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International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD)

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ISSN: 2159-5852 (Print)
ISSN:2159-5860 (Online)

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor

Model for Explaining Agricultural Experts Behavior in
Acceptance of ICT
Amir Alambaigi 1 and Ismael Ahangari 2*

Received: 27 July 2015,

Accepted: 08 October 2015
T his study aimed to develop Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) model to explain adoption of information technologies
process. a Descriptive – correlation study was conducted and
data were collected through a survey. Statistical population was
West Azerbaijan Agricultural Extension agents who 120 of them
were selected randomly using the Krejcie and Morgan table. A
questionnaire was employed to measure the variables in the
model. Its validity was confirmed by a panel of experts. The
Cronbach's alpha coefficient ranged between from 0.704 to 0.816
show satisfied reliability. For data processing, partial least squares
(PLS) method as a new approach to structural equation modeling
was used. The results showed that among three variables for de-

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
velopment of technology acceptance model including Job relevance,
experience and organization willingness to invest, the first and
second show significant effects. Thus, Job relevance and experience

as an external variable was added to the basic TAM. Other

relations between variables in basic technology acceptance model
in current study were also seen significant. Our developed TAM
can explain 64% of the actual behavior of employee in information
technology utilization. TAM is one of the most influential
extensions of Ajzen and Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action
(TRA) in the literature. The theories behind it assume that when
a person forms an intention to act, that s/he will be free to act
without limitation. While In the real world there will be many
constraints, such as limited freedom to act. For example, people
in organized working environments are forced to use most of the
relevant applications irrespective of their opinion or attitude. In
Keywords: this research mentioned model was used as a strong model to
Technology acceptance
model, Job relevance, IT, predict actual use behavior that affected by three variables namely
Partial least squares Job relevance, experience and organization willingness to invest.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural & Natural Resources,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 PhD Student, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Faculty of Agricultural & Natural Resources,

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

* Corresponding author’s email: 235
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

INTRODUCTION care information, data, and knowledge for com-

In recent decades technological innovation munication and decision-making (Holden and
has become an integral part of modern life and Karsh, 2010).
the global economy and Identify the dominant In this regard, many methods and models has
patterns on adoption of this innovation has be- been applied to studying effective factors on in-
come the main goal of many researchers in ac- formation technology acceptance and the most
ademia and industry. In this respect, at least reliable of them is technology acceptance model
during the last twenty years many theoretical that studies factors at the individual level. This
models to identify behavioral factors influencing model has been applied through many researches
the adoption of information and communication in different countries and its applicability has
technologies have been proposed in which the been studied (Dillon and Morris, 1996). At
technology acceptance model has been inter- recent decades, several models have been pro-
ested by researchers more than any other posed in the context of technology adoption but
models in various areas of acceptance. Tech- what is indisputable is that the main and under-
nology acceptance is important issues to agri- lying concept of all models of technology ac-
cultural extension systems at the world and ceptance by the user is presented in Figure 1
many of extension studies have been directed (Yaghoobi and Shakeri 2010).
to study resistance to change and technologies Among the models of Technology Acceptance
acceptance. The models with theatrical basis Model (TAM), Theory of Reasoned Action
that often have been provided based on change (TRA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
theory or the overall based on the Theory of have been most widely used in studies of infor-
Planned Behavior (TPB), considered that adoption mation technologies adoption (Yaghoobi and
and implementation of a new technology is Shakeri 2010). The personal and social factors
from an attitude, or a behavioral plan, and ulti- have been considered as two important constructs
mately a behavior led to the adoption of change. and their effects has been analyzed on intention
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.

