Talisik People Vs CA To PNB Vs Florendo

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[G.R. No. 132396.

September 23, 2002 RTC rendered a decision finding Deutsch,

Demeterio and Mangubat guilty of
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, and MA. conspiracy and convicted them of Estafa.
WILSON, Petitioners, vs.  HON. COURT On Appeal, CA amended the judgment
OF APPEALS, MA. LOURDES DEUTSCH, whereby Ma. Lourdes Deutsch was
NERCY DEMETERIO and EXCEL acquitted whose crime has not been proven
MANGUBAT, Respondents. beyond reasonable doubt.

[G.R. No. 134553. September 23, 2002 In GR 132396, WILSON alleges that the
acquittal of Deutsch was unfounded,
NERCY DEMETERIO, and EXCEL arbitrary, unjust, and constituted grave
MANGUBAT, petitioners, vs. PEOPLE OF abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
THE PHILIPPINES, and MA. MILAGROS excess of jurisdiction.
G. WILSON, Respondents.
She argues that Deutsch should not have
FACTS: been acquitted since the evidence shows
that the latter was an active participant in
These are consolidated petitions for the conspiracy perpetrated to defraud her.
review on certiorari under Rule 45, She claims that conspiracy was more than
assailing the decision dated November 17, sufficiently established by the following
1997 acquitting Ma. Lourdes Deutsch alias circumstances:
Lyn for the crime of Estafa.
(1) It was Deutsch who enticed and
Record shows that Nercy M. Demeterio, convinced private complainant to buy a
Excel Mangubat, Ma. Lourdes Deutsch alias beach lot in Cebu.
Lyn, and the spouses Numeriano Rabadon
and Leonila Burlaos were charged (2) It was Deutsch who made a telephone
with Estafa. call the next day from Cebu and who dealt
with the Rabadons regarding the beach lot.
Sometime in October, 1991, above-named
accused induced, offered and convinced (3) Deutsch made the deal appear too hard
Milagros (Lala) G. Wilson to buy a portion of to resist.
beach property in Cebu for P250,000.00
knowing that said portion offered for sale (4) Deutsch offered to advance the
was under the coverage of CARP Law and reservation fee of P20,000 and the amount
assuring upon the vendee that said of P4,500 for expenses and received
property is free from all liens, P24,500 from petitioner as reimbursement
encumbrances and the documents or thereof.
papers thereto were all in order, and for
reasons of their assurances, the offended (5) Deutsch convinced private complainant
party decided to buy the same, making a to go to Cebu City, then fetched her and her
downpayment to the accused in the amount son from the airport and gave them free
of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR accommodations.
THOUSAND PESOS (P164,000.00), and
when the victim finally learned of the (6) Deutsch repeatedly assured petitioner
deception made by the accused she that she would personally undertake the
demanded to return unto her the transfer of the property to complainants
downpayment, but the accused without name.
justifiable cause, refused and still refuse to
return the aforestated amount.
(7) Deutsch summoned the other accused
to her house and introduced them to
Demeterio and Mangubat were arraigned petitioner as her friends.
and pleaded not guilty to the charge.
Deutsch and spouses Rabadon and Burlaos
(8) Deutsch, with the other accused,
were likewise arraigned pleaded not guilty.
accompanied petitioner to meet the spouses
Rabadon and made repeated and firm
On January 19, 1993, the prosecution filed assurances that the subject property was
a motion to discharge Mangubat, Demeterio free from any liens and encumbrances.
and the spouses Rabadon and Burlaos, to
become state witnesses. The trial court
(9) Deutsch convinced petitioner to pay an
granted the said motion but only with
additional P80,000 to complete the required
respect to the spouses Rabadon and
P100,000 downpayment for the property.
Burlaos. The Order was dated July 7,
(10) Deutsch, with Demeterio and 2. Whether or not the Court of Appeals
Mangubat, gave petitioner the Deed of acted with grave abuse of discretion
Absolute Sale signed by the lot owners, the when it acquitted Ma. Lourdes Deutsch.
spouses Rabadon.
And (11) Upon being informed of
petitioners knowledge that the sale had 1. At the outset, it should be recalled that
defects, Deutsch referred to her co-accused petition for review on certiorari under Rule
Demeterio and Mangubat as her partners in 45 and the special civil action of certiorari
the transaction. under Rule 65 are two separate and distinct
remedies. Under Rule 45, a petition brings
Petitioner maintains that the above up for review errors of judgment while a
enumerated circumstances showed petition for certiorari under Rule 65
Deutsch was part of the conspiracy. concerns errors of jurisdiction or grave
Acquitting her was tantamount to abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
discriminating against the other accused, excess of jurisdiction.
for in conspiracy, the act of one is the act of
all. Grave abuse of discretion is not an
allowable ground under Rule 45.
In GR 134553, Petitioners Demeterio and
Mangubat allege that they had no active However, a petition for review on certiorari
participation in the transaction between under Rule 45 may be considered as one for
Wilson and Deutsch. They deny that they certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
employed false pretenses and/or fraudulent Court, where it is alleged that the
acts, nor did they pretend to possess respondents have abused their discretion in
property. their questioned actions,as in this case.

