Mechanical Behavior of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) Fused Deposition Materials. Experimental Investigation

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Mechanical behavior of Fused deposition (FD) modeling by Stratasys

acrylonitrile butadiene Inc., is one of the material deposition sub-
styrene (ABS) fused families of solid freeform fabrication (SFF)
technologies. In this process, build material in
deposition materials. the form of a flexible monofilament (~
Experimental 1.78mm diameter), is heated to a semi-liquid
state and extruded from a robotically
investigation controlled deposition head onto a fixtureless
table in a temperature controlled
Jose F. RodrõÂguez environment. The position of the nozzle is
computer controlled relative to the base,
James P. Thomas and
which allows geometric complex models to be
John E. Renaud made to precise dimensions (~ 0.125mm). In
FD, the three-dimensional part takes the form
The authors of a laminate composite with vertically
stacked layers consisting of contiguous
Jose F. RodrõÂguez is an Assistant Professor at
material roads or fibers with interstitial voids.
Departamento de MecaÂnica, Universidad SimoÂn BolõÂvar,
The bonding between neighboring fibers
Caracas, Venezuela.
takes place via thermally-driven diffusion
James P. Thomas is a Research Associate at NOVA
Research Inc., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, USA.
The ability of FD to create geometrically
John E. Renaud is an Associate Professor in the
complex parts along with its high degree of
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
automation endows this process with unique
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA.
potential for low volume fabrication of
mechanically tailored functional parts. The
work described in this paper forms part of a
Deposition, Mechanical properties longer term research objective of developing a
computationally automated capability for
Abstract designing FD materials with superior
An experimental study of the mechanical behavior of structural properties. To achieve this
fused-deposition (FD) ABS plastic materials is described. objective, the mechanical properties of FD-
Elastic moduli and strength values are determined for the ABS materials as a function of the adjustable
ABS monofilament feedstock and various unidirectional FD fabrication parameters must be known or
FD-ABS materials. The results show a reduction of 11 to predictable. The major controlling factor for
37 per cent in modulus and 22 to 57 per cent in strength the mechanical properties is the
for FD-ABS materials relative to the ABS monofilament. mesostructure, which is controlled, in turn,
These reductions occur due to the presence of voids and a by the adjustable fabrication parameters.
loss of molecular orientation during the FD extrusion
Investigations have been conducted to
process. The results can be used to benchmark
quantify and to determine methods for
computational models for stiffness and strength as a
function of the processing parameters for use in
eliminating defects in pre-sintered (green)
computationally optimizing the mechanical performance ceramic and metal powder parts. Agarwala et
of FD-ABS materials in functional applications. al. (1996) classified surface and internal
defects in green FD ceramic and metal parts,
Electronic access
determined the controlling processing factors,
and suggested changes to eliminate them.
The research register for this journal is available at
Bosett et al. (1998) developed a real-time
video microscopy system for visualization of
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is the FD process. They used the system to
available at quantify void areas for PZT, silicon nitride,
and wax materials as a function of the fiber-
to-fiber gap setting. Negative gap settings
were shown to minimize the voids. RodrõÂguez
Rapid Prototyping Journal
Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . pp. 148±158 et al. (2000) and RodrõÂguez (1999) measured
# MCB University Press . ISSN 1355-2546 void densities on the principal material planes
Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

