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Print Quotations: (Author's Last Name, Year, Page number)

1. Researcher-focused
-authority in the filed surname
-strong-author orientation, bio note
for ex:
According to Novak (2020),
In the study of Barber (1996),
Based on Jeffords' (1959) investigation,

2. Chronology-focus
-weak-author focused
for ex:
In 2015, Williams claimed that

3. Idea-focus
for ex:
The fact that there's another clone proves the theory of cloning (Harpe, 2005, p.

She rushed to the gate of the airport, trying to catch her breath , then suddenly
she realized she left her passport at home. This is one of the typical scenarios at
the airport, now that people travel more often.
Lately, travelling has become a trend. A trend that everybody seems to enjoy yet it
costs a lot. However, if you give a sum of money to numerous people, they would
spend it differently. For instance, some may spend it on materials, some may spend
it on vacation and some may spend it on personal matters. Sometimes, the way they
spend indicates the type of age group they�re in.
Although other generations prefer not to travel, millennials became the top
consumers of the travel expense because they value experience, freedom and
1.1 Background of the study
The researchers aim to discuss and elaborate certain points to answer lingering
questions in the readers' psyche.
1.1.1 Origin of generations
There is no doubt people lived a million years ago, so to classify and organize
them, we put them into groups called generation. Now, what are generations ?
According to LifeCourse (2020), they define generation as, " the aggregate of all
people born over a span of roughly twenty years, or about the length of one phase
of life." With that said, let's define each generation. First, the Silent
Generation. This generation are those who grew up or lived during the year 1925 -
1945; they are perceived as hardworking, appreciative, and complying. Second, the
Baby Boomers. They were born during the years of 1946 - 1964. They are perceived as
competitive, disciplined, and mentally focused. On the other hand, the Baby bust
generation was born in the years of 1965 - 1979. This generation is more likely to
be self - reliant, impatient, and self - fulfilled than any other generations.
Then, Xennials. This generation was born in 1975 - 1985, and they value
responsibility and adaptability. Next, Millennials. This generation was born in
1980 - 1994. They are confident, ambitious, and achievement - oriented. Lastly,
Generation Z. They're born in 1995 - 2012. They are entrepreneurial, independent,
and autonomous.

1.1.2 Definition of millennials

What makes a millennial, a millennial?
Based on Kane�s (2019) investigation, millennials are young people who had just
recently reached adulthood in the early 21st century, and were born in the range of
1982 to 2000.
One typical attribute is that they are tech-savvy. They grew and evolved among
technology so they�re practically familiar with it. In 2019, Kane asserted that
relying on technology makes the millennials� performances better. As they�re
always with their gadgets, they�re always updated with the news and trends.
Another aspect is that most of them do �Job-hopping�. Based on the researchers�
observations, millennials tend to find another job when they�re unsatisfied,
unhappy or they want to explore more; they want to have a variety of experiences.
Lastly, millennials are goal-oriented. They will never yield until they reach their
In the study of Rodier (2017), they want a challenge to learn and they enjoy long-
term tasks until they achieve their target. As an illustration, a millennial was
inspired to go on a trip; however, he did not have enough money. Hence, they would
work hard until they accomplish their holy grail.
1.1.3 History of travel
Without a doubt, humans have been travelling for eons. Back then, species of
humans called "homo erectus" were the very 1st one to travel; they did it not
because of leisure but because of necessity. But times have changed, we travel for
various reasons now may it be for leisure, work, migration, and so much more.
Without our ancestors' intuition to migrate, we wouldn't have thought of travel at
*1.1.4 Factors of travelling
According to the researchers� survey, the top factors of travelling are
exploration, visitation and inspiration. Exploration is their desire to discover
and find themselves through places where they have never been before. Visitation is
going to your loved ones and spending time with them. Lastly, inspiration is what
they desire to see, feel, do or go to.

1.2 Review of Related Literature

This part aims to guide not only the researchers, but also the readers as well.
This is the scaffold of the research to further enhance and talk about the
researchers' point of view and findings.
1.2.1 The rise of millennial travel
Everyday, millions of people wander around the globe in search of a place to
sightsee, and the majority of those are millennials. According to Leonhardt (2019),
she states that millennials are the top travellers because they take approximately
five trips throughout the year. The numbers don't lie too. " By 2020, 320 million
international trips are expected to be made by youth travellers each year, a
staggering 47% increase from 217 million in 2013" ( Chapman, 2019 ). As you can
see, the rise of millennial travel is surely inevitable.
*1.2.2 Travel Addiction
As it was mentioned before, millennials take 35 days a year to take a vacation. For
occasionally they extend their vacation to spend more time with their loved ones.
Based on Thorn�s (2019) investigation, millennials
1.2.3 Economical and financial effects from millennials
Travelling millennials may have a good and bad thing. The good thing about is
that they don�t just help our economy grow but also, other countries� economies by
travelling around, buying their tickets and currencies. Along with this, they also
give opportunities to candidates who are in need of jobs. Conversely, not only
millennials are affected by losing their jobs but also the companies who used to be
their employers. The millennials would have a hard time looking for jobs with them
lacking the traits, stability and sustainability , which most companies are looking
for in their candidates.
1.3 Research Questions
1. Why do millennials love travelling?
Why do other generations prefer not to travel?
How did travelling become a trend for millenials?

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