Study of factors influencing the intention is one or plan to use different technologies. According
of the growing areas in the field of Motivating to the Logical action theory of Fishbein and
factors of adoption (Ahangari, 2014). Ajzens (1975), person's behavior is follower of
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was intention or plan that affected on their attitudes
developed in the 1980s, and researchers such as are formed due to the normative influences. In
Davis argued that the key of increasing use of fact acceptance technology model has been used
information technology is in increase the rate to explanation this event that why some people
of its adoption (Melas et al., 2011). Information accept one technology but some of them reject
technology can be knowledge, skills and tools that and two variable, perceive of usefulness
that helps to collect, manage, use and share in- and perceive of ease of use have been introduced
formation related activities of the organization as basic elements of this process (Cothran, 2011).
and can be cause of promote them. The applica- However at the recent decades high efforts have
tion of information processing involving both been noticed to introduce the other effective
computer hardware and software that deals with variables, that Kulviwat et al. (2009) by studying
the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health this process have saturated Technology Accept-

236 Figure 1: Underlying factors of the technology acceptance model by the user (Venkatesh et al., 2003)
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

Figure 2: Technology acceptance model (Davis et al., 1989)

ance model by adding variables such as trust, explaining behavior of IT using. Perceived of
experience and job relevance. ease of use is defined as the extent to which a
Technology acceptance model is an influencing person believes that using a system would be
techno-social model that aimed at describe the free of mental effort. Perceived of usefulness is
adoption of an information system by user defined the extent that a person believes that
(Letho and Lee, 2013). Also this model is using a system would his or her job performance
applying to explain technology acceptance de- (Davis, 1989). Behavioral intention or purpose
cisions among a large number of different tech- is the intensity of individual’s intention and
nologies, different contexts and different samples will to perform the target behavior (Morris and
users (Hu et al., 2003). Generally, the model Dillon, 1997). The model of Davis has this ad-
has been analyzed relationships of effective vantage than the before descriptive model that
factors on computer acceptance by users and is based on a theory. This model has elements
it’s a model on individual level. The efforts of many previous studies in itself (Lucas and

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
taken to develop TAM has been noticed Mainly Spilter, 2000). Gyampah and Salam (2004)
in the form of three research approach include showed that both training and project commu-
derived from similar models and complete core nication influence the shared beliefs that users
of basic model, Introducing alternative or added form about the benefits of the technology and
important factors of view and finally, using that the shared beliefs influence the perceived
some of the intermediate factors those effect on usefulness and ease of use of technology. The
perceive of usefulness and perceive of ease of perceived usefulness of electronic services in
use (Wixom and Todd, 2005). Figure 2 shows general is the main determinant of the intention
process and performance of the model. to use e-government services. Risk perception,
As is seen, two factors (perceive of usefulness personal experience, perceived behavioral control
and perceive of ease of use) comprise the base and subjective norm were found to significantly
of model. These two factors affect the attitude of predict the perceived usefulness of electronic
people toward using technology, because of the services in general, while trust in e-government
decision to use the technology, and ultimately was the main determinant of the perceived use-
using is done. Also, perceived ease of use effects fulness of e-government services (Kuttschreuter
on the perceived of usefulness. The external et al., 2007). System attributes, perceived use-
factors could include any factor such as organiza- fulness and perceived ease of use, indeed, posi-
tional factors; social factors, how to teach, helping tively engender motorists’ attitudes towards
from other people and etc. (Davis el al., 1989). ETC (Electronic Toll Colection) service adoption
The results of their researches showed that (Chen et al., 2007).
TAM could predict about 40 percent of influ-
encing factors on information technology ac- Theoretical framework development
ceptance and this model has been recognized as As was expressed in addition to the basic core
a useful theorical model to understanding and model, various researchers to develop original
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

