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Left in such a situation as he was, poor Togo's

narrow but strong sense of patriotism made him

resolve on suicide as the most honorable way of
escape. Late one night when his friends were fast
asleep he scribbled a line of farewell to this effect:
"I am more sorry than I can possibly bear not
with the others. No one would take
to be at the front
me in spite of my entreaties. I will prove my loyalty
with death."
Thus prepared, he drew a dagger from a white-
wood sheath1 and cut across the abdomen, whis
pering Banzai to the Emperor in a shower of tears.
This took place on the 12th of May in a lonely
comer of an old tottering temple, when the sound
of rain dripping from the eaves made the sad scene
still sadder. But good Heaven seemed to take com
passion on such a faithful soldier. His friends
awoke and came to the rescue. He was sent to a
hospital. His wound healed in due time, he was
discharged, and later he was allowed to go to the
front. Cold reason may call this man a fool, or a
fanatic, but his heart was pure and true. This inci
dent testifies to the childlike simplicity of devotion
that prevailed throughout the whole army.
Russia prided herself on her vast territory and
immense soldiery, but her people did not believe
in the Czar's virtue. They were oppressed and
The sheath and hilt of whitewood indicates the ceremonial
dagger used in committing hara-kiri.

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