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BACHAPMAN |coLEGE UNIVERSITY | EOUCATIONAL srupins Individual Development Plan Name: Edwin Hernandez. Date:_5/7/20. Credential(s): ><. Mild/Moderate Moderate/Severe Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe In accordance with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), upon completion of the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential, you, in collaboration with the university, are required to create an “Individual Development Plan” to guide you in planning further study during your Clear Credential/induction Program. In designing this individual Development Plan we suggest that you thoughtfully reflect upon your current knowledge, skills, and strengths as well as areas in which you could benefit from further development. Consequently, it is suggested that you review: (a) evaluations completed during your student teaching experience (e.g., summative and formative evaluations by their university supervisors and master teachers, scores on the TPE checklist, student teaching portfolio artifacts), (b) your Professional Development Self Assessment, (c) evaluations done by principals if working on an internship credential as a paraprofessional, (d) areas of limited academic or experiential opportunities, and (e) other areas of interest or concern, in creating your Individual Development Plan. Your advisor (and/or the Program Coordinator) will assist you with this planning process. ‘Summary of Individual Development Goals: (Identify the professional development goals you wish to achieve during your Clear Credential/Induction Program) 1. I willresearch effective strategies and lessons to provide differentiated instruction on mental health and mental health awareness topics. 2. Iwill continue to develop behavior strategies and research-based evidence to integrate with collaborate problem solving in order to create an ongoing data base to help support students in the classroom and present accurate data at IEPs. 3. Iwill increase my knowledge on effectively using technology to implement evidence-based instructional strategies throughout the school year to engage and support my students. 4. Iwill enhance my understandings of current instructional strategies specifically made to support English language learners by participating in virtual trainings provided by my school and completing research. 5. Iwill schedule the RICA test and complete it to be eligible for my Preliminary credential Goals and Tasks Date Planning to | Date Planning to Date Initiate Complete Completed Goal #1 Summer 2020 4. ONgoing 2. Ongoing Tasks/stepsjactivities 3. CAPS necessary to complete training Goal #1: will be October 5- A. Research and create a 6", 2020 data base to store future 4. Fall 2020 lessons on mental health awareness B. Coordinate and collaborate with the therapist to include lessons on mental health, social emotional development, and behavioral support throughout the school year. . Attend CAPSPD NOW fall differentiated instruction institute with Dr. Lori Elliot D. Read Mindset- How you can fulfill your potential by Carl Dewelt. Goals and Tasks Date Planning to | Date Planning to Date Initiate Complete Completed Goal #2 May 2020 ‘Ongoing Tasks/steps/activities necessary to complete Goal #2: A. Create data base on school site Q-drive to store research-based evidence in supporting behavior and classroom management. B. Attend Collaborative Problem-Solving weekly meetings during the 2020-2021 academic school year to receive tier 2 certification. C. Research effective strategies to incorporate into q-drive, in the classroom, and throughout the academic school year. D. Read The school discipline fix by Dr. Stuart Ablon and Alisha R. Pollastri. Goals and Tasks Date Planning to | Date Planning to Date a Initiate Complete | Completed _ Goal #3 June 2020 Ongoing Tasks/steps/activities necessary to complete Goal #3: A. Attend CAPSDnow virtual training on authentic technology integration with Dr. Lori Elliot on June 24-25. B. Research articles and textbooks that teach, and train how to effectively implement technology in the classroom. C. Learn how to manage technology by joining Apple teacher and understanding how to use apps to incorporate into daily lessons. Goals and Tasks Initiate Date Planning to necessary to complete Goal #4: A. Attend brain-based teaching and learning seminar on September 4hi5* B. Research, analyze, and evaluate scholarly articles and texts that pertain to effective strategies to support students in the classroom. Fall 2020 Date Planning to Complete Ongoing Date Completed Cc. Implement ELL/SDAIE strategies into differentiated instruction to provide additional support to. ELL students. | Goals and Tasks Date Planning to | Date Planning to Initiate Complete Completed Goal #5 September 2020 | December 2020 Tasks/steps/activities necessary to complete Goal #5: A. Study forthe RICA B. Sign up for a testing center C. Take the exam ‘Additional Comments, Reflections, Things to Consider, ] Ideas, Reminders, Etc. Signatures Date Candidate Sib ‘Advisor/Program Coordinator 5/15/20 | __ District Representative (if applicable) Mate OMe

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