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DESIERTO, JULIE ANN C. April 3, 2020

Creativity is bringing something new into being or simply put creativity is how we
imagine things. Creativity is not the same thing as imagination, although the two are intimately
related. Creativity is hard to pin down precisely, it is generally considered as the ability to
create something using the imagination. Creativity is the act of creating something in the real
world, while imagination deals with unreal thoughts that are free from the confines of reality.
When we are a child, we use our imagination all the time. For example a classic game, the floor
is made of lava. But simply imagining the floor is made of lava is not enough to define the player
as creative they are just using their imagination to participate in the game. However, the kid
who came up with the game imagined all the rules, and taught others how to play in that case
that kid is being creative.

There are four tools and methods to achieve creativity; these are fluency, flexibility,
originality and elaboration. Any individual needs fluency to create and produce many ideas,
he/she should be flexible enough by producing ideas or products that show many different
possibilities it cannot be produce with only one possibility it should be more and different for
an individual to have an option an freedom to choose. He/she should possess originality and
uniqueness on producing ideas that are unusual, the more unique a product is the more people
recognize a thing. Being creative should be in detail, it should be elaborated in many ways
starting from its raw idea, its materials and its process or procedure.

Creative thinking and problem-solving are essential parts of the design process to turn
ideas into innovation and break barriers against creativity. One of the successful methods use in
creative thinking is the SCAMPER technique which is created and modeled by Bob Eberle’s.
SCAMPER is considered one of the easiest and most direct methods. The SCAMPER technique
is based very simply on the idea that what is new is actually a modification of existing old things
around us. S.C.A.M.P.E.R it stands for Substitute Combine Adapt Modify – Magnify – Minify
Put to other uses Eliminate Reverse, Bob Eberle introduces SCAMPER to address the targeted
questions that help solve problems or ignite creativity during brainstorming meetings.



Determination is the leading factor in success. Without it we may never reach our goals.
I believe that if you want to succeed at achieving your goals you must have self-determination.
Without it, when you reach an obstacle or something holds you back, you may quit and never
get past that barrier. Other people have the power to help motivate you to try harder, but in
the end you need to be the one to have the determination, drive and dedication to keep going
and to continue fighting for your goals.

Time and time again, it has been necessary for me to have strong will and determination.
I have never been the type of student who wanted to go to school, study for the big test, or the
student that got straight A’s. I have always had trouble in school. Luckily, I never let the thought
of giving up or dropping out pass through my mind. However, I have had to face several
obstacles in my school career. I have always had difficulty with memorizing contents but I cope
up because I think I’m good at understanding every concept.. I have been teased when it took
me extra time to finish a test or when I had an assignment that I had to read aloud. I decided I
would not allow the negative people to keep me from achieving my goals. I am proud to say
that I have always been determined to pass and graduate.

Many people in my life have brought me down, people who don’t have a bit of support
for me to achieve my dream and ambition. I am ashamed to say that those people are my
Family. But then because of my close friends, they influenced me to remain determined and stay
on the right path to accomplish my goals. I have always been surrounded by strong, positive
people. I strongly believe my self-determination comes from those people. My former teachers
are already Licensed Professionals and have their Master’s degree. Their accomplishments have
required determination and hard work. They all believe in themselves and have set that
example for me. They have always believed in my ability to succeed in school, even when I had
my doubts. As a result, I never wanted to disappoint the people who have always supported me
and believed in me. I would not be where I am today without the people in my life and my own
strong will and self-determination.


WORTHWHILE GOAL” – Charles Carlson

Responsibility is defined by two pertinent definitions in our language. The state or fact of
having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone; the state or fact of
being accountable or to blame for something. Responsibility can be summed up in a number of
different ways. Most notably so by keeping hold of one’s duties and by being accountable of
one’s actions. A person who is responsible has a variety of tasks at hand at many given
moments, and must be trusted to competently complete them through his/her own doing.
Therefore, should a person fail to complete one of these said tasks, or he/she does so in a
substandard manner, he/she is demonstrating a lack of responsibility with the given task.

When you do what you have promised, people see you as a responsible and reliable
person. This is quite admirable, as many people won’t deal with individuals who are
irresponsible. They will give their trust to friends they can count on, and give their business to
companies they admire. A responsible person is one who can be trusted to act without needing
strict supervision, because they are accountable for their own behavior. Keep doing it, and
you’ll soon develop a reputation for following through on obligations. This boosts a person’s
self-esteem and self-worth. Responsibility means nothing if you constantly over and under-do it.
This means building schedules and routines that work for us. Responsibility doesn’t mean
cramming for an exam for 8 hours, and then not touching your textbook for another month. A
responsible person will spend an hour or so, looking over their notes every day. The same goes
with our friends, don’t call them every day when we need advice and then drop off the radar
for a month. We must bring consistency into every aspect of our life and I’m sure we’ll be
much happier.