and the extent of circumferential fiber-to-fiber (1999a, 1999b) measured the effect of the FD
bonding as a function of fiber-to-fiber gap, processing temperatures and post-build heat
flow rate, and processing temperatures using treatment on the fiber-to-fiber bond strength
cross-section micrographs. They found that a in FD-ABS materials. The bond strength
slightly negative gap minimized the voids and increased with the processing temperatures,
maximized the extent of bonding. Flow rate and it was modeled using fracture mechanics
had less influence and the processing and polymer diffusion theory (Thomas and
temperatures had very little influence. RodrõÂguez, 2000).
The effect of processing conditions on the
mechanical behavior is typically gauged in
terms of the material density and the uniaxial Method
yield or tensile strength and modulus of
elasticity. Fodran et al. (1996) conducted The FD-ABS specimens made for this study
tensile tests on FD-ABS specimens built with were fabricated using the Stratasys FDM1600
different flow rates and fiber layouts, and with system. This machine has hardware and
post-build adhesive impregnation. They software based parameters that can influence
found that the processing variables can have a the material stiffness and strength. The fiber-
large effect on the tensile strength and to-fiber gap setting, g, has a large influence on
modulus values and that adhesive the material density and extent of bonding
impregnation can provide significant between fibers. The fiber cross-section
improvements in the mechanical properties. geometry is controlled by the normalized
Kulkarni and Dutta (1997) performed a extrusion flow rate (specified in terms of the
combined experimental/analytical study of the fiber width in mils), the fiber height, the
influence of deposition path on the ``in-plane'' extrusion nozzle diameter, and nozzle speed.
tensile moduli of symmetric FD-ABS The fiber layout can be controlled within each
laminates and found that laminate theory can layer (unidirectional or contour) and between
be used to make reasonable moduli each layer (fiber rotation angle and aligned
predictions. Bertoldi et al. (1998) performed and skewed translation). The extrusion
tensile tests on specimens of various temperature and envelope temperature
orientation (e.g. xy, xz, yz, etc.) from an FD- influence the extrudate flow and solidification
ABS cube built with the ``pseudo-isotropic'' characteristics and the thermal-diffusion
fiber orientation stacking sequence (0 , bonding process between fibers (RodrõÂguez et
90 ,+45 ,±45 ). They assumed orthotropic al., 1999a, 1999b). The extrusion process
material symmetry and determined the also influences the degree of molecular
material's stiffness tensor and strength values orientation within the extruded fiber and,
for the various specimen orientations. They hence, its mechanical properties. Parameter
found significant differences in the average settings that minimize the void and defect
tensile strength and modulus, depending on densities and maximize the extent of fiber-to-
specimen orientation, as well as differences in fiber bonding produce FD materials with the
the failure mode. Gray et al. (1998) report on maximum elastic stiffness and strength.
the effect of fiber orientation on the stiffness The study was conducted in two parts. In
and strength of FD-ABS and a novel fiber the first part, the mechanical properties of the
reinforced polypropylene FD material (short FDM1600 feedstock material, i.e. Stratasys
thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer P400-ABS monofilament, were determined.
fibers). They reported the following tensile The second part focused on the mechanical
modulus and strength values for the ABS behavior of unidirectional FD-ABS materials
monofilament and FD-ABS materials with 0 with three different mesostructures. The
fiber alignment: 2.07Gpa and 25.3MPa degree of molecular orientation in the
versus 1.55Gpa and 22.4MPa respectively. monofilament feedstock and FD materials is
The presence of voids in the FD specimens also examined through shrinkage and single
was suggested as one source of property FD fiber mechanical testing.
reduction. Significantly higher mechanical The P400 ABS monofilament material was
property values were obtained for FD kept in the shipping container (vacuum
specimens made using pure thermotropic packed with desiccant) prior to use in making
liquid crystalline polymer (6.1Gpa modulus the test specimens. During the build
and 87MPa strength). Finally, RodrõÂguez et al. operation, desiccant was kept in the
Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

FDM1600 material containment chamber to Figure 3 Skewed mesostructure with g = 76.2m

minimize humidity absorption. The ``ozee
test'', described in the FDM1600 operations
manual (Stratasys, 1995) was conducted prior
to building the specimens to verify proper
dry-filament conditions.
The mesostructures examined in this work
include: an aligned configuration with g = ±
25.4m (Figure 1); a skewed configuration
with g = ±25.4m (Figure 2); and a skewed
configuration with g = 76.2m (Figure 3).
The FDM1600 parameters were set at the
values listed in Table I.
Tensile and torsional tests were performed
on specimens of ABS monofilament feedstock
with length L (Figure 4).
The tensile tests were conducted on
specimens with an L = 380mm using a screw-
driven load frame at constant crosshead Table I FD process variable settings
speeds ranging from 0.00381mm/s to 0.381 Extrusion temperature 270 C
Envelope temperature 70 C
Figure 1 Aligned mesostructure with g = ± 25.4m Normalized flow rate 20 (mils)
Extruded fiber height 0.254mm
Extrusion nozzle diameter 0.305mm
Nozzle transverse speed 12.7mm/s

