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Music is so much better than people arguing, what is the point to life?

To make, to
break there are patterns watch & cry, while I can�t.

When creatures go they make a utopia, when people lay they desecrate and make it
all fake.
Nature is so beautiful with people removed.

You think this is mean, listen to all the cries even the planet has a problem or 2.
I like to solve why not, nothing much else to do except work.

That�s not an existence just a pitiful meaning that none should live but most do.
Ahh to be fortunate and never have to work a day in your life.

Those people still cry, I really don�t understand why, you have it all? Maybe
that�s not true for what�s missing it�s from everyone.

The grass is greener, only if you take care want to be mean. Where is the sin, I
want just 1 is it really so hard well for me it�s going to be impossible.

I want to care I really do, I just need someone to show this isn�t old. The reasons
for being is real and untrue, full of mystery like none other.

Heads, hurt they tend to ache a lot don�t they? People upset try to confuse just to
rule and win at what everyone fails. It�s really funny so I laugh.

The truth in me, I attach to 1 just to make sure, no need to move when family is
good. Many have never felt what is truly good maybe, just shoo.

Run,run don�t stop especially the haters and the public speakers grinning.Most of
it is for the money,that society will collapse, to be true.

Huffing and puffing to knock it all down, when it�s time to open. Lies have no
place in life,it�s a damn sin, so sick you can never prove to be real.

It�s not hard, I promise when something�s too easy. Usually it�s not right correct?
No one knows that�s the beauty of life just smile, no tricks.

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