to ________ the sunshine. a) make or break b) make
the most of c) make time for d) make a point of

8) You can use a ________ to make a hole in wood. a) block b) strip c) drill d) tile

9) The storm had a ________ effect on the village. a) retardant b) devastating c)

approving d) frustrated

10) After all their long explanation, the ________ of the message was that we
hadn't won the contract. a) retardant b) filter c) shortage d) bare bones

11) Companies invest in technology to ________ for them to produce more. a)

make sense b) make a difference c) make or break d) make it easier

12) It ________ to be careful when driving in the rain. That is when most accidents
happen. a) makes a difference b) make it easier c) makes sense d) makes time

13) A greater ________ cleaner sources of electricity has led to more wind farms
being built . a) advance in b) demand for c) consumption of d) decrease in

14) The defenders try to ________ the attack. a) filter b) erect c) block d) decorate

15) Having a ________ sweet foods is not good for your teeth. a) taste for b)
advance in c) decrease in d) shortage of

16) I will ________ to the shop on the way to work. a) recycle b) spray c) pop in d)

17) I like to ________ acting professionally at all times. It's important not to let your
feelings interfere. a) make sense b) make the most of c) make a point of d) make it

18) Musicians practise for many hours in a ________ perfection. a) increase in b)

consumption of c) shortage of d) drive for

19) Care needs to be taken when decorating so as not to damage the house's
________ and maybe get an electric shock. a) watching b) rubble c) wiring d) drill

20) Famine is the ________ food for the population. a) interest in b) shortage of c)
consumption of d) increase in

21) I have no ________ in things I find boring. a) interest in b) advances in c)

shortage d) consumption

22) Busy people have difficulty ________ hobbies. a) making a point of b) make or
break c) making time for d) making sense of

23) A household washing machine is an example of an ________. a) extension b)

icon c) appliance d) emission

24) Even a small injury to the head will often ________ a lot. a) bleed b) dump c)
get in shape d) bring up

25) The water came out of the hose as a fine ________. a) strip b) powder c)
breeze d) spray

26) It was ________ time for the business, if it was to survive. a) make sense b)
make the most of c) make a point d) make or break

27) ________ for sharks whilst swimming. a) Make up b) Watch out c) Throw up d)
Make the most 

28) The room had not been used for years, so there was ________ everywhere. a)
PVC b) carbon c) dust d) bleach

29) Because of the ________, it is dangerous to run your car in a closed garage. a)
wind farm b) climate change c) exhaust fumes d) greenhouse gas

30) I could see from her expression that my grandmother didn't ________ my
friend. a) decorate b) cut down on c) frustrate d) approve of

31) He had suffered ________ pain for many years. a) damp b) query c) smash up
d) chronic

32) The grass is often ________ in the morning. a) fertiliser b) self-cleaning c)

refined d) damp
33) With the campfire and thick ________, the boy was very warm. a) carrier bag
b) drill c) carbon d) blanket

34) After winning every award in the industry, he was considered a music
________. a) life coach b) appliance c) icon d) merchandise

35) The young boy cried when he got a puncture in his bicycle ________. a) tile b)
tank c) tyre d) drill

36) Modern furniture often comes with ________ assembling instructions. a)

subsidized b) step-by-step c) self-cleaning d) SUV

37) At their new home, the family threw a party for their ________. a) plumbers b)
producers c) tanks d) neighbours

38) Due to ________ communication technology, the world is becoming a "smaller

place". a) advances in b) shortage of c) demand for d) consumption of

39) The trees provided a natural ________ to the wind. a) dye b) barrier c) fertiliser
d) supplement

40) The Romans were famous for producing ________ decorations. a) retardant b)
cooperative c) solar panel d) mosaic

41) ________ can be a danger to low flying aircraft. a) solar energy b) fossil fuel c)
wind farms d) greenhouse gas

42) I really dislike those long black coats, but they're ________, so a lot of people
are buying them. a) in pieces b) all the rage c) cutting down d) making sense