technology acceptance model, studied other Charfeddine (2012) examined empirically the
variables under the title external variables and factors that affect the adoption of Internet
have been analyzed its effect on the variables banking by Tunisian bank customers. They used
of the original model. In this study we use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and
three variables (job relevance, company’s will- Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as base
ingness to fund to establishment IT and individual model. The results showed that perceived of
experience factor) to reach the organizational usefulness is a significant determinant influencing
information technology acceptance model among factor to predict intention of Internet banking
users based on Kim’s pattern. Company’s willing using. Yi et al. (2006) explained 57% of the
to fund is defined here as the degree to which a physician’s intention to accept an innovation, is
company believes that funding would enhance dependent on status of variables included in the
an individual’s adoption of technology. Without model. Lee and Wu (2011) in a study in Taiwan
adequate funding, it is virtually impossible for paid to understanding aspects of technology ac-
individuals, employees, or organizations to adopt ceptance model on e-service quality formation.
and use new technologies. The results illustrate that perceived trust and
Experience refers to the effect of Company’s usefulness, which are the factors of the technology
willing to fund might change with prior experi- acceptance perspective, positively moderate the
ence, the level of an individual’s satisfaction relationship between e-service quality, perceived
when adopting prior technology. Experience service value, and service satisfaction. Holden
has been regarded as important in identifying and Karsh (2010) believe improving job per-
individual differences (Kim, 2008). For example, formance, easier to perform job duties, improving
prior experience with a similar technology the quality of job operations and related tech-
was found to be a major factor influencing an nologies with some important aspects of job re-
individual’s attitude in adoption decisions sponsibilities all are determinants factors of
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.

(Dabholkar, 1996). Job relevance means that technology usefulness feeling that can affect
individuals have different perceptions of outcomes employee behavior.
they expect obtain from technology because of Lehto and Lee (2013) arrived at this result
the different nature of their job; also they are that behavioral intention was significantly in-
exposed to external information, which may fluenced by both perceived usefulness and user
affect them in choosing which technology they satisfaction. The results of study of Yen et al.
need. This means that organization in its tasks (2011) indicated that TAM, either original or
has defined use of intended technology to every- parsimonious, is successful in explaining user
one explicitly and also its effects on improving intention to use wireless technology in organi-
the performance of job duties is absolutely clear. zations. Lin et al. (2011) presented that the core
In other words, being dependent job tasks to a constructs of the TAM have strong influences
particular technology under the title defined on user-intention towards e-Government products.
communication technology of career and indicates Kim et al. (2009) showed that path magnitudes
the intensity of employees need to a particular were significantly changed by technology features
technology to increase performance. Two di- and complexity. Perceived usefulness had more
mensions of fitness of the technology to perform influence on feature acceptance when basic fea-
job duties and being common in organization tures were used, and perceived ease of use had
are two key dimensions (Kim, 2008). more impact on feature acceptance when ad-
Ozkan and Kanat (2011) noticed that the vanced features were used. According to the
model of e-Government was an improvement study of Melas et al. (2011) in Greece, TAM
over TAM in terms of predictive power. The predicts a substantial proportion of the intention
constructs trust, perceived behavioral control to use clinical information systems. Also they
and attitudes successfully explained the intention presented that public knowledge has a significant
to use an e-Government service. Nasri and positive effect on perceived ease of use. Their
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

Figure 3: Research framework

result showed that job relevance, prior experience MATERIALS AND METHODS
and knowledge are influencing variables toward Research method was descriptive – correla-
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness tional. Data have been collected through a
of information and communication technologies survey. Statistical population was West Azerbaijan
that finally, led to attitude to use of that. Based Agricultural Extension agents that 120 of them
on the literature review this study aimed at in- were selected randomly using the Krejcie and
vestigating the role of external variables in tech- Morgan table. A questionnaire was designed to
nology acceptance with organizational context measure the variables in the model and the
that its conceptual model is as follows. views of individuals were collected in a five
pints scale. In which library studies, questionnaire
Research hypotheses were designed. Its validity was confirmed by a