They likewise point out that the real estate Generally, it is the Office of the Solicitor
mortgage and the subsequent adjudication General who can bring actions on behalf of
of the property to the Bantayan Rural the state in criminal proceedings, before the
Bank, Inc., was duly registered with the Supreme Court and/or the Court of
Register of Deeds; that there was sufficient Appeals. In People vs. Santiago, 174 SCRA
notice, not only to the buyer but to the 143 (1989), however, we said the action
whole world, of the infirmities extant in the must be filed in the name of the private
said property; that they even accompanied complainant and not of the People of the
Wilson to Anapog, San Remigio, Cebu to Philippines. For the purpose of expeditious
check the property, something they would but inexpensive disposition of the case, and
not have done if their intention was to granting that Wilson has sufficient interest
defraud and misrepresent; and that Wilson as a person aggrieved to file the special civil
could have easily checked on any defects in action of certiorari under Rule 65, we shall
the title of the said property. They posit that consider the allegations in her petition,
under the principle of caveat emptor, Wilson pursuant to the underlying spirit of liberal
has had sufficient warning. construction of the rules. Brushing
technicalities aside, however, even if we
On their alleged promise that they would treat this petition as one under Rule 65 of
personally take care of transferring the title the Rules of Court, the conclusion in our
of the land to Wilsons name, they explain view is the same: the petition is without
that their failure to carry out said promise merit.
was not meant to deceive. A promise to
perform something is not deceit and a 2. NO.
failure to comply with the promise does not
change its character. In acquitting Deutsch, the Court of
Appeals merely interpreted the evidence
Petitioners Demeterio and Mangubat also presented before the trial court, as it
deny they were involved in a conspiracy to deemed fit. Note, however, that the
defraud Wilson. acquittal of Deutsch is based only on lack
of proof beyond reasonable doubt.
Hence, this petition.


