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Standing Step-Backs Standing Hip Internal/External Rotations

3 SETS OF 10 3 SETS OF 12


With the band above ankles, stand with your feet staggered. Then, keeping With band around top of ankles and heels of foot, raise up on to balls of
your front knee bent lift the back foot and step backwards extending the feet. Feet are about hips width apart. (Tighter the band the closer the feet
leg. Keep a slight anterior tilt of the hips. together. Lighter the band the feet may need to be further apart to create
enough tension). Make sure you have a chair, bench, or wall to hold on
to. Then with a slight forward fold, rotate the heels of your feet inward to
outward. Be conscious of ROM. You should be able to see the muscles
around the hip rotating.

Lateral Squat Walks Frog Thrusts

3 SETS OF 12 / each leg 3-4 SETS OF 10


Great way to strengthen the hip abductors, improve hip and knee joint With band placed above knees, lay on the floor in a glute bridge position.
stability and last but not least fire up the gluteus medius. With band above Place the bottoms of your feet together and pull your heels close towards
or below the knee, stand in a half squat position. Keeping majority of your the glutes. From the ground, thrust the hips upward externally rotating the
weight in planted leg, lift the opposite foot and step sideways. hips. Squeeze the glutes as tight as possible at the top then lower down to
Feet should stay far enough apart throughout the entire movement starting position. Repeat this movement.
to keep tension in the band. (Treadmill is optional).

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Kneeling Long Band Hip Thrusts Single Leg Hip Bridge

3-4 SETS OF 10-12 3 SETS OF 12


With padding under knees get into a kneeling position sitting on your heels. (BOSU Ball is optional). With the band placed above knees, lay on the floor
Band is placed around hip flexors and attached to a steady stationary in a glute bridge position. Raise one leg off the floor with your hips slightly
object. (I like to use the bench press, squat rack, weight rack or even under posterior tilted. Drive the lifted legs knee towards the chest/ceiling while
leg of couch). If you are using a couch, loop one end of the band around the lifting both hips off the floor. Focus on contracting the stationary legs glute.
leg of the couch and sit inside the band with band around hips. Thrust hips When doing this exercise I also like to focus on driving the knees away from
forward coming into vertical alignment of the hips and knees. each other at the top of the bridge to help better engage the planted
Return glutes to heels. legs glute. Return both hips to floor. Repeat this ROM.

Bench Side Lying Abduction Bench Prone Lateral Side Steps

3 SETS OF 10 3 SETS OF 12


With band above or below knee, place one hip towards the edge of the Lay with your stomach on the bench and the band above your ankles. Hips
bench. Your torso should be in a slight forward lean with both hands holding should be at the end of the bench. Feet together to start the drill. Hands can
on to each side of the bench. Legs are stacked and bent at a 45 degree placed on the floor depending on your height. While keeping one foot (ball
angle. Lift the top leg to contract the glute (Gluteus medius and upper of foot) firmly planted into ground, move the opposite leg laterally to create
Glute Max). Lower top leg to stationary bottom leg. tension in the band. Tap the floor at the greatest tension with the moving
leg. Return feet together with control.

Bench Prone Leg Lifts Bench Fire Hydrants

3 SETS OF 8 3 SETS OF 8-10 / each leg


Similar positioning to Bench Prone Side Steps. This exercise also requires Band is placed below knee. Get into Table Top Position (all fours). Hands
your hips to be at the end of the bench and hands on the floor or bench are placed on bench and both feet on floor (Home uses chair, couch). You
Firmly plant one foot (ball of foot) into ground while lifting opposite leg should be on the balls of your feet. While keeping one foot firmly planted,
vertically to create tension in the band. Hold at greatest level of tension in lift the opposite leg up to a 90 degree angle (the level of resistance in your
the band and squeeze the glute of the working leg. Lower lifted leg to meet band will determine whether you will be able to hit the 90 degree angle).
opposite leg on floor. Repeat this ROM with bottom leg. Repeat this ROM. Both knees stay bent throughout the entire ROM. Squeeze glute of moving

leg at top of lift. Lower moving leg down to meet stationary leg.
Repeat this ROM
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Prone Ball Banded Leg Lifts Standing Kick Backs