Figure 4 ABS monofilament specimen geometry

mm/s providing strain rates in the range of

10±5 to 10±3 l/s. Tensile modulus, E, strength,
ys , and strain, "ys , values were obtained from
the stress-strain data. E corresponds to the
Figure 2 Skewed mesostructure with g = ±25.4m slope of the stress-strain curve at zero strain,
ys is taken as the maximum stress reached
during the test (Brown, 1986), and "ys the
corresponding strain at maximum stress.
Torsion tests were performed on specimens
with an L = 1,228mm using the device shown
in Figure 5. Various weights were hung and
the change in angle measured with a
protractor at the free end of the specimen.
Ten replicate measurements for three
specimens were taken for each weight value.
Torque, T, and angular rotation, , data
were collected during the tests and used to
calculate G via the relation:
ˆG ; …1†

Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

Figure 5 Torsion test apparatus cyanoacrylate adhesive (PRISM 454 from

Loctite) to ensure uniform gage-section load
transmission and failure.
FD-ABS specimens were tested under
strain control at constant strain rate at room
temperature and 40-50 per cent RH on a
MTS servohydraulic test system with
computer control and data acquisition. The
strain was measured with an extensometer at
the mid-section of the specimen. Most of the
tests were conducted at a strain rate of
0.0005 s±1; a number of longitudinal
specimens with aligned configuration and g =
±25.4m were tested at strain rates of: 10±2,
10±3, 10±4, and 10±5 to asses strain rate effects
on the strength and material crazing
(microcracking) damage. Strain gages (EA-
13-125BX-350, Micro Measurements)
aligned perpendicularly to the load were used
to determine Poisson's ratio. For the most
part, 10 off-axis tensile specimens were used
for determining the shear modulus, following
where J is the polar moment of inertia of the
ASTM-D3039 (ASTM, 1998). Additional
cross-section area.
tests with off-axis angles of 30 , 45 , and 60
Once E and G are known, Poisson's ratio,
were also performed. One advantage of the
, can be calculated via the mechanics
off-axis specimen is that measured tensile
strengths can be used to estimate shear
E strengths (Jones, 1975).
ˆ ÿ 1: …2†
2G The number of elastic constants for in-
Tensile specimens with various fiber plane loading of the FD-ABS ``laminates'' is
four (orthotropic material symmetry
orientations (Figure 6) were fabricated with
assumption). The four constants are defined
the three test mesostructures (Figures 1-3)
and dimensions conforming to ASTM D3039
(ASTM, 1998). The specimens used 1.58mm 1P 1 P "Ly
E1 ˆ L
; E2 ˆ T ; 12 ˆ ÿ L ;
thick steel loading tabs bonded using a "x A "x A "x

Figure 6 Tensile specimens with longitudinal, off-axis, and transverse 12 1
fiber extrusion orientations G12 ˆ 2 ‡
E1 sin2  cos2 
1 cos4  sin4 
ÿ ÿ ; …3†
Ex E1 E2

where P is the load (applied in the x

direction), A the apparent cross-section area,
"Lx the strain in the load direction for the
longitudinal specimen, "Tx the strain in the
load direction for the transverse specimen, "Ly
and the transverse strain for the longitudinal
specimen. Subscripts 1 and 2 denote the
principal material directions. Ex is the
apparent tensile modulus in the loading
direction, and  the angle between the fibers
and loading.
Stress was computed using the apparent
cross-section area (i.e. area without taking
into account the voids). Results from a
Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

