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I�ll say it, might hurt me, Happy Mother�s Day there are good ones out there.

too many is their enough, no we can never have enough.

Good is good thru and thru, never to be rotten or even unfair. I talk of fairness
and it confuses most especially women, men like me aren�t real?

I live and eat so I ask about food, depending if I like the answers, I pursue.
Simple isn�t it, complication most definitely not worth.

Love is easy, never to let go, don�t be rude and forget that�s not love.
Unconditional I�ve been saying this a lot, it�s good when one accepts.

Make sure it�s true and not a lie, for many are broken never to be fixed. They are
not for me, I am rock and I need a sturdy head, to not break.

Not many have any answers, they try and try, never give up. You can do it if you
try unless it against nature, anyway natural is what I want.

I�m alone is it really a surprise? There is no one for me, I can�t change what I
am.Not many do a good job at raising, I won�t do it myself.

Someone has to be them not me, just for me to like. We celebrate holidays not
knowing the real reasons, today is such a one.

Why do they use and run, what is not good most vagina is the same. Ever share a
mental connection with no words needed?

That is what I want, the sound of my own voice annoys me. I�m hardest judge on
myself you think you can affect, I�ll let me open.

Do not run for even a monster has wonders beyond. Be happy don�t lie it�s more than
I want, the truth was always just fine.

Happy day, full families make the best quality, I might never have 1. Life can be
fun no matter what happens, it�s my fault not yours, I guess.


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