Katherine González Viloria Código: 22.705.270 Carmen Rosenda Sánchez

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Activity 2

Writting Task

Katherine González Viloria

Código: 22.705.270

Carmen Rosenda Sánchez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Administración de empresas

CCAV Puerto Colombia

Septiembre 24 de 2019
Dream Vacations
My mother and I had waited all our lives for the dream vacation, she was so excited that she had
formed a strict plan; that day everything was going perfectly, the swimsuit, the sunblock,
sunglasses, but she doesn’t know about the storm was coming. it started to rain so hard
and our dream vacation was not the best.


My husband is a famous chef his name appear in all the newspapers, the day that we were
out for our dream vacations he decide to prepare the favorite food of his boss but that day
everything changed tragically, when cutting some onions he got distracted and cut his
hand, and when we wanted to take a plane and trowback he call us and says .. dont worry
im ok

when I woke up the next morning i was really happy because the sun was shining my
mom and i taked our breackfast we were at the mall and then we were at the beach and
when we were resting in the beach sand we saw a couples making excercises and we
decide to go with thems now we can says that was the nice experience.


The only things needed was take a pictures of all the places that we were and the beautifull
paradise. but fortunetly i had the camera in my bag and my mom start to take a pictures
was very funny sunny and beautiful morning that God had given us and I stopped to
observe how beautiful nature was so much emotion that I felt that I did not stop to take a
picture at that beautiful moment too .
After enjoying the dream vacation we had to return to reality where our beautiful family,
my dad, my husband and my children were waiting for us, it was definitely our best
vacation we would like to repeat them but it will be next time. while we celebrate our
arrival with a few glasses of wine finally!!!!!!

Pantallazo de la práctica escogida

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