Mixtape Memoir

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Ben Ramirez

Mrs. Storer
English 3 Hnrs
April 26, 2020
My Mixtape Memoir

Prayer of Saint Francis – 2010

Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin – 2014
Every Breaking Wave by U2 – 2015
Cheerleader by OMI - 2015
Cell Respiration Song by Mr. Hsu - 2017
Lift Yourself by Kanye West - 2018
Prayer of Saint Francis
I don’t know if this is something specific to Filipino families, to my family particularly, or
something in general. In 2010, I was in second grade. During that year, my Lola (grandma) had
passed away. She had been really sick with lupus and eventually, her age caught up with her. She
passed away some time in that year that I can no longer particularly remember. After she died,
my family held a novena in her memory, which is standard tradition after someone dies. I
remember specifically sitting in a room praying this prayer every so often. I remember being at
the funeral home, just sitting on a pew crying and hearing the song in the background.
Not so much seek to be consoled as to console
To be understood, as to understand
To be loved, as to love
I remember most clearly.
I remember that throughout the years of my life that I have sung this song periodically. I never
feel so close to my Lola or feel so peaceful as when I sing it. This song reminds me of her and
her faith that she had. The song reminds me of her and how if she were still here, how I think she
would expect me to act.
In some strange way, the song became a pivotal part of my Lola within my mind. It became, in a
way, my stand-in Lola after she passed away.
Cat's in the Cradle by Harry Chapin
The first time that I heard this song was in the car on my way to school. It was a song that my
dad had bought on apple music. I never heard the song before that.
My dad was driving us to school, and I was listening to music on my IPad. I saw the song for the
first time. The first time I listened, I did not think anything of it. It was nothing special to me. It
was a nice calming song, I thought.
My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay
The song gained significance when my dad heard me listening to it.
He asked me about it and what I thought. He told me that he was the one who bought the song. I
did not know that he even knew of the song. It made sense to me afterwards.
I knew that I did not know my dad. There is so much that I do not know about him.
Listening to this song makes me feel closer to my dad. It makes me remember all those strange
things I have heard from him. This song reminds how much there is to learn about my dad. It
makes me want to be closer to him and so it holds a special place in my heart.
Every Breaking Wave by U2
This song is an old U2 song. The only reason that I know this song is because back when I was a
wee lad, one of my family bought the song on apple music. Eventually, I saw the song in the
purchased section. I decided to play the song. I then added it to my personal playlist.
I remember that whenever we would go for long drives, it would always be my mom who drove
us. This song reminds me of certain times whenever we would be driving on a road trip.
I remember sitting in the back seat with my IPad, earbuds plugged in, sitting silently in my seat. I
remember my mom looking back at me from the front seat and smiling.
I do not remember where we were going that day, but I remember silently sitting and looking out
the window.
If you go
If you go your way and I go mine
Are we so
Are we so helpless against the tide
I remember another time when I was playing a board game with my family. The current
challenge was to name a song whose name started with the letter E.
My answer was Every Breaking Wave. I was teamed up with my mom and she answered
While this is not my favorite song, it makes me remember my mother fondly.

Cheerleader by OMI
This song definitely is not my type of music. I would never listen to it on my own.
The only reason that I know this song is because one of my best friends showed it to me back in
junior high. I do not remember everything about when I heard it though.
I remember that we were face timing after school. I was playing video games and she was sitting
on her computer just doing random things.
She asked me to listen to a song. I remember her struggling to get it to play over the microphone.
Oh, I think that I found myself a cheerleader
She is always right there when I need her
The song did not impress me. It really is not my kind of music. Out of respect, I listened to it and
said some nice things.
Whenever I think about or hear this song, I remember face timing with Bianca. I remember how
happy I was hanging out with her.
The song makes me remember all of the time we had spent together, all of the things we had
been through. It reminds me of the stupid memories we made and all of the silly things we had
done when messing around at school. It makes me remember being a kid and enjoying myself.
Cell Respiration Song by Mr. Hsu
This song is not a popular song and it definitely is not one that you would find anywhere outside
of YouTube. I do not believe that you can find it on Spotify or apple music or any platform you
might use. The song was made by a teacher for his students to help them study. It was made as a
parody of the song “I gotta feeling” by the Black-Eyed Peas.
The reason that I actually know this song is because of my teacher, Mrs. Nerat. She is a
wonderful teacher and is great at helping students learn biology.
During my freshman year, I had Biology honors with Mrs. Nerat. At the time, we had been
studying Cell respiration. To help us better understand the process, she played the song for us.
When we first heard it, it was shocking, and we all burst out with laughter. I fondly remember
listening to this song during my homework and during class.
However, during junior year, the song came back to haunt me as we relearned cell respiration in
AP Biology.
Whenever I hear this song, I remember all the memories I made during biology. I remember all
of the stupid things I did with my friends in the class.
Cell Respiration
It’s a long-complicated process
That I need to know for a bio test.
But it turns my brain into a huge big mess.

Lift Yourself by Kanye West

I neither particularly enjoy nor like this song. It’s really not my type of music. Other people
might like it, but I really do not.
The reason this song has a place in my heart is because it came from an interesting time in my
During the summer before my sophomore year, my twin brother and I joined the football team.
To join the team, it was required to do the summer conditioning camp.
My older brother, Max, had always loved football and was the starting center for Saint Augustine
during his high school years. He was really excited to see Dom and I join our team at Mater Dei.
So, each morning he drove to our conditioning camp. Each morning, we would listen to this
particular song. I do not believe any of us enjoyed it, but it became a part of tradition.
I will always remember riding in the car listening to this stupid song as I hyped myself up for
Lift yourself upon your feet, let's get it on
The hang ups we have today
Said we need to strive for more liberty

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