43) The electricity for the house was generated by the ________ on the roof. a)
tank b) insulation c) solar panels d) floorboards

44) The farm was operated as a ________. a) cooperative b) extension c) guided

tour d) sarong

45) Charity workers believe they ________ to other peoples' lives. a) make a
difference b) make or break c) make sense d) make it easier

46) We always buy new ________ before going on our summer holidays. a) PVC
b) bleach c) beachwear d) genetically modified food

47) It cost £50 a day to ________ the car. a) get in shape b) bleach c) bring up d)

48) We should always take a spare container of ________ for the engine. a) dye b)
pesticide c) dust d) diesel

49) They say that our harsher winters are due to ________. a) solar energy b)
climate change c) organic food d) wind farms

50) She put on her ________ to cover her beachwear. a) sarong b) helmet c)
willpower d) thermos bag

51) The room was much warmer after the ________ was installed. a) filter b)
double glazing c) greywater tank d) rubble

52) The terrible news caused the stock market to ________. a) query b) plummet
c) recycle d) spray

53) ________ is used to combat famine. a) carbon b) insulation c) asthma d)

genetically modified food

54) The room appeared much bigger without its ________. a) produce b) layers c)
furnishings d) icon

55) The ________ from the local factory were polluting the air. a) renovations b)
emissions c) fittings d) seaweed

56) It was the workers' care and skill that ensured the ________ was of a high
standard. a) glove b) filter c) end product d) extract

57) A bridge was ________ to cross the river. a) dyed b) folded c) integrated d)

58) The house is much bigger now that the ________ is finished. a) extract b)
wiring c) extension d) double glazing

59) After falling off the bicycle several times, the young man decided to buy a
________. a) guided tour b) mosaic c) powder d) four wheeler

60) It is a good idea to measure the window before buying ________ for the
curtains. a) sanding machine b) fabric c) germs d) packaging

61) I really ________ a cup of coffee. a) erect b) account for c) fancy d) hire

62) The bags of ________ were kept in the barn. a) diesel b) tarnish c) end product
d) fertiliser

63) A car uses a ________ to keep the oil clean. a) polluter b) greywater tank c)
filter d) drill

64) The fixtures and ________ were sold with the house. a) breeze b) willpower c)
rubble d) fittings

65) He couldn't decide whether to buy carpet or paint the ________. a) floorboards
b) insulation c) double glazing d) beachwear

66) After seeing his ________ for several months, Edwin felt much better. a)
guided tour b) lifestyle c) charger d) life coach

67) The student ________ achieved the highest test scores. a) compatibly b)
invariably c) subsidize d) pathway

68) Protective ________ are provided for safety. a) plumbing b) dust c) gloves d)

69) As her battery was flat, the secretary needed to borrow a ________. a) blanket
b) charger c) razor d) filter

70) I wanted to change the colour of my T-shirt, but there was only blue or green
________ left in the shop. a) insulation b) double glazing c) plummet d) dye

71) ________ are oftern worn at Scottish weddings. a) Mosaics b) Fittings c) SUVs
d) Kilts

72) Acting foolishly in public can ________ a celebrity's reputation. a) tarnish b)

watch out for c) subsidize d) insulate

73) The ________ of the castle was really interesting. a) end product b) guided
tour c) retardant d) pesticide

74) Washing your hands after using the bathroom helps remove ________. a)
germs b) dye c) packaging d) bare bones

75) The new bathroom ________ looked great and were easy to clean. a) tyres b)
wiring c) tanks d) tiles

76) Turning off lights when not needed will ________ electricity wastage. a) bring
up b) insulate c) cut down on d) pop in

77) As the price of fuel increases, the demand for ________ vehicles falls. a)
plumbing b) gas-guzzling c) neighbouring d) genetically modified

78) Vitamin ________ can help to keep you healthy. a) layers b) tanks c) strips d)

79) ________ must be worn on building sites to protect your head. a) Sarongs b)
Gloves c) Fittings d) Helmets
80) The printer ran out of ________. a) will power b) pesticide c) bleach d) ink

