Key Boar Shortcuts - SES PDF

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Several operations in AutoGrid Pro can be accessed quickly from the keyboard. This topic
summarizes the most important keyboard shortcuts available in the program.

Access Keys
First, many menu items and data entry fields have an associated access key. The access key is
underlined in the item’s caption and must be typed while the Alt key is held down. Several
access keys may be typed in succession to access deeper items.

Menu Shortcut Keys

In addition, menu items are often associated with a shortcut key. Menu shortcut keys, which
are often used in combination with the Ctrl key, are indicated to the right of the caption of the
corresponding menu item

List of Keyboard Shortcuts

It is relatively easy to remember access keys and menu shortcut keys since it is always possible
to go to the corresponding menu item or data entry field to verify what it is. For this reason,
only a few of those shortcuts will be listed here. Several other features that are available
through the keyboard have no visual interface correspondence, however. These will be listed in

Document Management And Application Control

Alt + F + O, Ctrl + O: Opens an existing document
Alt + F + N, Ctrl + N: Creates a new, blank document
Alt + F + C: Closes the active document
Alt + F + S, Ctrl + S: Saves the active document under its current name
Alt + F + A: Saves the active document under a different name
Alt + F + 0, …: Opens the most recently open document
Alt + F + X: Exits AutoGrid Pro

Object Creation and Editing

Ctrl + W, Alt + E + B: Creates a new object
Ctrl + E, Enter, Alt + E + E: Edits an existing object
Ctrl + C, Alt + E + C: Copies the selected objects
Ctrl + V, Shift + Insert, Ctrl + Insert, Alt + E + P: Pastes an object in the active document
Ctrl + X, Shift + Delete, Alt + E + T: Cuts the selected objects
Delete, Alt + E + D: Deletes the selected objects
Ctrl + G, Alt + E + G: Groups the selected objects
Ctrl + U, Alt + E + U: Ungroups the selected object
Ctrl + Z: Undoes the last operation
Ctrl + Q, Alt + E + R: Redoes the last operation undone
Ctrl + H, Alt + E + H: Lauches the Characteristics dialog
Ctrl + A, Alt + E + A: Selects all objects

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Keyboard Shortcuts Page 2 of 2

Tab: Selects the next object

Shift + Tab: Selects the previous object.
Esc: Cancels all selection
Arrow keys: Move the selected objects in the X – Y plane of the active view by a fixed fraction
of the size of the view.

Ctrl + F, Alt + D + M: Zooms to all objects
Alt + D + S: Zooms to the selected objects
Ctrl + K, Alt + D + P: Go to the previous viewpoint
Ctrl + L, Alt + D + T: Go to the next viewpoint
Arrow keys: Move the active view by a fixed fraction of its size (when no objects are selected)
F9, Enter, Alt + A + A: Makes the selected object the active object.
Shift + F9, Backspace, Alt + A + P: Makes the parent of the selected object the active object

F2, Alt + T + O: Shows the Object Browser
F3, Alt + T + T: Shows the Shift Objects tool
F4, Alt + T + R: Shows the Rotate Objects tool
F5, Alt + T + S: Shows the Scale Objects tool
F6, Alt + T + A: Shows the Align Objects tool
F7, Alt + T + D: Shows the Distribute Objects tool
F8, Alt + T + M: Shows the Mirror Objects tool
Ctrl + I, Alt + T + I: Shows the Quick Info tool
Ctrl + P, Alt + O + P + P: Shows the Power tool
Ctrl + M, Alt + O + P + M: Shows the Measurement tool
Ctrl + Y, Alt + T + N: Shows the Network Diagnostic Tool

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