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of her husband 's departure , the poor emaciated

woman gathered all her scanty strength , went to

the town near by and bought two go ? of rice and
one sen ? worth of fuel . This handful of grain and
bundle of firewood , are they really as insignificant
as they be ? Nay , the two go of rice and
seem to
the sen worth of wood were for the loving wife ' s
farewell banquets in honor of her husband ' s great
opportunity . And yet at the time of separation ,
the wife was sick and the child starving , and the
husband going to give his life to his country ! In
the morning , before daybreak , Nakamura bade
good -by to wife and baby , and without a farewell
from his neighbors hastened bravely to his post .
Such was only one out of hundreds of thousands
of similar heartrending instances . The kind and
sympathetic people left at home at once began to

relieve these unfortunate families , so that the men

at the front could devote their whole attention and
energy to their duties as soldiers .
When the men of the first and second Reserve
arrived in their garrison , some of them were re
jected on account of insufficient health or physique .
How sad and crestfallen they looked when thus
rejected ! “ Please, can ' t you take me in some way ?


i a measure of capacity equal to a little more than a

equal half cent



Rice banquet people poor that they live ordinarily





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