81) New furniture must be fire ________ to pass the quality tests. a) retardant b)
self-cleaning c) polluting d) sensitive

82) The painters are coming to ________ the house. a) filter b) decorate c)
package d) power up

83) Governments often ________ the cost of food to help the poor. a) layer b)
subsidize c) substance d) recycle

84) The coach is trying to ________ the members better to make them a winning
team. a) integrate b) lifestyle c) insulate d) filter

85) The ________ should be emptied when full. a) pathway b) sledgehammer c)

mosaic d) greywater tank

86) The gymnasium was designed to help people ________. a) plummet b) guide
tours c) decorate d) get in shape

87) When connected, the two systems failed as they were not ________. a)
compatible b) end products c) neighbouring d) devastating

88) The more ________ of clothing you wear, the warmer you will be. a) solar
panels b) tunnels c) layers d) furnishings

89) Wider roads are being built because of the ________ traffic. a) drive for b)
consumption of c) increase in d) taste for 

90) ________ plates is a custom at a Greek wedding. a) Polluting b) Powder c)

Smashing d) Wiring

91) Special areas are provided to allow you to ________ your waste safely. a)
shave b) pinpoint c) decorate d) dump

92) Learning to ski can be ________ at first. a) frustrating b) compatible c) fancy d)


93) Both sides agreed that the agreement was ________ beneficial. a) lifestyle b)
mutually c) devastatingly d) pinpointedly

94) A ________ reader claims to tell your future from looking at your hand. a) palm
b) PVC c) fabric d) razor

95) The Chinese eat fried ________. a) rubble b) ink c) seaweed d) pesticide

96) Flu medicine is available as a ________ or a capsule. a) powder b) PVC c)

fabric d) step-by-step

97) Unsold farm ________ is often fed to the animals. a) insulation b) diesel c)
produce d) tasty

98) Doctors warn people about the ________ fatty foods. a) consumption of b)
shortage of c) interest in d) advances in

99) We're lost. I can't ________ our current position on the map. a) pinpoint b)
plummet c) pollute d) produce

100) Some ________ is very difficult to remove. a) polluter b) cooperative c)

packaging d) palm 

101) Manufacturing industries produce an enormous amount of ________. a) wind

farms b) fossil fuel c) greenhouse gas d) solar energy

102) Sometimes prisoners dig a ________ to escape. a) tunnel b) tank c) flush d)


103) The battery was flat so the equipment would not ________. a) plummet b)
power up c) strip d) refine

104) Please ________ the toilet after you use it. a) erect b) layer c) kilt d) flush

105) It's the parent's responsibility to ________ their young children with suitable
values. a) shave b) dust c) bring up d) flush

106) The clothes were neatly ________ in the drawer. a) refined b) folded c)
frustrated d) approved

107) ________ is used for making waterproof materials. a) SUV b) Seaweed c)

Rubble d) PVC

108) A ________ answering service is provided via the telephone. a) query b) self-
cleaning c) mutual d) willpower

109) Wash vegetables before eating to remove any ________. a) PVC b) vintage
c) furnishings d) pesticide

110) In order to fix the clock, he first had to ________. a) tarnish it b) insulate it c)
tile it d) take it to pieces

111) Crude oil is ________ to produce many different materials. a) smashed up b)

shaved c) cooperated d) refined

112) The ________ helped them fly the kite. a) diesel b) damp c) spray d) breeze
113) Shops often advertise on their ________. a) kilt b) fold c) carrier bags d)

114) Where the tower once stood, there was now a huge pile of ________. a)
wiring b) rubble c) pathway d) germs

115) The strange ________ dripped from the hole in the wall. a) tyre b) blanket c)
substance d) tarnish

116) My new ________ shirt changes colour when I wear it. a) cooperative b) heat-
sensitive c) shaved d) chronic

117) Our ________ is in bad condition and a pipe has burst. The water has caused
a lot of damage. a) block b) seaweed c) plumbing d) powder