Nowadays, responsibility takes place. Everyone is blaming the government because of

the pandemic COVID-19. Of course people want the government to take full accountability for
the actions they have made and never claim that it is anyone else’s fault the government. By
doing this taking the accountability you are actually giving the world a message that you’re in
control of every part of your life. Another example, It wasn’t the traffics fault you were late to
work, you simply didn’t leave your house early enough. In line with this, life isn’t always fair.
Some people have a rougher time than others, but they will never be able to get off their
course until they own up to the actions they are taking themselves, and try to make a change

1. What is Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly
discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will
experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring
special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problems
like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are
more likely to develop serious illness.
2. What causes COVID-19?
Coronaviruses are zoonotic. This means they first develop in animals before
developing in humans. For the virus to pass from animal to humans, a person has
to come into close contact with an animal that carries the infection. Once the
virus develops in people, coronaviruses can be spread from person to person
through respiratory droplets. This is a technical name for the wet stuff that
moves through the air when you cough or sneeze.The viral material hangs out in
these droplets and can be breathed into the respiratory tract (your windpipe and
lungs), where the virus can then lead to an infection.
3. How Does Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread?
The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge
from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that
you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed
4. What Should I Do if a Family Member Has Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
The symptoms of coronavirus (fever, cough, sore throat, and trouble breathing)
can look a lot like illnesses from other viruses. If a family member has trouble
breathing, go to the emergency room or call an ambulance right away.
Call your doctor if someone in your family has a fever, cough, sore throat, or
other flu-like symptoms. If this person has been near someone with coronavirus
or lived in or traveled to an area where lots of people have coronavirus, tell the
doctor. The doctor can decide whether your family member: can be treated at
home , should come in for a visit, can have a telehealth visit, needs to be tested
for coronavirus
5. How Do Doctors Test People for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
To test someone for coronavirus, doctors send a mucus sample from the nose
and back of the throat to a lab. If the person coughs up mucus, doctors might
send that for testing too.
COVID-19 can be diagnosed similarly to other conditions caused by viral
infections: using a blood, saliva, or tissue sample. However, most tests use a
cotton swab to retrieve a sample from the inside of your nostrils.
Tests are conducted by the CDC, some state health departments, and some
commercial companies. See your state’s health department website. Trusted
Source to find out where testing is offered near you.
Talk to your doctor right away if you think you have COVID-19 or you notice
symptoms. Your doctor will advise you on whether you should stay home and
monitor your symptoms, come in to the doctor’s office to be evaluated, or go to
the hospital for more urgent care.
6. How Can We Protect Ourselves From Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
The best way to prevent the spread of infection is to avoid or limit contact with
people who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or any respiratory infection.
The next best thing you can do is practice good hygiene and social distancing to
prevent bacteria and viruses from spreading.
Prevention tips
 Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds at a time with
warm water and soap. How long is 20 seconds? About as long as
it takes to sing you’re “ABCs.”
 Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth when your hands are
 Don’t go out if you’re feeling sick or have any cold or flu
 Stay at least 3 feet. 1 meter away from anyone who is coughing or
 Cover your mouth with the inside of your elbow whenever you
sneeze or cough. Throw away any tissues you use right away.
 Clean any objects you touch a lot. Use disinfectants on objects
like phones, computers, utensils, dishware, and doorknobs.
7. Are animals responsible for COVID-19 in people?
The predominant route of transmission of COVID-19 is from human to human.
Current evidence suggests that the COVID-19 virus emerged from an animal
source. Investigations are underway to find that source (including species
involved) and establish the potential role of an animal reservoir in this disease.
However, to date, there is not enough scientific evidence to identify the source
or to explain the original route of transmission from an animal source to
humans. Genetic sequence data reveals that the COVID-19 virus is a close
relative of other CoV found circulating in Rhinolophus bat (Horseshoe Bat)
populations. There is the possibility that transmission to humans involved an
intermediate host.
Priorities for research to investigate the animal source were discussed by the
OIE informal advisory group on COVID-19, now the OIE ad hoc Group on
COVID-19 and the human-animal Interface, and were presented at the WHO
Global Research and Innovation Forum (11-12 February 2020) by the President
of the OIE Wildlife Working Group. For more information on the OIE ad hoc
Group on COVID-19 and the human-animal Interface and the WHO R and D
roadmap please see the links under ‘more information’ at the bottom of this
8. What Is the Future of Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak is becoming widespread, exceeding
boundaries. It is very difficult to prevent an epidemic that spreads over 4
continents and more than 30 countries (number of patients has approached
85,000, number of deaths reached nearly 3000). Some borders have been closed.
Some international sporting events have been canceled. Even the Olympics are
being discussed. If the outbreak can't be brought under control in a short time,
academic / scientific activities will be affected too.
9. How Is Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treated?
There’s currently no treatment specifically approved for COVID-19, and no cure
for an infection, although treatments and vaccines are currently under study.
Instead, treatment focuses on managing symptoms as the virus runs its course.
Seek immediate medical help if you think you have COVID-19. Your doctor will
recommend treatment for any symptoms or complications that develop.
Other coronaviruses like SARS and MERS are also treated by managing
symptoms. In some cases, experimental treatments are tested to see how
effective they are. Examples of therapies used for these illnesses include:
 antiviral or retroviral medications
 breathing support, such as mechanical ventilation
 steroids to reduce lung swelling
 blood plasma transfusions
10. Do you agree of enhance community quarantine given to us by our government? Why
or why not?
Yes, I agree on the enhance community quarantine given by the government,
because it can help people from the spreading of COVID-19. The more they are
isolated from the community the more the people are in a safe place. Thus in
this scenario, strict home quarantine for all households will be implemented,
transportation will be suspended, provision for food and “essential health
services” will be regulated, and there will be a heightened presence of uniformed
personnel to enforce quarantine measures.