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
1) Company’s willingness to fund has a sig- panel of experts. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient
nificant effect on perceived usefulness of infor- was used to assess the reliability and values
mation technologies. ranged between from 0.704 to 0.816. The vari-
2) Company’s willingness to fund has a sig- ables have been investigated in this study were
nificant effect on perceived ease of use of in- contains three types of variables; independent
formation technologies. external variables (job relevance, company’s
3) Job relevance has a significant effect on willingness to fund and experience), mediator
perceived usefulness of information technologies. variables (perceived ease of use, perceived of
4) Job relevance has a significant effect on usefulness and behavioral intention) and de-
perceived ease of use of information technologies. pendent variable (actual use). Partial least squares
5) Perceived usefulness has a significant effect method was dominant statistical method to test
on perceived ease of use of information tech- research hypotheses. This method is prediction
nologies. causal method that considering a multivariate
6) Perceived usefulness has a significant effect approach. When the problem is multi-faceted
on using intention of information technologies. and complex, and knowledge about that is little,
7) Perceived ease of use has a significant this method has high efficiency. The Partial
effect on using intention of information tech- Least Squares Method as a variance-based ap-
nologies. proach in structural equation modeling that is
8) Experience has a significant effect on per- considered a second-generation method and has
ceived usefulness of information technologies. overcome on the weaknesses of the first gener-
9) Experience has a significant effect on actual ation of multivariate techniques (e.g, including
use of information technologies. multiple linear regression, diagnostic analysis,
10) Intention has a significant effect on actual logistic regression, factor analysis and cluster
use of information technologies. analysis), such as simple look at the linear 239
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

stage, especially in linear regression, exist the firmatory factor analysis is performed for this
default based on visibility of the studied purpose that the results of observations are
variables and ignoring measurement error of shown in Table 1.
variables. The Partial Least Squares Method Composite reliability coefficients indicator
provides possibility of structures factor formation and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for all the
to measurement latent traits by relevant markers structures of the study were higher from 0.6
and the same time modeling of relationships and 0.7. It explains that structures reliability
between independent and dependent latent was satisfied. To calculate the validity was used
traits (Haenlein and Kaplan, 2004). New approach of structures validity method. In format of struc-
of structural equation modeling in Partial Least ture validity this issue is studying that do selected
Squares format generally, is used when the markers have sufficient accuracy to measure
sample size is not sufficient to estimate the sig- the desired structures or not? Confirmatory
nificant of parameters and researcher without Factor Analysis is used. If critical value of
concern about the number of parameters and t-value for factor loading of each indicator be
their fit with sample size can evaluate the model. higher than 1.96, satisfied constructing validity
To estimate structural equation models by partial otherwise drop this indicator. In this case, this
least squares method, the sample size for estimating structure has sufficient accuracy to measure
a model should be five to ten times than number that construct or latent trait. The results of factor
of existing paths in the model (Majchrzak et al., loading show that all indicators have a significant
2005). Given that the present sample size was p-level at 0.01. In structural equation modeling,
120 and 10 paths has been studied in the Model, in addition to structure validity to examine the
then the sample size is sufficient to estimate the importance of the selected markers, the diagnostic
model. In this study to estimate the significant of validity is intended in the sense that markers of
parameters of the model, especially path coeffi- each structure finally provide an appropriate
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.

cients the bootstrap method used that tests sig- separation in terms of measurement in related
nificant of parameters through the simulation to the other structures of the model. In simple
and by resampling method. In order to exact es- terms, each markers only measure its structure
timating of models, minimum number of resam- and combining them must be in a manner that
pling equivalent to 500 provides reliable results all structures are well separated. To investigation
(Newsted, 1996). In this study, is also used 800 diagnostic validity, square roots of Average
beside 500 to increase the accuracy of estimate. Variances Extracted (AVE's) has been used
(Hair et al., 1998). To this purpose, square roots
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of average variances extracted should be more
According to findings 65.8 percent (n=79) of than other correlations of the other factors with
respondents had a bachelor's degree. Also 81.7 this structure. The results of discriminate validity
percent (n = 98) were in formal employment shows that selected markers to measure the
status. The average of respondent’s age was structures have a good diagnostic validity because
43.14 years with 8.04 years standard deviation. the AVE's for each structure that in the diameter
Minimum age was 22 years, maximum age was of matrix in table 2 has been showed is higher
58 years. Average of job experience was 18.87 than all of the Correlations of other factors with
years with 7.74 years standard deviation and that factor.
minimum and maximum of experience was be- After ensuring that the structures are measured
tween one to 30 years. Based on the conducted correctly, then by using the structural model,
literature review to measure the variables of the causal relations between structures will be re-
model relevant markers were used. As is discussed viewed. In fact considering the results of rela-
in structural equation modeling approach, in tionship between dependent and independent
the first should investigate the validity of selected structures, we can study significant relation be-
measures to measuring latent variables and con- tween the structures of research by using the re-
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

