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Nicolas Andrés Guerra Rodríguez

Read and report 10 sentences from the text. Explain which tense you are using.


 Direct speech: I like ice cream.

 Reported speech: She said (that) she liked ice cream.

1. Direct speech: Journalist, nurses, engineers and teachers won’t be at risk

Reported Speech: They said Journalist, nurses, engineers and teachers wouldn’t be at risk
Tense: Simple future
2. Direct speech: Driverless taxis will be on every street corner
Reported Speech: He said Driverless taxis would be on every street corner
Tense: Simple Future
3. Direct speech: Electricians are more are risk than taxi drivers
Reported Speech: Electricians were more at risk than taxi drivers
Tense: Simple Present
4. Direct speech: It won’t happen
Reported Speech: He said it wouldn’t happen
Tense: Simple future
5. Direct speech: How likely is that you’ll lose your job to a robot?
Reported Speech: He asked how likely that is we would lose our job to a robot
Tense: Simple Future
6. Direct speech: Telephone salesperson may not be so lucky
Reported Speech: He said telephone salesperson may not be so lucky
Tense: Simple present- Modals
7. Direct speech: it’s hard to think of a job that a computer Won’t be able to do it
Reported Speech: he said that it’s hard to think of a job that a computer wouldn’t be able to do it
Tense: Simple Future
8. Direct speech: The Oxford University study gives the probability for each job
Reported Speech: They said that The Oxford University study gave the probability for each job
Tense: Simple Present
9. Direct speech: A team of Oxford University studied 350 different jobs
Reported Speech: They said that a team of Oxford University had studied 350 different jobs
Tense: Simple Past
10. Direct speech: Will be at risk
Reported Speech: they said that it would be at risk
Tense: Simple future

APRIL 27TH, 2020 (WEEK 2)

Activity: Predictions

1. 35 per cent of UK jobs might go to robots.

2. .


1. Will
2. Will
3. May
4. Might
5. Will
6. Wont

PART 3 (Choose the option which is not logical)

1. Won’t
2. Might
3. Mightn’t
4. Will
5. Won’t
6. Won’t


1. My English exam will probably be good because I’ve worked hard

2. Finding a good job probably won’t be easy (Finding a good job/not easy(certainly/probably)
3. Peoples salaries might go down (Peoples salaries/go down(definitely/might)
4. Unemployment will probably get better
5. Environmental problems may get worse
6. The amount of free time we have will certainly go up


1. Will
2. Be able
3. Might
4. Probably
5. Be
6. May
7. Won’t


1. Buy a motorbike
2. Do a degree
3. Get a cat
4. Get married
5. Look for a job
6. Make new friends
7. Move a house
8. Travel to a foreign country


1. Travel to a foreign country is an activity that could be easily to do so we can say that is probablyin a family trip or
in one that the school makes as a learning program
2. Get a cat will probably be easir to do
3. Get married it may not (mightn’t) be possible to do as the age is one of the biggest variable, and also

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