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#Mosquito brigade

Let the consumer become the hero who wipes out the threat of dengue from their homes and
protect their loved one. Have the opportunity to join the mosquito brigade and wipe out
mosquitoes and other insects

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Target Market:

Young adults

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Have a small stall at malls with heavy foot traffic. Set up a small station where people can
download and play the AR game where they kill mosquitos. (Evil mosquito that the brand uses
as a mascot)

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3D model of the stall that will be used on location.

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How the brand can benefit?

Data collection:
 Brand can have the option of setting up their own questioner at the beginning of the
app to collect data on their customers.
 Find out their opinions about the brand i.e, consumers view on mosquito spray with
fragrance instead of the chemical smell.
 Add images of the brand on the app and use the same color palette as the product thus
building a stronger brand image and retention.
 Opportunity to create the Mosquito brigade mascots to fight off against the evil
mosquito mascot.

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Social Media platforms:

 Facebook
 Instagram
 Twitter

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Communication Medium:
 Social Media
 Website

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Application brief:

Tablet based
Operating system: Android

Tools and Equipment:

• Unity 3D Game Engine

• Blender, Maya, 3DS Max
• Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
• SQL Lite

App Features:

• AR Game
• Leaderboard
• Data Collection

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