minimum of three specimens were used to specimen is completely whitened by the time
calculate the average elastic properties. The it reaches the yield stress. The density of
moduli E1 and E2 in the longitudinal and crazing is highest for the largest strain rate. In
transverse directions, respectively, correspond all tests, the deformation was found to be
to stress-strain slope values at " = 0. These uniform along the gage section of the
slopes were obtained from a least square fit of specimen, and fracture always occurred
the stress-strain data for  in the range of 0 to normal to the load with no appreciable
6MPa. For Poisson's ratio, 12 , the same necking.
procedure was applied to both transverse and Figure 8 shows the torsion test data. The
longitudinal readings and obtained as the shear stress in the specimen at the maximum
ratio of the slopes. For the elastic moduli applied torque is approximately 6MPa, well
involving direct measurements (i.e. E1, E2, within the linear elastic range for this material
and 12 ), the reported standard deviations are as the data confirm.
based on the three replicate measurements. Moduli values with standard error estimates
For the shear modulus, the standard errors for the ABS monofilament are summarized in
are calculated using a classical error Table II. The value of 2,230MPa for the
propagation analysis of equation (3). elastic modulus is in reasonable agreement
with the value of 2,400MPa reported by
Stratasys and the value of 2,100MPa reported
Results by Gray et al. (1998). Poisson's ratio,  =
0.34, is essentially identical with the 0.35
ABS monofilament value reported by (Lu et al., 1996) for a
Figure 7 depicts the results of ABS polycarbonate/ABS blend.
monofilament tensile testing at different strain Tensile yield stress is plotted against the
rates with subsequent unloading at " = 0.07. logarithm of the strain rate in Figure 9. The
The strength (maximum stress value) yield strength is logarithmically dependent on
increases with increasing strain rate, and the the strain rate for the rate values investigated,
slope (modulus) at zero strain is insensitive to in conformance with the Eyring rate equation
changes in strain rate. The unloading (Brown, 1986):
behavior is strongly non-linear and similar for  
H 2:303kT "_
all of the test strain rates. ys ˆ ‡ log ; …8†
There is an overshoot region that starts at
the point of deviation from linear stress-strain where H is the activation energy,  the
behavior and is particularly pronounced at the activation volume, k Boltzmann's constant
higher strain rates. As straining progresses,
the slopes of the curves tend to be equal and Figure 8 Torsion data for the ABS monofilament
close to zero. Crazes are formed along the
specimen during loading such that the

Figure 7 Tensile data for the ABS monofilament at the indicated strain
rates with unloading

Table II ABS monofilament moduli values

E, [MPa] 2,230 ‹ 15
G, [Mpa] 833 ‹ 7.6
 0.34 ‹ 0.02

Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

Figure 9 Strain rate effects on the tensile yield strength of the ABS developed before the yield stress was reached.
monofilament Craze nucleation occurred at the specimen
edges and center and then broadened. The
majority of the crazes nucleated prior to
reaching the yield point. Failure occurred at
whitened areas where localized fiber
delamination was observed.
The effect of mesostructure on the
longitudinal stress-strain response is shown in
Figure 11. The responses are similar for the
aligned and skewed configurations with
negative g values, however a considerable
reduction in strength (22 per cent) occurs
with the positive gap skewed configuration.
This specimen also crazed at a much faster
rate. The yield strain is approximately
identical (0.0143) for all three
(1.38054  10±23 J/ K), T temperature in  K , The effect of mesostructure on the
and A a material constant. The slope in transverse stress-strain response is shown in
Figure 9 gives an activation volume of Figure 12. The change in slope at zero strain
2.28nm3 in good agreement with the 2.3nm3
value reported by Chen and Sauer (1990) for Figure 11 Longitudinal stress-strain response for FD-ABS with different
a general-purpose grade ABS. mesostructures

