Phe Unit

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Unit Plan Template

Title of the Unit: Physical and Health Education is important to our physical and mental well-being.

Grade(s) Level: 4
Length of Unit (# of Hours or Weeks): 6 weeks


Participation Applying instructions given

Partner work



A.L. will need more frequent E.L.L. is easily frustrated C.B. prefers to hang
comprehension checks, and and reacts to this feeling her friend from the o
assistance with reading and with tears. It will take class we do gym wit
writing. multiple reassurance from instead of participati
the teacher that she is need to keep an eye
doing well, as well as them to make sure t
checking in on her visually participating.
throughout the class.
Being mindful of stu
family structure.



Personal Awareness and Responsibility


How to participate in different types of physical activities, including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities and g

Proper technique for fundamental movement skills, including non-locomotor, locomotor, and manipulative skills

How to participate in difference types of physical activities including individual and dual activities, rhythmic activities, and

Factors that influence self-identity, including body image and social media.

Strategies for responding to bullying, discrimination, and violence.


Developing healthy relationships helps us feel connected, supported, and valued.

Daily participation in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels benefits all aspects o
W2. Coordination - throwing, yoga, hula hoop games

W3. PHE - Growth Mindset

W4. Stamina - Running, Workout, Dance

W5. PHE - Bullying and Community

W6. Relay - basketball, balance ball, running

W7. Concluding the above

Please refer to curricular competencies

1. Develop and apply a variety of fundamental movement skills in a variety of physical actives and environments

2. Participate in physical activity at moderate to vigorous intensity levels

3. Apply a variety of movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities

4. Describe factors that positively influence mental well-being and self-identity

5. Describe and apply strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying
Topics Outcomes & Activities Materials Assessment Differentiation

W2. Apply a variety of Throwing lesson with Tennis balls Assess the students Creating multiple
movement tennis balls in my class with a options to the
Coordinati concepts and Music and list of the objectives lesson. (i.e.,
on - strategies in Spakers for and indicators and throwing the tennis
throwing, different physical Yoga
Yoga lesson check off for each ball eyes closed,
yoga, hula activities
student whether eyes open, left hand
hoop Hula hoops
they are emerging, right hand, on one
Cones developing or foot, on both feet,
Hula hoop game exceeding. sitting down,
including multiple (1- Bean bags standing up, far
3) additional tasks away, close
on top of going Basket ball together…)
through the hula

W3. Describe factors Series of class crayons, felts, Mark their writing Class discussion
that positively discussion, partner worksheets, in regard to the oral and aural)
PHE - influence mental work, reading and laptop, projector, outcomes and
Growth well-being and writing, and activities smartboard indicators. Partner work
Mindset self-identity (social)
such as artwork
reflecting growth.
Reading and
Writing (individual
Self expression
through artwork
(kinaesthetic and
W4. Participate in 2 laps around the Music and Stamina: write Group work so
physical activity at school outside + speaker for whether the student some individuals
Stamina - moderate to running exercises on dance was able to don’t feel insecure
Running, vigorous intensity the field or singled out
Workout, levels (1) Complete half during workout
Dance Workout stations the stamina courses. stations and
Pylons fro Emerging
running running exercises
Dance class
(2) Complete the
stamina courses.
2 coloured flags Developing Allow walk option
for laps for asthmatic
(3) Was able to children
complete more then
the recommended
Stop watch stamina courses.
Exceeding Won’t time any
students unless they
ask for it
W5. Describe and Watching videos Worksheets Formative Class discussion
apply strategies assessment oral and aural)
PHE - for responding to Competing Videos through class
Bullying discrimination, worksheets time. I will keep a Partner work
and stereotyping, and Paper (social)
note book with me
Community bullying Brainstorming and
Crayons to jot down
discussion in groups Reading and
for chart paper and Writing (individual
Felts and/or thoughts.
project work)
Creating artwork Self expression
Chart paper I will mark their through artwork
worksheets and (kinaesthetic and
Books chart paper. visual)
Examples of
diverse families,
individuals, and
situations so
students can see
themselves in the
materials and
lessons they are
W6. Develop and apply Relay done with a Whistle Formative Variation of
a variety of basket ball (left hand, assessment materials
Relay - fundamental right hand) Basketball through class
basketball, movement skills time. I will keep a
balancing in a variety of Bean bag
note book with me Assigned groups
an object, physical activities
Relay done with Benches to jot down
running (upping laps observations
Coloured Pinnies and/or thoughts.

Relay done with

balancing a bean bag
on top of their head
(upping bean bag # on
top of their head

W7. Develop and PE: choice of 2 of the Whatever the PE: Summative Allowing choice in
apply a variety of lessons we’ve done in particular lesson review of this unit what activity they
Concluding fundamental previous week (class calls for as written for each ant, group work,
the above movement skills vote…majority wins). I written in student. partner work, or
in a variety of choose 1. previous weeks (emerging, individual work
physical actives
and environments matierals. exceeding)

Participate in PHE: I choose the lesson

physical activity at and the students
moderate to Sharing artwork PHE: choose 2 for PE.
vigorous intensity
levels Sharing projects Summative review
of this unit written
Apply a variety of for each student.
movement (emerging,
concepts and developing,
strategies in exceeding)
different physical

Describe factors
that positively
influence mental
well-being and

Describe and
apply strategies
for responding to
stereotyping, and

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