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Big breakfasts help us burn double the calories

Task I

Read this article! ( 5 minutes)

Researchers have revealed what might be a highly popular new way to lose weight - eat a big
breakfast. It could become the biggest diet fad ever for those wishing to shed a few kilos. Scientists in
Germany conducted a study on how a hearty breakfast affected the body's metabolism in a laboratory
experiment. Sixteen men ate a low-calorie breakfast and high-calorie dinner one day, and reversed
this with a high calorie breakfast and low-calorie dinner the next. Eating a larger breakfast and a
smaller dinner boosted a process called diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). This is the generation of
heat in the body that burns up calories. This happened even when the total calories consumed
throughout the day remained the same.

Eating a big breakfast led to 2.5 times higher rates of DIT. Researcher Dr Juliane Richter spoke about
the findings of her investigation. She said: "Our results show a meal eaten for breakfast, regardless of
the amount of calories it contains, creates twice as high DIT as the same meal consumed for dinner.
This finding is significant for all people as it underlines the value of eating enough at breakfast." She
added: "Eating more at breakfast instead of dinner could prevent obesity and high blood sugar. We
recommend that patients with obesity as well as healthy people eat a significant breakfast rather than
a large dinner to reduce body weight and prevent metabolic diseases."

Task II (15 minutes)

WEIGHT: What do you think of these ways of losing weight?

What are the good and bad things about them?
Complete this table with your partner(s).
Change partners often and share what you wrote.

Group A : ( Kol. Heri. Ltc. Roni, , Sgt. Iwan)

Group B : ( Cpt. Fuad, , Mr. Zidniy, Lt. Gilang)

Group C : (Lt. Alant, Lt. Sasti, Lt. Raditya)

Group D : ( Lt. Brian, Sgt. Azis, Cpt. Soeryo)

What You Think Good Things Bad Things

Being vegetarian
Big breakfasts
No sugary food
Sleep well

Task III (15 minutes)

Breakfast Survey

Write five GOOD questions about breakfast in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student
must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other
students. Write down their answers and upload.

1. What do you think of breakfasts in other countries?

2. Is the breakfast you usually eat very healthy?
3. How often do you skip breakfast or have it on the go?
4. Can you eat “lunch-style food” or “dinner-style food” for breakfast?
5. What is a traditional breakfast in your country?
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Break time (10 minutes)

Task IV ( 15 minutes)


1. revealed a. An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially

2. fad one that is short-lived and without basis in its qualities
3. shed b. Of food: healthy and in a larger amount.
4. hearty c. Ate, drank or used.
5. metabolism d. Lose something, like weight.
6. boosted e. Helped or encouraged something to increase or improve.
7. consumed f. Made previously unknown or secret information known to others
g. The chemical processes that happen inside a living organism in order
to maintain life.

8. rate h. A conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, research

9. findings or trial
10. regardless i. Without considering or paying attention to the present situation
11. underline j. Stop from happening.
12. obesity k. The condition of being very, very fat or overweight.
13. significant l. Emphasize something; show that something is important.
14. prevent m. A measure, quantity, or frequency -usually one measured against
some other quantity or measure.
n. Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention

Synonym Match
1. revealed a. serious
2. fad b. lose
3. shed c. production
4. experiment d. craze
5. generation e. disregarding
6. findings f. eaten
7. regardless g. disclosed
8. consumed h. avert
9. significant i. test
10. prevent j. conclusion

Task V ( 20 minutes)

Role play

Role  A – Fruit Diet ( Kol. Heri. Ltc. Roni, , Sgt. Iwan)

You think a fruit diet is best to lose weight. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
what is wrong with their diets. Also, tell the others which is the least effective of these
diets (and why): vegan diet, low-carb diet or liquid diet.
Role  B – Vegan Diet ( Cpt. Fuad, , Mr. Zidniy, Lt. Gilang)
You think a vegan diet is best to lose weight. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
what is wrong with their diets. Also, tell the others which is the least effective of these
diets (and why): fruit diet, low-carb diet or liquid diet.

Role  C – Low-Carb Diet (Lt. Alant, Lt. Sasti, Lt. Raditya)

You think a low-carb diet is best to lose weight. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell
them what is wrong with their diets. Also, tell the others which is the least effective of
these diets (and why): vegan diet, fruit diet or liquid diet.

Role  D – Liquid Diet ( Lt. Brian, Sgt. Azis, Cpt. Soeryo)

You think a liquid diet is best to lose weight. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them
what is wrong with their diets. Also, tell the others which is the least effective of these
diets (and why): vegan diet, low-carb diet or fruit diet.

Task VI.

Write down your typical breakfast everyday.

Are they always healthy? Why?

Please compile and submit at 5 p.m today

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