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Crap, shower, crap, shower all in the same hour, another wash a little later today

and one before I rest at night. Is this too much water to waste?

I know a reason why america is scorned, it�s because the poor lived rich one time.
The rulers changed, then it became all about what you like.

I do not, I prefer freedom hence why America was really formed. You see the other
governments, do they want the same, I think not they want slaves.

O no this isn�t true, each time the old rotten ways return. I don�t want to live in
this world. I will be checking out, so no one deserves a note or way.

Many had their chance, I just turn away it wasn�t what I wanted. Be kind and gentle
like we are suppose to be, do not be blind to reality imputes.

I want someone, just 1 person she can be what I am not. We need to get along this
world still isn�t that bad, the people cause all the problems, null.

You want it as do I, the touch of another can feel so good. When it is blind that�s
when it�s bad,most turn to abuse as for a use.

The means to break so none other can take, keep her don�t drop. She is only good
for you, don�t share to care for others.

This is why trust is so hard, I don�t like to engage not worth my time. I�ll be the
first to grow a baby from a tube, you see how bad?

It�s to the point where I don�t want to look, everywhere I look is broken. What is
the point to you when you can�t fix him?

Sure you can forgive and cry, does it help if it happens again and again. What I
say I really want none will take, I don�t want.

No one is good for me if you can�t trust, keep away from I. Too bad I had to see
your picture, stay with the man you lay.

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