3 SETS OF 8 3 SETS OF 8 / each leg

With band above ankles, lay with your stomach on the ball. Your hands are To start this exercise place feet next to each other. One leg is stationary
to be on the floor in front of the ball. Legs are straight and feet (up on balls throughout the entire movement. Externally (outwards) rotate the foot of
of feet) planted in ground. While keeping one leg stationary, lift the opposite the stationary leg about 25 degrees. Now, externally (outwards) rotate the
leg upwards towards the ceiling. (You should be feeling a major glute opposite moving foot about 45 degrees. (When you look down your heels
contraction). Lower moving leg to meet stationary leg. If you do not have should be directed towards one another). Lift the moving leg (back leg) up
access to a ball, this exercise can be performed laying with as high as your band will allow in a staggered backwards direction. Squeeze
your stomach on a bench or chair. Repeat this ROM. the glutes of the moving leg at the top of the backward movement.
Lower moving leg back to starting position (floor).
**Optional** Follow with Glute Pulses!!

Lateral Squat to Reverse Kick- Backs Floor Side Lying Clam Openers (Clamshells)

3 SETS OF 8 3 SETS OF 8 / each leg


Band can be placed above ankles, under or above knee (depends on the Band is placed above knee or below. This exercise is so named due to the
bands level of resistance). (My personal preference is above the ankle). way the leg movement resembles that of an opening and closing clamshell.
Stand with feet a few inches apart. One leg is stationary throughout the Lie on your side with your knees and hips bent. Stack feet on top of each
entire drill. Lift the opposite leg to step into a lateral squat. From the lateral other with a slight forward lean of the torso. Raise your stacked feet off
squat position, lift the moving leg backwards off the floor as your hips begin the floor. From here, begin to lift the top leg (think of spreading your knees
to rise into a standing position. Squeeze the glutes in the backwards kick apart). Squeeze at the top of the lift and return top leg to bottom leg.
back and return leg to squat position. From here retract the moving leg back
to meet the stationary leg in starting stance. Repeat this ROM.

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Floor Bridge Hip Abductions Squat Walks

3 SETS OF 8 / each leg 3 SETS OF 16


With the band placed above knee get into a glute floor bridge. Place your *Optional: Hold Dumbbell or Kettle bell
feet together followed by raising hips into a fully extended bridge. Hold this Band is placed under knees. Stand in a wide squat stance. While keeping
position of keeping the hips up. Now with one leg firmly planted extend the majority of your body weight in one leg, pivot on that same leg/foot while
opposite leg forward to create a straight leg. (Knees should still be touching stepping forward with the opposite leg/foot. As I am stepping forward I like
and in alignment with one another). From here move the straight extended to slightly rotate both my knees outward to target the gluteus medius. Stay
leg (outwards) away from the stationary leg. Again, you are still in an isomet- in a low squat position throughout the entire ROM. As you walk forward you
ric bridge hold. Repeat moving the extended leg abductions for all reps. Do will be alternating pivoting feet.
not lower hips down to floor until you have completed all reps.

Floor Prone Hip External Rotations (4) Squatting Hip Abductions

3 SETS OF 8 / each leg 3-4 SETS OF 10


Band will be placed above knee. I included the number 4 as a visual aid With the band under knee or above knee (depends on the level of resis-
to help you better get into position. When laying on your stomach on the tance of your band), stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Lower down
floor, your legs should create a number 4. Lay with one leg fully extended into a squat position. HOLD! From here move your knees away from and
(straight) while the opposite leg is bent at a 90 degree angle on top of the towards one another creating an abduction of the knees. Stay in a squat
straight leg. Lift the bent knee a few inches off the floor or until you can feel position throughout the entire hip abduction.
the glute firing. Lower down to the floor and repeat this ROM for all reps.

Sumo Squat Walks with X-Band Prone Bench Hip External/Internal Rotation

3 SETS OF 8 3 SETS OF 12


Stand shoulder width apart. Place Long band under arches of feet and This exercise has the same ROM as the standing Hip Ext/Int. Rotation. Band
criss-cross holding the band. Squat down into a half or full squat position. is placed around top of ankle and around heel of shoe. In this exercise your
One leg steps laterally while the other leg follows in suit. Stay in squatting will be in prone position with hips at the end of bench (Home uses chair,
position throughout the entire movement. Repeat this ROM walking in the couch, ball or low bed). With your legs fully extended, plant the balls of your
opposite direction to target the opposite glute. feet into the ground. Heels should be slightly rotated in towards each other
(External rotation of the hips). From here rotate the heels outward/away
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from one another (Internally rotating the hips). Repeat this ROM.

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