Table 1: Actor loading of each indicator of model structures

Latent variables Indicators loading CR CA AVE VIF

Actual behavior If technology be available I will actual use of it 0.845 0.833 0.799 0.714 1.435
If technology not available I will ask from man- 0.844
agers or Supervisor to take it
According to the IT’s benefits I’ll use it to per- 0.820
form my job duties
Behavioral intentions I’ll recommend use of IT to my colleagues 0.922 0.902 0.801 0.755 1.335
Always I’ll search to finding new capabilities of 0.863
IT to perform my job duties.
Perceived usefulness Using of IT in my job would increase my pro- 0.867 0.889 0.815 0.619 1.354
I would find a smartphone useful in my job 0.861
Using of IT in my job be able me to perform 0.636
my duties rapidly
Perceived ease of use Using of IT would enhance my effectiveness 0.901 0.816 0.698 1.225
on the job
Using of IT improve my job efficiency 0.806
I would find IT is easy to use 0.743
Experience of using The prospect of using this technology and 0.799 0.775 0.730 0.633 1.204
what it could offer me is conceivable for me 0.875
Learning to operate IT would be easy for me
The process of IT using is tangibles for me 0.714
I want to see the benefits of IT before I apply it 0.939
The IT provides me a more efficient and or- 0.806
ganized tool in my job 0.786
If i have access to the IT, i will use it always 0.519
My organization with having experts in case 0.853
of any problem with the technology urgently

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
take action to fix it
Company’s willingness To update an existing and related needs tech- 0.928 0.896 0.704 0.642 2.073
to fund nology, my organization has taken appropri-
ate measures
In my job, if a company pays for any cost to 0.784
use a smartphone, I will definitely use it
When I need to particular help in related to IT, 0.859
my organization is willing to meet that through
Applying IT in our organization is tangibles 0.852
application of IT is appropriate to the nature 0.797
and duties of my job
Job relevance I feel this technology could facilitate my job 0.717 0.902 0.762 0.609 2.551
For those who wish to enter into the organi- 0.663
zation as a partner, it is necessary to be fa-
miliar with the IT
In my job, usage of a IT is high 0.733
In my job, usage of a IT is relevant 0.898

Table 2: The matrix of the square roots of average variances extracted and correlation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Actual behavior (1) 0.844

Behavioral intentions (2) 0.345 0.880
Perceived usefulness (3) 0.252 0.334 0.786
Perceived ease of use (4) 0.158 0.237 0.356 0.835
Experience of using (5) 0.264 0.350 0.261 0.078 0.795
Company’s willingness to fund (6) 0.228 0.224 0.295 0.279 0.083 0.801
Job relevance (7) 0.457 0.267 0.362 0.321 0.125 0.706 0.780

‫ ٭‬Diagonal is square roots of average variances extracted 241

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

lated coefficient. To study significant of path of coefficient to this path in different moods of
coefficients, bootstrap method has been used as statistical simulation is not reported.
a simulation statistical method. To this mean, The third hypothesis of research explains the
the resembling method was used at two statuses job relevance has a significant effect on perceived
500 and 800 of sample that recommended in usefulness of information technologies from
partial least squares method. The result show in statistical aspect. Studying path coefficients is
both cases, being meaningful or not of the pa- explaining that effect of job relevance on per-
rameters, was no change and the results have ceived usefulness is calculated 0.28 that has
strong validity (Table 2 and Table 3) significant level higher 0.02. Therefore, there
The first hypothesis of research indicates the was sufficient evidence to reject the null hy-
Company’s willingness to fund has a significant pothesis. In other words, enough evidence to
effect on perceived usefulness of information prove this the job relevance has significant
technologies from statistical aspect. Studying effect on perceived usefulness of information
path coefficients is explaining that effect of technologies were presented. According to the
company’s willing to fund on perceived usefulness above findings is characterized that the job rel-
is calculated 0.08 that has significant level evance is the reason to perceived usefulness of
higher than 0.05. Therefore, there was not suf- IT application and whatever scope of the use of
ficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. In information technology be more relevant to the
other words, enough evidence to prove that the desired job, the staff will evaluate using of it
company’s willing to fund has significant effect more advantageous.
on perceived usefulness of information tech- The fourth hypothesis of research explains the
nologies were not presented. Studying significant job relevance has a significant effect on perceived
of coefficient to this path in different moods of ease of use of information technologies from
statistical simulation is not reported. statistical view. Studying path coefficients is ex-
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.