FD-ABS material

The linear elastic behavior of the FD-ABS

tensile specimens was very repeatable, however
some scatter was observed in the strength
values, particularly for the transverse and off-
axis specimens. Figure 10 shows three sets of
stress-strain data for longitudinal specimens in
the aligned configuration (g = ±25.4m).
Note the similarity of the stress-strain
behavior to that of the ABS monofilament.
During the test, it was observed that crazes

Figure 10 Longitudinal stress-strain response for FD-ABS in the aligned Figure 12 Transverse stress-strain response for FD-ABS specimens with
configuration at a strain rate of 0.0005 s±1 three different mesostructures

Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

(i.e. the modulus) with mesostructure is Figure 14 Strain rate effects on the longitudinal stress-strain response for
significant. The difference between strength FD-ABS (aligned; g = ± 25.4m)
values is slight, and that between yield strains
larger. Whitening of the specimens by craze
formation was not appreciable, and failure
always occurred at a fiber-to-fiber interface.
Figure 13 contrasts the mechanical
behavior for the ABS monofilament with
longitudinal and transverse FD-ABS in the
aligned configuration and g = ±25.4m. The
reduction in both stiffness and strength for
FD-ABS is substantial, especially for the
transversely loaded material. Some reduction
in strain at yield can be observed as well as
manifestation of two modes of failure for FD-
ABS materials. A relatively tough response is
exhibited by the longitudinal specimens with
fracture surfaces normal to the load direction
Figure 15 Strain rate effects on longitudinal yield strength for FD-ABS
and surrounded by a highly whitened (crazed)
(aligned; g = ± 25.4m)
region. The transverse specimens, on the
other hand, exhibit brittle behavior with
failure occurring at the maximum load and
along the fiber-to-fiber interfaces.
Figure 14 shows the effect of strain rate on
the longitudinal stress-strain response for FD-
ABS in the aligned configuration and g = ±
25.4m. The effect of strain rate is similar to
that observed with the ABS monofilament
(Figure 7). A drastic reduction in toughness
(area under the  ÿ " curve) occurs at the
slowest strain rate, something not observed
with the ABS monofilament. Also, the size
and duration of the ``overshoots'' decrease as
the strain rate decreases. The lowest strain
rate also produces very little crazing.
The relationship between the yield strength
FD-ABS material is 2.83nm3, slightly larger
and strain rate is logarithmic in nature, as
than that obtained for the ABS monofilament.
Figure 15 shows. The activation volume for
FD-ABS in-plane moduli with standard
Figure 13 Stress-strain response for the monofilament and FD-ABS error estimates are summarized in Table III.
materials (aligned; g = ±25.4m) A significant reduction in tensile and shear
moduli for the FD-ABS relative to that of the
ABS monofilament is evident on comparing
the values in Tables II and III. The negative
gap moduli are fairly close in value, while the
values for the positive gap skewed
mesostructure are significantly reduced.

Table III FD-ABS moduli values

Aligned Skewed Skewed
Property ±25.4m
mm ±25.4m
mm 76.2m
E1, [MPa] 1,972 ‹ 21 1,986 ‹ 21 1,807 ‹ 11
E2, [Mpa] 1,762 ‹ 24 1,701 ‹ 24 1,400 ‹ 24
n12 0.376 ‹ 0.013 0.384 ‹ 0.012 0.357 ‹ 0.016
G12, [Mpa] 676 ‹ 99 675 ‹ 152 612 ‹ 57

Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

Shear modulus values for  =10 , 30 , 45 been addressed in this work. In particular, the
and 60 are reported in Table IV. All of the difference between the mechanical properties
G12 estimates are close in value, but the of the bulk extruded ABS (i.e. the
standard error for 10 is much larger. This is monofilament feedstock) and FD-ABS.
due, in part, to the form of the standard error Tables II, III and V show that the
(SE) expression, which has a term in the mechanical properties of FD-ABS are inferior
denominator. to those of the base material from which they
The measured tensile yield strengths with are made. The presence of voids at the
corresponding strains are reported in Table V. mesostructural level accounts for some of the
There is a significant reduction in strength for decreases. They do result in a lighter weight
the FD-ABS material that cannot be material and also provide an opportunity for
accounted for solely by the loss of load- tailoring the mechanical performance via
carrying material due to voids. This factor is control of the void geometry and distribution.
examined in more detail below in the Filling the voids with another material via
``Discussion'' section. The variation in infiltration or other means may also be useful
transverse strength (~1.5 per cent) with for endowing the material with a variety of
mesostructure is relatively small compared to property improvements.
that which occurs in the longitudinal direction Standard models for the properties of
(~27 per cent). The longitudinal yield strains unidirectional fiber composites provide
are essentially independent of mesostructure, accurate predictions for the modulus and
averaging about 0.0144, which is (~6 per cent strength in the fiber direction. These models
lower than the yield strain for the ABS account for the loss of load-carrying material
monofilament. The transverse orientation in the cross-section through the use of the
yield strain values depend on the fiber-to-fiber ``effective'' cross-sectional area, Aeff:
gap and are largest for the skewed Aeff ˆ …1 ÿ 1 †A; …4†
configuration at g = 76.2m.
where 1 is the void density, and A is the
``apparent'' cross-sectional area. The
longitudinal modulus and strength are given
The utility of FD processing for the creation …E1 †FD ˆ …1 ÿ 1 †E;
of structural ABS parts depends primarily on
two factors. First, the relative time and cost of …ys †FD ˆ …1 ÿ 1 †ys : …5†
fabricating the part via FD versus other
processes, and second, the mechanical For FD-ABS in the aligned configuration
with g = ±25.4m, 1 = 0.068. From
properties achievable via FD versus other
equations (5):
forms of processing. The second factor has
…1 ÿ 1 †E ÿ …E1 †FD
 100 ˆ 5:4%;
Table IV FD-ABS moduli values …E1 †FD
Angle [deg] G12 ‹ SE [Mpa] …1 ÿ 1 †ys ÿ …ys †FD
 100 ˆ ÿ19:2%: …6†
10 676 ‹ 99
…ys †FD
30 663 ‹ 20
The magnitude of these errors is significant
45 673 ‹ 20
and indicates the influence of one or more
60 677 ‹ 7
other mechanisms on the mechanical
Wgt. Avg. 675 ‹ 52
behavior of the FD-ABS material.
Two mechanisms are considered. The first
Table V Yield strength and strain values for the FD nad monofilament involves a change in ``bulk'' properties (E and
ABS at a strain rate of 0.0005 s ±1 ys on the right-hand side of equation (5) that
ys and "ys ; [Mpa, 1] occurs during FD extrusion. This possibility
Mesostructure Longitudinal Transverse is examined below. The second involves the
effect of the void geometry on the local
ABS Monofilament 31.2, 0.0154 ± stresses and strains, which affect the
Aligned, g = ±25.4m 24.4, 0.0145 13.6, 0.0104 macroscale mechanical behavior via craze
Skewed, g = ±25.4m 21.6, 0.0146 13.4, 0.0107
nucleation. This mechanism can be examined
Skewed, g = 76.2m 17.9, 0.0140 13.4, 0.0131
using the theory of homogenization
Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

