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Morong, Rizal
Elementary Department



At the end of 60 minute period, the grade six pupils should be able to:
1. Add similar fractions accurately
2. Enumerate the steps in adding similar fractions.
3. Solve word problems involving addition of similar fractions.


Topic: Addition of Similar fractions

Reference: The New Mathematics Adventure 6 by Francisco B. Tabifranca Jr.
Materials: charts, number problems inside eggs, box, bell
Value: Being cooperative, patience in solving word problems


A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

1. Prayer

Let us all stand up and let us pray. Panginoon, maraming salamat po sa

dakilang araw na ito
Kami po ay nagpupuri, at
Ang iyong Kaloob na biyaya sa
amin…. Amen

2. Greetings

Good Morning Grade VI! Good morning Teacher Carla,

good morning classmates!

3. Song

Before we start our lesson, let us sing a song

give the tune, Joshua Math makes you beautiful

4. Drill
I have here a box with eggs. Inside these eggs
are questions or number problems.
While the music is playing, you will pass this
toy around. If the music stops, the person who
is holding this toy will pick one egg and
answer the question/problem inside.

Are you ready Grade VI? Yes we are!

(Teacher will play the music) (Pupils will pass the toy around)

Here are the questions/problems inside the

1. lowest term of 2/4 = 1/2
2. LCM of 2, 4, 8 = 8
3. 3 x 4 = 12
4. 12 x 3 = 36
5. lowest term of 4/6 = 2/3
6. lowest term of 6/9 = 2/3
7. 5 x 6 = 30
8. 10 + 15 = 25
9. 20 – 9 = 11
10. lowest term of 5/15 = 1/3

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation

Picture of Playground/Park

What can you see in the picture?

Yes, Rya? Children playing

Very Good! What else Nathan? Women sitting

Right! What else Ashera? Kid eating

Very Good!

Did you notice this man jogging? Yes we did!

This is Jose. Everyday he jogs at the park.

Let us help him to solve his

2. Presentation/Discussion

Jose jogs regularly. He jogged 1/6

km then he saw a friend. He jogged another
2/6 km then he stopped for a while. How
many kilometers have he jogged?

What is asked in the problem? Kilometers Jose jogged

What are the given facts? 1/6 and 2/6 km

What operation is needed to solve the problem? Addition

What is the number sentence? 1/6 + 2/6 = N

Very good! Now we will solve for the

value of N

In adding similar fractions, we have these steps

to be followed.

1. Add the numerators

1 + 2 = 3
6 6

2. Copy the same denominator

1 + 2 = 3
6 6 6

3. Reduce the sum to lowest terms whenever


1 + 2 = 3 or 1
6 6 6 2

Going back to our problem, what is the answer? Jose jogged ½ kilometers

Another problem

Juan is Jose’s friend. He also jogs

regularly. Juan jogged 1/8 km. He saw a
dog and jogged another 3/8 km. How many
kilometers did he jogged?

What is asked, Geraldine? Kilometers Juan jogged.

What are given, Michelle? 1/8 and 3/8 km

What operation is needed to solve the problem, Joshua? Addition

What is the number sentence, Renz? 1/8 + 3/8 = N

Let us solve for N.

What is the first step, Michael? Add the numerators


What are the numerators? 1 and 3 is 4

What is the second step? Copy the same denominators

What is the denominator, Jamir? 8


What is the answer, Cleng? 4/8 km

Is this the final answer, Nhorviliza? No! we need to find the lowest terms.
Very good, so what is the final answer? ½ km

Very Good!

Practice Exercises/Fixing Skills

I need 5 volunteers to answer the number

problems on the board.

2 + 3
4 4

5 + 1
6 6

4 + 2
7 7

5 + 9
10 10

7 + 5
9 9

3. Generalization
Based on our discussions, how do we In adding similar fractions, we add the
add similar fractions. numerators, copy the same
denominators, then reduce the sum to
lowest term whenever possible

Very Good! Please repeat Nathan In adding similar…

4. Application

Do you want to play a game? Yes we do!

Each of you will be given 3 flags. red,

yellow and blue. Once I flash the number
problem, all you have to do is to solve it in
10 secs. then I will flash the choices. Raise
the flag according to the color of your answer.
Those who got the correct answer will advance
to the next number. Those who got the highest
score will get plus 5 in performance.In the event
that everyone got perfect score, everyone will
be rewarded.

Are you ready class? Yes, we are!

5/6 + 2/6 1 2/6

= 7/6 1/6

2/4 + 4/4 2 3/2 6/4

= 1/2
3/5 + 2/5 1 5 5/5

3/12 + 12/1 6/12

3/12 = 2 1/2

6/8 + 1/8 5 2/6

= 7/6

½ + 5/2 3 3/2
= 6/2

8/7 + 7/7 2 1
= 1/7 15/7 1/7


Directions: Add the following fractions. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter
1. ¼ + 2/4 a. 5/4 b. ¾ c. 4/4

2. 3/6 + 4/6 a. 1 1/6 b. 3/6 c. 7/6

3. 1 ¼ + 1 ¼ a. 2/4 b. 2 2/4 c. 2 1/2

4. 3 2/4 + 1 ¼ a. 4 ¾ b. ¾ c. 4/4

5. 3/8 + 7/8 a. 10/8 b. 1 2/8 c. 1 ¼

Answer “Keep Moving” on page 99 on your book

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Critic Teacher

Noted by:


Head Teacher, Elementary School

Approved by:



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