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There isn�t any point to ranting and raving, we need plans for electric and recycle

cleanliness purposes. Wrecking to correcting why?

Technically is all sick, lick, lick, catch, stay far away, disease is real to be
clean. Genetics really suck for real, no one gets to pick, so don�t judge.

Sadly I made a mistake the phrase was silence is beauty, in the last poem second to
last line. Everything can be a lie and still move 1 way.

Who started it? Who benefits? Can we place any bets? The law was laid it changed to
what garbage. Confusing is not even the term.

Please o please make it more simple, so many are failing who is to blame? The
mirror is full of answers most have always been asking.

What is it, lies make you feel good, some things are a scam. How about a fee to
make a baby? Money for everything is wrong just life is life.

Women are lucky men are blind, for if they could see all the wrong would they still
touch? Women need to be able to read minds, not to open up.

People cry no matter on sex or whatever gender you may think you are. I can�t,
maybe I�m dumb I know how bad it is, I can comfort with touch.

Words are empty you see what I write, I know lies very well. Are you sure, you are
still very young and quite beautiful you can keep going far.

To pick 1 is it hard, yes unless they pick you it�s equal return. We ask, I�ve
known to be guilty this life is full of ones, I�ll rather not mention they ruin.

To be simple is beauty heard it in a song it�s true, words complicate so what�s the
point, collective soul, where the river flows take a listen it�s real.

Many songs have truth; as with most in life, when combined that is it. Not 1 is
greater than all as 1 kind of strange how the old ways got lost, please.

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