1. Whether or not the petitioner availed

of the appropriate remedy of Petition for
Review on certiorari;
A tribunal, board or officer is said to have filed by the Commission on Audit through
acted with grave abuse of discretion when it its Auditor I, Miss Helen G. Gaabucayan,
exercised its power in an arbitrary or and in effect discharged Lolita G. Ledesma
despotic manner by reason of passion or from all liability.
personal hostility, and it must be so patent
and gross as to amount to an erosion or a FACTS:
virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined
or to act in contemplation of law. In an audit on October 31, 1985 by Helen
D. Gaabucayan of the period from April 27,
The documentary evidence presented before 1985 to October 31, 1985, transactions
the trial court shows that Mangubat and involving receipts and disbursements of
Demeterio prepared the receipt dated Trust Liability Account under Depository
September 24, 1991, acknowledging Account No. 345-8404963 were not
payment of P100,000; the Deed of Sale; and recorded in any cashbook by the Cashier
the receipt dated October 11, 1991, and not all were reported to the accounting
acknowledging the payment of P160,000. In section from April 17, 1981 to October 31,
all these documents, only the signatures of 1985.
the Rabadons, Mangubat and Demeterio
appear. Verifications and cross checking of
documents and records yielded the
Deutsch had no signature in the document. following alleged significant findings:
Faced with this evidence, it is clear why the
Court of Appeals chose to disregard the 1. Incurrence of cash shortage
self-serving and sometimes inconsistent amounting to P413,859.35 as of
testimonies of Mangubat and Demeterio. October 31, 1985 consisting of
P390.85 on unliquidated cash
Further, there is no showing that the CA advance for uniform allowance and
was motivated by anything other than the P413,468.50 representing
desire to arrive at the truth in accordance unrecorded cash
with the evidence on record. Hence, we find advances/disbursements under the
that no grave abuse of discretion could be name of Mrs. Lolita Ledesma taken
imputed on the part of the appellate court from Trust Depository Account No.
in rendering its decision on November 17, 345-8404963 covering the period
1997, which acquitted respondent Deutsch April 17, 1981 to October 31, 1985.
of estafa for lack of proof beyond
reasonable doubt. 2. Some accountable forms acquired
since April 13, 1981 consisting of
Further, as pointed out by the OSG, 2,020 pieces commercial checks
whatever error might have been committed were not presented for inspections;
by the Court of Appeals in said decision, it neither were recorded or reported in
could only be an error of judgment and not the monthly report of accountability
of jurisdiction. It could not affect the of accountable forms by the Cashier.
intrinsic validity of its decision.
Consequently, the acquittal of Deutsch may 3. The Cashier did not prepare and
no longer be reviewed, for to do so would maintain Bank Cashbook (General
place her in double jeopardy in violation of Form No. 104) for all financial
the basic tenets of our fundamental law transactions (receipts and
and current jurisprudence. This, however, disbursements/withdrawals) under
is without prejudice to any appropriate civil the Trust Liability Checking
action that might be taken against her by Depository Account No. 345-
the aggrieved party. 8404963 since the start of its
G.R. No. 81476             July 26, 1991
4. The withdrawal and transfer of
COMMISSION ON AUDIT, petitioner, funds were made by the Cashier
vs. without supporting documents. The
TANODBAYAN and LOLITA G. transfer was made from the BTR-
LEDESMA, respondents. Funded Depository Account No.
345-8400198 to Trust Depository
SARMIENTO,  J.: Account No. 345-8404963 under
check no. 287052 and 287053 dated
The petition for certiorari assails the July 23, 1985 amounting to
Resolution of the Office of the Tanodbayan P100,000.00 and P83,079.70,
in case of "Commission on Audit v. Lolita G. respectively. This transaction was
Ledesma" which dismissed the complaint likewise not recorded and reported
in the cashbook and in the government was the UNICEF Funds which
accounting records of the agency; she had to liquidate directly with UNICEF
5. Receipts of funds from the
UNICEF, WHO and the MOH Central Nor could she be held under Article 220 of
Office which were deposited in the the Revised Penal Code because the
Trust Depository Account No. 345- transfer of the BTR Funded [Depository
8404963 were not issued with the Account No. 345-8400198] amounting to
corresponding official receipts by the P183,079.70 to Trust Depository Account
Cashier in the amount of [No. 345-8404963] does not appear illegal
P1,430,481.65; since it was authorized or sanctioned by
her superior and there appears no specific
6. Some collections/receipts and showing that the BTR funded depository
disbursements made out of this account is appropriated for any limited
Trust Liability Account No. 345- purpose only and could not be applied to
8404963 in addition to those other purpose of public service by the MOH
mentioned in finding No. 1 were not (Ministry of Health).
reported and submitted by the
Cashier to the accounting section This is so notwithstanding the provisions of
for recording in the agency's books Section 106 of the State Audit Code of the
of accounts and for final submission Philippines, because in this law it is
to the Commission on Audit; required that the payment, disposition or
application must be illegal.
7. Returned checks and bank
statements received by the Cashier ISSUE:
from the PNB on Trust Depository
Account No. 345-8404963 were held Whether Tanodbayan committed grave
in the custody of the cashier's abuse of discretion on dismissing the
section and were not forwarded to complaint against Lolita Ledesma.
the accounting section for purposes
of bank reconciliation; RULING:

8. No bank reconciliation statements NO. It should be pointed out that the

were prepared by the previous Tanodbayan's role in preliminary
accountant under the finance investigations is to determine the existence
division for the Trust Liability of a prima facie charge against a certain
Depository Account No. 345- respondent.
8404963 since the start of its
In the present case, the respondent
Ledesma was able to account for all funds
9. The accountable officer did not received from the UNICEF including those
reconcile her cashbook transactions allegedly missing.
and balance with the accounting
The general rule is that the resolutions of
the Tanodbayan can not be brought to
10. The official receipts issued by judicial review.
the Bukidnon General Hospital in
acknowledgment of fund transfer
Pres. Decree No. 1630 provides that:
from the MOH Regional Office did
not reflect the actual date when
payment was made. Sec. 19. Tanodbayan's Immunities.

Because of the above findings, a complaint (a) No proceeding, opinion or

for Malversation of Public Funds2 was filed expression of the Tanodbayan or
against Ledesma. any member of his staff shall be
reviewable in any Court
The Tanodbayan dismissed the complaint
on the ground that the evidence could not The immunity is intended to boost the
establish a  prima facie presumption that Tanodbayan in carrying out its functions
respondent has put the alleged missing without much delay and pressure, being a
amounts to her personal use. constitutional body tasked with seeing to it
that public accountability of government
employees is properly exercised.
Neither could she be said to have failed to
render accounts because accordingly what
she did not account for with the
It is evident that the petitioner's arguments PNB, et al. in the Court of Agrarian
are anchored on the Tanodbayan's proper Relations, 12th Judicial District, Branch IV,
appreciation of the facts.1âwphi1  Dumaguete City.

The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts, PNB answered the complaint with
more so in the consideration of the counterclaim for damages.
extraordinary writ of certiorari where
neither questions of fact nor even of law are Plaintiffs, in turn, filed their reply to the
entertained but only questions of lack or counterclaim. Defendant PNB then moved
excess of jurisdiction or grave abuse of for leave of court to file third party
discretion. complaint dated October 20, 1981 against
the registered owners-mortgagors of the
Grave abuse of discretion means such subject parcels of land.
capricious and whimsical exercise of
judgment as is equivalent to lack of Plaintiffs Vivienne Viloria, et al. moved for
jurisdiction. It must be so patent and gross the amendment of their complaint to
as to amount to an evasion of positive duty implead the heirs of the deceased plaintiff-
or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty Agripino Viloria which respondent Judge
enjoined by or to act at all in contemplation admitted in an order dated February 26,
of law 1982.