The second hypothesis of research explains plaining that effect of job relevance on perceived
the Company’s willingness to fund has a signif- ease of use is calculated 0.26 that has significant
icant effect on perceived ease of use of infor- level higher 0.02. Therefore, there was sufficient
mation technologies from statistical aspect. evidence to reject the null hypothesis. According
Studying path coefficients is explaining that to the above findings is characterized that the
effect of company’s willing to fund on perceived job relevance is the reason to perceived ease of
ease of use is calculated 0.08 that has significant IT application and whatever area of the use of
level higher 0.05. Therefore, there was not suf- information technology be more relevant to the
ficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. In desired job, the staff will evaluate using of it
other words, enough evidence to prove this the easier. Thus we can know that perceived ease of
company’s willing to fund has significant effect technology using in organizational studies as a
on perceived ease of use of information tech- function of job relevance.
nologies were not presented. Studying significant The fifth hypothesis of research explains the
Table 3: Path coefficients and significant of direct path
Path Resampling rate
Studied path p-value S.E R2 VIF
coefficient BT = 500 BT = 800

Company’s willingness  Perceived usefulness 0.08 0.26 0.124 1.995 0.645 0.501
Job Relevance   Perceived usefulness 0.28 0.02 0.136 0.58 2.013 2.05 2.18
Experience of using Perceived usefulness 0.72 < 0.01 0.085 1.016 8.47 8.68
Job Relevance Perceived ease of use 0.26 0.02 0.117 2.104 2.22 2.34
Company’s willingness  Perceived ease of use 0.08 0.25 0.126 0.27 2.002 0.634 0.689
Perceived usefulness Perceived ease of use 0.37 < 0.01 0.076 1.155 4.86 5.05
Perceived usefulness behavior intention 0.29 < 0.01 0.092 1.145 3.15 3.23
Experience of using Actual behavior 0.36 0.03 0.088 0.43 1.139 4.09 4.17
Perceived ease of use behavior intention 0.27 0.03 0.102 1.145 2.64 2.84
242 behavior intention Actual behavior 0.79 < 0.01 0.078 0.64 1.139 10.12 10.25
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

perceived usefulness has a significant effect on usefulness of information technologies from

perceived ease of use of information technologies statistical aspect. Studying path coefficients is
from statistical aspect. Studying path coefficients explaining that effect of experience variable on
is explaining that effect of perceived usefulness perceived usefulness is calculated 0.72 that has
on perceived ease of use is calculated 0.37 that significant level lower 0.01. Therefore, there
has significant level lower 0.01. Therefore, there were sufficient evidence to reject the null hy-
was sufficient evidence to reject the null hy- pothesis. According to the above finding is
pothesis. According to the above findings is characterized that the experience is the reason
characterized that the perceived usefulness is to perceived usefulness toward IT application
the reason to perceive ease of IT application and whatever experience be more, the staff will
and whatever perceived usefulness be higher, evaluate using of that more useful.
the staff will evaluate using of it easier. Thus The ninth hypothesis of research explains that
we can know that perceived ease of technology experience has a significant effect on actual use
using in organizational studies as a function of of information technologies from statistical
staff’s perception from perceived usefulness. aspect. Studying path coefficients is explaining
The sixth hypothesis of research explains the that effect of experience on actual use is calculated
perceived usefulness has a significant effect on 0.36 that has significant level 0.03. Therefore,
using intention of information technologies from there were sufficient evidence to reject the null
statistical aspect. Studying path coefficients is hypothesis. In other words, enough evidence to
explaining that effect of perceived usefulness prove the experience has significant effect on
on using intention is calculated 0.29 that has actual use of information technologies were
significant level lower 0.01. Therefore, there presented. According to the above findings is
was sufficient evidence to reject the null hy- characterized that the experience is the reason
pothesis. According to the above findings is to actual use of IT application and whatever ex-

