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By Group 3
The Youth Pledge (Indonesian: Sumpah Pemuda) was a declaration made on 28 October 1928
by young Indonesian nationalists in the Second Youth Congress (Indonesian: Kongres Pemuda
Kedua). They proclaimed three ideals; one motherland, one nation and one language.

The first Indonesian youth congress was held in Batavia, capital of the then-Dutch East Indies in
1926. It produced no formal decisions but did promote the idea of a united Indonesia. The idea
are Indonesian dream of independence become dream of all Indonesian youth and all
youth organization empowered efforts to mobilize youth organizations in one forum. [

In October 1928, the second Indonesian youth congress was held at three different locations. In
the first session held in Katholike jongenlinen bond building, the hope was expressed that the
congress would inspire the feeling of unity. The second session saw discussions about
educational issues held in Oost Java Bioscoop building . In the third and final session, held at
Jalan Kramat Raya No, 106, on 28 October participants heard the future Indonesian national
anthem Indonesia Raya by Wage Rudolf Supratman played with violin . The congress closed
with a reading of the youth pledge.

In Indonesian with current spelling the pledge reads :

Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, menjunjung bahasa persatuan bahasa Indonesia.
In English:
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation [are one people], the nation of
We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian.
Cast :
1. Anggita Syiami as Jong Java
2. Gema Aurelia as Jong Batak
3. Dustin Phalosa as Sugondo Djojopuspito
4. Rizky Fahreza as M Yamin
5. Fauzan Putra as R Katjasoengkono (Youth Council)
6. Justin Henryco as WR Supratman
7. Aurellia Karevina as Jong Islamieten Bond
8. Dian Fitriannisa as Dolly Salim
9. Danishara Ayesha as Sekar Ayu
Prologue :
(The first day of Second Youth Congress ,27 October 1928)
Lead by Soegondo Djojopuspito at Gedung Katolik Jongelingen, which was attended by
different jongs. At first, they were discussing about the First Youth Congress.
Dialogue :
Soegondo : “Assalamualaikum, good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today we’re going to
continue our previous discussion,”
M Yamin : “Sitting with us today are the representative of Jong Java, Jong Batak, Jong
Islamieten Bond, WR Supratman, Dolly Salim and Sekar Ayu,”
Soegondo : “Merdeka!”
All : “Merdeka!”
Soegondo : “At the First Youth Congress, we all know that we haven’t agreed on anything
yet. That’s why on this youth congress, we hope we can find a way to
Indonesia’s independence. Now, I declare the Second Youth Congress on 27
October 1928 is officially started,” (hammer knocking)
(Everyone clapped)
M Yamin : “Does anyone want to start?”
RSungkono : “My name is R Katjasoengkono. I would like to deliver my opinion. What if we
make an official pledge to unite the differences of our country?”
WRS : “I agree. But what would the pledge sound like?”
(All the jongs start shouting their opinions)
Soegondo : (knocking hammer) “Attention please! Everyone please sit down. Due to the
uneffectiveness of this congress. Let’s start over tomorrow,”
(All the jongs agreed and started to pack their belongings and left the meeting room)

(The second day of Second Youth Congress ,28 October 1928)

Lead by Soegondo Djojopuspito at Gedung Oost Java. This time, more people came. There were
also Tionghoan people.
Soegondo : “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good morning ladies and
gentlemen. As we discussed yesterday. Lets continue our meeting. Please
deliver you opinions nicely,”
Jong Batak : “Good morning everyone, I’m the representative of Jong Batak. I would like
to share my opinion about the pledge. I think the pledge should contain the
youth’s willingness to leave their tribe, religions, race, and groups, to unite as
one country,”
Jong Islam : “Yes, I agree. Willingness and courage are needed to do all that. We should
practice that in our daily life,”
Sekar Ayu : “We also need to have a big heart to ignore all prejudices and suspicions that
could lead to wars and misunderstanding,”
M Yamin : “That means, Indonesia’s unity is based of one feeling of love, one struggle,
the feeling of
Dolly Salim : “So, the main point of this pledge is love, language, and nation?”
M Yamin : “Lets discuss about the language point,”
Jong java : “What if our national language is Javanese?”
Jong Islam : “Why? Javanese isn’t the only language in our country,”
Jong Batak : “Yes, not everyone could speak Javanese,”
Jong Java : “But Javanese is the language with the most speaker here,”
WRS : “I think Javanese and Bahasa Melayu could become our national language,”
RSungkono : “I agree with Bahasa Melayu. It doesn’t represent any tribe, race, or groups
specifically. Let’s use it,”
(Everyone started to argue about which language they should use)
Soegondo : (hammer knocking) “Everyone please be quiet!”
M Yamin : “I think Bahasa Melayu could develop better than Javanese. I think it’s better
if we just use Bahasa Melayu,”
(Everyone nodded and agreed)
RSungkono : “But instead of Bahasa Melayu, lets call it Bahasa Indonesia,”
Soegondo : “Okay, let’s put Bahasa Indonesia as our national language in the Pledge,”
(hammer knocking)
Dolly Salim : “What else should we put to complete the Pledge?”
Sekar Ayu : “What if we put our agreement to call ourself as one nation?”
Jong Batak : “Let’s also mention our struggles and deeds to reach unity and
(Everyone agreed)
Soegondo : “Let’s arrange our opinions into a complete statement,”
M Yamin : “I suggest the first statement to sound like ; KAMI PUTRA PUTRI
WRS : “The second statement should be about our agreement as a nation,”
Sekar Ayu : “And the last statement should be about our national language,”
Soegondo : “So we all agree to this pledge, yes? What should we call it?”
Jong Batak : “What if we call it the Loyal Pledge?”
WRS : “The Loyal Pledge? No, I disagree,”
Jong Islam : “What about the Syariah Pledge?”
RSungkono : “It sounds too Islamic. Islam isn’t the only religion in this country,”
Jong Java : “What about Palapa Pledge? The meaning is also to unite everyone as one
regarding their different backgrounds,”
Dolly Salim : “No, it’s unoriginal. We should call it with something iconic and remarkable,”
Sekar Ayu : “What if we call it the Youth Pledge?”
Soegondo : “That sounds okay. But what’s the meaning behind that name?”
Sekar Ayu : “I think it represents us, the young generation that we also want all this wars
to end and that we also take part of this country’s way to independence,”
M Yamin : “I agree? Does everyone agree as well?”
(Everyone together) : “Yes!”
Soegondo : “So when should we verify this pledge to public?”
(Everyone) : “Today!”
Soegondo : “Where should we verify it?”
Sekar Ayu : “I have a place at Keramat Raya Street number 106,”
Soegondo : “Okay. Does anyone wants to add something?”
WRS : “I would also like to present my song as everyone was saying the pledge,”
(Everyone agreed)
Soegondo : (hammer knocking) “And with that, I declare today’s congress ends now.
Now, let’s go to Sekar Ayu’s place to officially declare and verify our pledge,”
(Everyone left and go to Sekar Ayu’s place and declare the Youth Pledge there)

Source :!

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