G.R. No. L-62082 February 26, 1992 On May 28, 1982, private respondents
Vivienne Viloria, et al. moved to further
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, amend their amended complaint. Notable
vs. amendment introduced in the First
THE HON. TEODORO N. FLORENDO, Amended Complaint is the inclusion of
Judge of the Court of Agrarian Relations, another parcel of land as subject matter
12th Regional Disctrict, Branch IV, thereof.
Dumaguete City, VIVIENNE B. VILORIA,
SOCORRO MISA, GERMELIN ESTORCO, Said property belongs to the spouses
PABLO BENDOLO, REWEL CABUAL, Agripino and Soledad Viloria and mortgaged
AL., respondents.
PNB opposed the admission of the aforesaid
BIDIN, J.: private respondent's First Amended
Complaint on the grounds that there was
FACTS: no proper notice of hearing as required by
the Uniform CAR Rules of procedure, the
Plaintiffs are tenants of four (4) parcels of impropriety of including TCT No. 42836 —
land located at Mabinay, Negros Oriental, a residential land situated in Cebu City as
whose previous owner Ricardo Valeroso, subject matter of the complaint, and the
mortgaged the same to the Philippine failure of private respondents to attach a
National Bank (PNB). copy of the real estate mortgage contract
upon which the action was based.
In 1971, said parcels of land were bought
by spouses Agripino and Soledad Viloria Respondent Judge Florendo granted private
who assumed the mortgage with PNB. respondents' Viloria, et al. motion and thus,
admitted the First Amended Complaint.
In 1974, PNB requested the Provincial
Sheriff of Negros Oriental to foreclose the Petitioner PNB's motion for reconsideration
mortgage on the aforesaid parcels of land of the above order was denied by
after the failure of the owners thereof to pay respondent Judge Florendo in an order
certain amortization and the same was sold dated June 28, 1981.
at public auction to the defendant bank as
the highest bidder. Notwithstanding the fact Hence, the petition.
that said lands were already brought under
the Land Reform Program of the ISSUE:
government, the PNB caused the titles to
said parcels of land transferred in its name Whether or not the respondent Judge
to the prejudice of plaintiffs. exceeded his jurisdiction in admitting
the First Amended Complaint which
Plaintiffs Vivienne B. Viloria, filed a adds another parcel of land not within
complaint for "Declaration of Nullity of the the coverage of Operation Land Transfer
Foreclosure Proceedings in Violation of P.D. pursuant to P.D. 27.
Nos. 27 and 946" against the defendants
considered as correct, if only because of the
presumption of regularity that is stamped
RULING: on it as an official document".

YES. Indeed, amendments to pleadings are

generally favored and should be liberally
The order of the respondent Judge construed, however, where the court has no
admitting the First Amended Complaint jurisdiction over the subject matter of the
including therein said questioned Lot 787- case (Lot 387-B-2-A being a residential lot
B-2-A which is a residential lot not falling not covered by Operation Land Transfer
within the ambit of PD 27, hence, beyond under PD 27), it is evident that the
CAR's jurisdiction, was issued in excess of amendment of the complaint could not be
jurisdiction. allowed so as to confer jurisdiction upon
the court over said property.
Upon the abolition of the Court of Agrarian
Relations by BP 129 enacted on August 10, The term excess of jurisdiction signifies that
1981 and fully implemented on February the court, board or officer has jurisdiction
14, 1983, jurisdiction over agrarian over a case but oversteps such jurisdiction
disputes is now vested in the appropriate while acting thereon. Verily, the writ
Regional Trial Court pursuant to the of certiorari is granted "to keep an inferior
provisions of Sec. 19(7) of the said law. court within the bounds of its
jurisdiction . . ."
The Court of Agrarian Relations (now RTC
sitting as an agrarian court) could only It is the proper remedy "where it clearly
entertain disputes over lands that are the appears that the trial court is proceeding in
subject of agrarian cases. Corollarily, lands excess or outside of its jurisdiction . . ."
that are not the subject of agrarian Since the "office of the writ of certiorari has
disputes should not be brought before it as been reduced to the correction of defects of
an agrarian court. It has been the jurisdiction solely and cannot be legally
legislative policy to confine to the CAR used for any other purpose", said remedy is
exclusive jurisdiction over agrarian cases as available in the instant case to keep the
well as their incidents. trial court from proceeding in the case in
excess of its jurisdiction.
The following factors indisputably
established questioned land is beyond The private respondents Viloria, et al.'s
CAR's jurisdiction: contention that the petition for certiorari is
premature since the order of the
respondent judge could have simply been
First, private respondents Viloria, et al. assigned as an error in the appeal by the
admission in their Comment dated petitioner in case of adverse judgment is
November 19, 1982 that Lot No. 787-B-2-A not persuasive. Even when appeal is
is a residential lot located at Cebu City. available and is the proper remedy, this
court has allowed a writ of certiorari when
Second, the certification by the Agrarian the orders of the lower court were issued
Reform Team No. 215 to the effect that either in excess of or without jurisdiction
subject lot is not within the coverage of the
Operation Land Transfer pursuant to P.D.
27. Such ''official certification can be

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