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
characterized that the perceived usefulness is perience be more, the staff will use that more.
the reason to using intention of IT application The tenth hypothesis of research explains that
and whatever perceived usefulness be more, intention has a significant effect on actual use
the staff have higher intention to use. Thus we of information technologies from statistical
can know that intention of technology using in aspect. Studying path coefficients is explaining
organizational studies as a function of staff’s that effect of the intention variable on actual
perception from perceived usefulness. use is calculated 0.79 that has significant level
The seventh hypothesis of research explains lower 0.01. Therefore, there were sufficient ev-
the perceived ease of use has a significant effect idence to reject the null hypothesis. In other
on using intention of information technologies words, enough evidence to prove the intention
from statistical aspect. Studying path coefficients has significant effect on actual use of information
is explaining that effect of perceived ease of technologies were presented. According to the
use on using intention is calculated 0.27 that above findings is characterized that the intention
has significant level 0.03. Therefore, there was is the reason to actual use of IT application and
sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. whatever user intention toward technology using
According to the above finding is characterized be more, the staff will have more actual use
that the perceived ease of use is the reason to (Figure 4).
using intention toward IT application and what- To demonstrate the validity of the results of
ever perceived ease of use be more, the staff research model, specifically fitness indexes of
have higher intention to use. Thus we can know structural equation models was used in format
that using intention as a function of staff’s per- of partial least squares method. Average Variance
ception from perceived ease of use. Inflation Factor index was 1.485. This result
The eighth hypothesis of research explains shows multiple alignment of the model is con-
the experience has a significant effect on perceived trolled well and the model accuracy to predict
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

Figure4: The path model of effects of research variables based on partial least
squares estimation

the dependent variable has a good reliability. In 43 percent of use intention changes, 58 percent
other words, each of the independent structures of perceived usefulness changes and 27 percent
that effect on independent variables, account of perceived ease of use.
unique part of the variance of the dependent
variable associated with it. The Variance Inflation CONCLUSIONS
status for predictive independent variables of Although different models for technology ac-
study shows each of the independent variables ceptance have been proposed, the Theory of Planned
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.

has their unique role and in formation of amount Behavior as a heart of TAM continues to be the
of variance accounted by the model, there is no one most widely used and a generally accepted
a significant interferes. Because the VIF index theory to explain intention to technology acceptance.
for all structures in the direction having predictor Nevertheless, new questions have emerged with
variables have been measured below the critical respect to its specific configuration in the case of
5 that this critical values is the maximum coef- actual behavior. There is a call by some researchers
ficient of the overlap tolerance of explained to advance our understanding of how the TAM
variance and lower values of that indicate no may be improved or modified to better reflect the
replacement property among independent vari- full complexity of acceptance processes.
ables and that is the main assumptions of si- Results of this study showed among the three
multaneous equations systems. Values of explained added variables to TAM the organization's will-
variance mean and path coefficients mean show ingness to fund, job relevance and previous ex-
that the relationship between variables is well perience in using the technology, the company’s
known. The amount of explained variance average willingness to fund’s variable did not show a
index was 0.482 and significance level of that significant role on perceived usefulness and
was 0.01 and Suggests that a significant proportion perceived ease of use. However, job relevance
of the variance in the data expressed by existing variable showed a significant role on perceived
relationships. Also the path coefficients average usefulness and perceived ease of use. These
index with 0.351 value and significance level of results indicate that one of the suggested variables
that was 0.01. These shows existing coefficients in organizational studies, which can help to de-
to explain related causal relationship are repeatable velop technology acceptance model, is job rele-
and they have required accuracy to explain rela- vance variables that directly have effects on
tions. Eventually it became clear that this model perception of usefulness and ease of use, and
244 can estimate 64 percent of real behavior changes, indirectly on the actual application of information
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) As a Predictor Model / Alambaigi and Ahangari