(RodrõÂguez, 1999). Accurate prediction of the tensile tests on individual FD-ABS fibers were
other properties (e.g. transverse moduli or conducted. Eight specimens of length L =
strength) also requires consideration of the 279.4mm were tested at a displacement rate
anisotropic failure; ductile fracture under of 0.1379mm/s producing a strain rate of
longitudinal loading and brittle interface 0.0005 s ±1. Figure 16 shows the resulting
fracture under transverse loading. stress-strain behavior.
The mechanical properties of thermoplastic The response is very similar to that of the
polymer materials are significantly affected by ABS monofilament shown in Figure 7. Linear
the degree of molecular orientation. A elastic deformation is followed by an
different orientation distribution between the overshoot region where the stress reaches a
ABS monofilament and the FD-ABS maximum, and then a region of extensive
extruded fiber material would produce a plastic deformation at constant stress. The
difference in their respective mechanical unloading behavior is also very nonlinear.
properties. Orientation in extruded ABS Property values from the above plot include
depends mainly of two factors: the extrusion the modulus, E = 2140 ‹ 9MPa, and yield
temperature and the extrusion rate (Fritch, strength, ys = 26.5 ‹ 0.3MPa. The decrease
1980). Lower extrusion temperatures and in stiffness and strength (4 per cent and 15
slower extrusion rates tend to increase the per cent, respectively) relative to the ABS
degree of molecular orientation. monofilament confirms the decreasing
One way of qualitatively assessing the property value expectations arising from the
degree of molecular orientation is through shrinkage results.
thermal shrinkage measurements (Fritch, Using the FD-ABS fiber properties in
1980). The amount of shrinkage experienced equation (5) now gives:
when the material is held above its glass …1 ÿ 1 †E ÿ …E1 †FD
 100 ˆ 1:1%;
transition temperature, Tg, (94 C for the …E1 †FD
P400-ABS), is indicative of the degree of …1 ÿ 1 †ys ÿ …ys †FD
polymer chain orientation. The larger the  100 ˆ 1:2%: …7†
…ys †FD
shrinkage, the larger the degree of molecular
orientation in the shrinkage direction. These much improved predictions indicate
Shrinkage experiments were conducted on the importance of using accurate base
equal length ABS monofilament and FD-ABS material property values in making FD-ABS
extruded fiber specimens (L = 101.6mm). property value predictions!
The extruded fibers were produced using the The observed anisotropy in stiffness,
FD parameter settings of Table I, and four strength, and failure for the FD-ABS
specimens were used in each experiment. The materials (Figures 11-13) comes about
specimens were placed in an oven at 110 C because of the mesostructural characteristics
for six hours and the percentage shrinkage (i.e. void geometry and distribution) and the
(100(L ± L0)/L0) measured after cooling to relatively weak fiber-to-fiber bonding. The
room temperature.
The experiments showed that the ABS Figure 16 Stress-strain response for individual FD-ABS fibers at a strain
monofilament shrank an average of 20 per rate "_ ˆ 0:005sÿ1
cent whereas the FD-ABS fiber shrank an
average of only 0.4 per cent. Clearly, the ABS
monofilament has a larger degree of
molecular orientation than the FD-ABS
material. The implication is that the ABS
monofilament should exhibit larger modulus
and yield strength values. This occurs because
when the molecules are aligned, the primary
bonds between atoms in the polymer chain
take up a larger proportion of the load, and
these primary bonds are both stiffer and
stronger than the secondary bonds between
the chains.
To confirm the effect of molecular
orientation on the mechanical properties,
Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

sharp corners at the junction of neighboring properties. The resulting database of

fibers are considered the most important mechanical properties can be used in the
mesostructural characteristic contributing to design of functional FD-ABS components.
the reduction of yield strength. They provide On the other hand, the experimental methods
stress risers where local stresses can reach developed in the course of this study should
values high enough for craze nucleation at prove useful in guiding future studies of the
macroscopic stress levels much lower than mechanical behavior of SFF layered
those in bulk ABS. In addition to this, the materials.
fiber-to-fiber interface strength is lower than
the strength of bulk ABS (RodrõÂguez et al.,
1999a, 1999b) favoring crazes that propagate References
along the bonding lines at a much faster rate
than they do in the bulk. The combination of Agarwala, M.K., Jamalab, V.R., Langrana, N.A., Safari, A.,
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Mechanical behavior of ABS fused deposition materials Rapid Prototyping Journal
Jose F. RodrõÂguez, James P. Thomas and John E. Renaud Volume 7 . Number 3 . 2001 . 148±158

RodrõÂguez, J.F., Thomas, J.P. and Renaud, J.E. (1999a), RodrõÂguez, J.F., Thomas, J.P. and Renaud, J.E. (2000),
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