Generosity is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarded as
a virtue by various world religions, and is often celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies.
Being generous also makes us feel better about ourselves. Generosity is both a natural
confidence builder and a natural repellant of self-hatred. By focusing on what we are giving
rather than on what we are receiving, we create a more outward orientation toward the world,
which shifts our focus away from ourselves

Every individual has generosity on their own way. A generous individual will always
respect the old and show love and care for the young without expecting in return. But I am not
saying that a generous individual doesn’t need to be treated as well as how they treat others.
Most of the time generous people only do good things that can help people who they love and
who they care for. There are circumstances that a generous individual have the progress of his
or her society and nation as a whole at heart instead of just fulfilling their own desires and
selfish interests. They are counting on others success; they are the people who prioritize other
people before themselves. I have lots of friend who shows generosity towards me. They help
me even though they already know that I don’t have money to pay to them. But then, them
being generous, they don’t want me to be left behind so that they are the ones who pays for
my food and sometimes they offer me that they will pay my tuition but I resist because for me
that is already my limit. I don’t want them to pay my tuition instead I am now pursuing being a
Scholar in our school so that I can’t make them think of my problem again. I am thankful for
those people who always help me when I am in need and I am hoping that they feel how
grateful I am having them.

My version of generosity is to give or do something, not asked of me to do. Do

something I believe from my heart is the right thing. To do something not because of things like
karma saying that if I do something good then something good is going to come my way. I do
not call myself generous by far but I am a nice person. I give what I can give as long as I have it.
Also people like to take advantage, because I am never one to say ‘no’ to anyone.


Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out. People that are fair
follow the rules in sports, games, activities, and in their community. They are honest and
trustworthy. There are 11 traits that a fair-minded person possesses: Rational, a person must
employ clear and sensible thinking. They must know both sides before making decisions and
utter his/her opinion. Objective, a person must not subjective he/she must have an impartial
judgement without biases. Open-minded, people must be tolerant and non-discriminating,
accepting of the views of others. Reasonable, fair-minded people challenge others by setting
high, yet realistic, expectations. Even-handed, fair-minded people give everyone an equal
opportunity to succeed devoid of favoritism. Sound judgment, fair-minded people reward folks
based on the value they provide rather than on the basis of subjective assessment. Rule abiding
fair-minded people follow the spirit as well as the letter of the law. Contributor, fair-minded
people make a concerted effort to pull their own weight rather than living off the hard work of
others. Deserving, fair-minded people do not request special favors or accept unearned rewards.
Selfless, fair-minded people are empathetic, willing to walk in another person’s shoes before
making a judgment.

People will know that you are nice and they will want to be your friend. You will have a
better opportunity to live a wonderful life. When a person doesn’t think something is fair they
stand up for change in their community. There were many times in history when things were
not fair, but there were people that stood up for what they thought were fair and helped to
make a difference. For example there was Ivy, Hilarie and Hasna. They helped make
communities and the world a better place by being leaders and heroes and standing up for
fairness. There are leaders in every community that help to make sure things are fair. They
work with others to help make sure that it’s a safe and fair community where people want to
live. Fairness affects our lives and builds strong communities. That’s how fairness affects a

Fairness is when everyone is treated equally and no one is left out. They are honest and
trustworthy. Fairness is very important in a community. Everyone needs to follow the rules, be
respectful of one another and work together to build a strong and beautiful community. They
can do this by getting together in a friendly way to solve problems and make rules that are fair
to everyone. Fairness is a lot more than we think. It is not only making sure that everyone is
treated the same. It encourages, respect, responsibility, leadership, trust and a life that matters.
All of these things affect a community. Imagine your community if there was no such thing as
fairness or rules. No one would agree, people would get upset with each other, people
wouldn’t work together and people wouldn’t want to live there. It should be important to a
person to act with fairness. If you do this people will respect and trust you.

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