Name Brianna Gibson Lesson # Topic Chromebooks: Sequencing in The Maze Date of Lesson Time Allotted Grade 4

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VIU Cowichan Lesson Plan Template, Year 5

Name Brianna Gibson Lesson #

Topic Chromebooks: Sequencing in the Maze Date of Lesson

Time Allotted 1 hr

Grade 4

Rationale: How is this lesson relevant to these learners? Why it is important?

This is important to the learners because we are in a tech-based generation where tech is an integral part of our every day lives
and most students lives. This is using technology for educational purposes and exploring mathematics while still making it fun and
enjoyable for students. It is a way for students to be introduced into the “behind the scenes” of how they’re favourite devices
work (ex. PlayStation, Iphone, T.V. computer, iPad, Chromebook, etc.). Coding requires mental math strategies

BC Curriculum Connections:
Which Big Ideas (Understand), Core and Curricular Competencies (Do), Content Standards (Know) does this lesson develop?
U Big Ideas Development in computational fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
r What will
s students
t understand?

D What will Core Competency Critical and reflective thinking


Curricular Competencies Use technology to explore mathematics
students do?
Demonstrate and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving

K Content Standards Pattern rules using numbers and words

n What will
o students know?

First Peoples Principles of Learning or Quw’utsun Teachings: Which teachings are reinforced in this lesson?

Learning involves patience and time.

Learning Intention: student-friendly language I can…Use problem solving strategies

What do I intend for students to learn in this


Prior Learning: access prior knowledge Students need to have an understanding of how to use a Chromebook
What previous learnings do students need to
This extends their learning of coding from the previous tech lessons I’ve taught on Scratch.
know for success in this lesson?
How does this lesson extend prior learnings?

Evidence of Learning: Product: Completed level

Conversations: Hearing problem solving strategies
How will students demonstrate their learning?
Observations: Their process of figuring out the proper codes to use to manipulate their characters.
I will record this learning by walking around and observing, and writing down how many levels each
conversations observations student was able to complete in the given time frame, and who were the strong helpers assisting
others with the coding. (Could use for possible pairing strategy in a future tech lesson)
How will I record this learning?

Criteria: I will expect to see all levels completed.

What criteria guide students to know how to be

successful in this lesson?
(What evidence will I expect to see?)

Planning for diversity (adaptations, extensions, other): In what ways does this lesson meet the needs of ALL learners? How have I
planned for students who have learning challenges, self-management struggles, or require enrichment?

I will provide a visual example of myself doing it, a test-trial for them, and there is a video as well I can show in order for all
different kinds of learners to gain understanding. There will be checking in for understanding via thumbs up/thumbs down and
time for questions. A.L. will need assistance so I will have her at my desk so I can assist her if need be while the other students
are working on their online writing/coding.

Resources, Materials, and Preparation: What resources, materials, and preparation is required for this lesson?

Laptop website

Organizational/Management Strategies: What special considerations are needed for this lesson? How will I organize the
learners, groupings, activities, transitions, and materials to anticipate a smooth lesson?

A.L. will need assistance so I will have her doing a story/coding at an appropriate-level at my desk so I can assist her if need be
while the other students are working on their coding.

Connect: Teacher will… Students will… Pacing

Share learning Review coding in class discussion pulling on previous coding Raise hand to share
intention lessons and knowledge.
(hook) Listening to teacher quietly in desk
Introduce Sequencing in the Maze

Process: Handout Chromebooks Use system Ms. Garret has in place for handing
our/assigning Chromebooks
Activities to extend Use system Ms. Garret has in place for handing
understanding our/assigning Chromebooks
Hand out head phones
Students log in, search, and select Course E #1.
Sequencing in the Maze
Thumbs up in the air for when they have logged in and are Thumbs up in the air for when they have logged in and are
on the site.
on the site.
Encourage elbow partners to assist each other if need be.
Do a lap around to make sure the class is on the same page. Help out their neighbour if the need help and they are able
to assist
Have the site on big screen
Transform: Students are logged in and on the same screen as what is
Application of - use this as a tool for students to follow the steps
needed to be successful displayed at the front waiting for the next instructions.
learning, personal
and ‘real life’ - As you go step by step (by pausing and playing the Students complete the steps following along at their desks
applications. intro video on the big screen), students complete
the steps following along at their desks Students have opportunity to ask questions
- Allows for visual example of what to do
At their desks, students begin to create
After the Intro video and level 1 example is done together
as a class, class can go on to the next level.
Check for understanding
Students start and complete the levels

Assist A.L. at desk while maintaining observation, attention,

and possible assistance to others in the class. Walk
around/do a lap around class.

Ding bell for clean up.

Solidify and #1-10 , 11-18 , 19-28 put Chromebooks away
deepen the Log off, close books, listen for their Chromebook #, put
learning Chromebook away calmly and orderly, go back to desk.
✓ Connect back to


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