technology in doing the responsibility of the following suggestions:

job. Therefore determine the technology abilities • It is suggested that while providing opportu-
to staff and demonstrate the capabilities of tech- nities related to job rotations to this mean that
nology to doing job duties better can be one so- staff be familiar with backgrounds of application
lutions of breaking down resistance to technology of IT, the extent of its application to staff be
acceptance by the employees. more transparent. Also in providing the technology,
The third added variable to the technology need context in the staff be considered and in in-
acceptance model as previous experience in adequacy of that by introducing aspects of the
using technology has a very substantial effect new technology those are more tangible and has
on perceived usefulness and actual behavior a greater proximity with job context of each em-
variable too. This result shows that any organi- ployee's be gained need experience for them.
zational attempt to providing learning experience • On the other hand before providing any tech-
opportunities for employees and job rotation in nology, in the first be investigated the point of
addition that can also provide the opportunity view of staff and if there are negative perceptions
to learning experience, will increases employees provide appropriate strategies to solve them.
readiness to technology acceptance from their Being IT departments active in the organization
perceptions of usefulness aspect. The above can will be an important role to gain this positive
result is obtained in studies such as Kim (2008). experience and also one of the responsibilities
Therefore step by step implementation of the of this unit will be identifying the amount and
organization required technologies it will be type of information technology use among staff.
appropriate approach for the promotion of its • Since in the present study, external variables
basic functionality and mentally prepared for- are in the organization level it suggests that can
mation to accept. This finding is consistent with be use variables such as trust, perceived self-ef-
Ecceles theory, stating that attitude mediates ficacy of computer and self-image as an individual

International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development, 6(2): 235-247, June, 2016.
relationship between past performance and future variable to predicting behavior in other studies.
success (Ecceles, 1990). In fact, this theory ex- • Standardization scales for measuring the
plains what one gets is a function of past expe- shape and usage amount of information tech-
rience and shaping his related attitude. The nology in regards to job relevance variable can
study also showed that experiencing is a major be noted as a research context in the area of
factor among the studied factors of technology technologies acceptance.
acceptance model. Other results of studied paths • As regards to significant role of experience
those were also considered in other models of and job relevance should be used variables such
technology acceptance have significant path co- as age, work experience and education level as
efficient, this would mean that proposed rela- moderator variables in the relationships of ac-
tionships in the primary model of technology ceptance model.
acceptance also in this study had significant • As regards company’s willingness variable
path coefficients, in this face that perceived did not show significant effect the pathology in
usefulness has a direct effect on ease of use and the studied organizations should be done. It
also perceived usefulness and perceived ease of seems that the trend that organization is ahead in
use have a significant effect on acceptance in- terms of investment in information technology is
tention. On the other it was found using intention Contrary to the employees perceptions of useful-
is one of the important predictor variables of ness and ease of use and finally having appropriate
behavior in real condition. This finding corre- intention to necessary using in job context.
sponded with the results of its previous similar
studies (Holden and Karsh, 2010; Hu et al., ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
2003; Kim et al., 2009; Legris et al., 2003; The study was conducted with the help of De-
Melas et al., 2011; Ozkan and Kanat, 2011). partment of Agricultural Extension and Education
Based on the research findings can provide the of Tehran University and Agricultural Extension
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How to cite this article:

Alambaigi, A., & Ahangari, I. (2016). Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a predictor model for
explaining agricultural experts behavior in acceptance of ICT. International Journal of Agricultural
Management and Development, 6(2), 235-247.
URL: 247

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