118) A bird's feathers provide ________ from the cold. a) frustration b) insulation c)
integration d) self-cleaning

119) I don't like ________. I think I will grow a beard. a) shaving b) recycling c)
smashing d) packaging

120) Sam loved to smash things with his ________. a) substance b) sarong c)
plummet d) sledgehammer

121) The race track was full of stalls selling ________. a) layers b) plumbing c)
merchandise d) taste

122) It was once very popular to ________ your hair nearly white. a) bleach b) ink
c) bleed d) hire

123) Girls now ________ half of the pupils in the school. a) approve b) decorate c)
extract d) account for

124) He chose the house as it suited his ________. a) lifestyle b) backpack c)

neighbours d) kilt

125) The ________ is a great vehicle for travelling across the desert. a) PVC b)
recycle c) SUV d) sanding machine

126) The old wooden floor looked beautiful after it had been treated with the
________. a) sledgehammer b) razor c) SUV d) sanding machine

127) The house was in terrible condition and needed a complete ________. a)
recycle b) renovation c) tyre d) query

128) Pencil lead contains ________. a) palm b) carbon c) mosaic d) fabric

129) He filled the ________ with fuel before the long trip. a) furnishings b) tank c)
plumbing d) tyre

130) I hate washing my car; I wish it was ________. a) plumbing b) subsidized c)

merchandise d) self-cleaning

131) The government urges people to ________ as much of their waste as

possible. a) tunnel b) recycle c) renovate d) pollute

132) The meal was extremely ________ and everybody loved it. a) renovated b)
tasty c) tarnished d) mutual

133) He needed a new ________ as the old one made him cut his chin. a)
appliance b) pinpoint c) razor d) powder

134) The water in the local river has been yellow for the last two days. The
authorities are trying to find the ________. a) pesticide b) rubble c) produce d)

135) The new neighbours decided to ________ to meet everyone. a) tunnel b)

power up c) throw a party d) renovate

136) The car was old enough to be classed as ________. a) flush b) retardant c)
recycled d) vintage

137) The ________ is ideal for keeping your drinks cold for your summer picnic. a)
PVC b) sarong c) heat sensitive d) thermos bag

138) The park is very muddy. You'd better take the ________. a) pinpoint b)
pathway c) powder d) palm

139) A filter is used to ________ particles from water. a) insulate b) package c) fold
d) extract

140) It would seem sensible for countries with sunnier climates to invest in
________ generation. a) wind farms b) solar energy c) organic food d) fossil fuel

141) Giving up smoking takes immense ________. a) watching b) tasting c)

substance d) willpower

1) d
2) c
3) a
4) a
5) b
6) d
7) b
8) c
9) b
10) d
11) d
12) c
13) b
14) c
15) a
16) c
17) c
18) d
19) c
20) b
21) a
22) c
23) c
24) a
25) d
26) d
27) b
28) c
29) c
30) d
31) d
32) d
33) d
34) c
35) c
36) b
37) d
38) a
39) b
40) d
41) c
42) b
43) c
44) a
45) a
46) c
47) d
48) d
49) b
50) a
51) b
52) b
53) d
54) c
55) b
56) c
57) d
58) c
59) d
60) b
61) c
62) d
63) c
64) d
65) a
66) d
67) b
68) c
69) b
70) d
71) d
72) a
73) b
74) a
75) d
76) c
77) b
78) d
79) c
80) d
81) a
82) b
83) b
84) a
85) d
86) d
87) a
88) c
89) c
90) c
91) d
92) a
93) b
94) a
95) c
96) a
97) c
98) a
99) a
100) c
101) c
102) a
103) b
104) d
105) c
106) b
107) d
108) a
109) d
110) d
111) d
112) d
113) c
114) b
115) c
116) b
117) c
118) b
119) a
120) d
121) c
122) a
123) d
124) a
125) c
126) d
127) b
128) b
129) b
130) d
131) b
132) b
133) c
134) d
135) c
136) d
137) d
138) b
139) d
140) b
141) d

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