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Playing the Condemned

Time is running out for the Condemned: they know that have only days left and in
that time they either have to find a way to avoid their fate or squeeze in every
important experience they want to have in their life at least once. Whatever course
they take, their Bane will not be deterred… it is coming for them, remorselessly, and
tormenting it’s victim with promises of the horror to come.

The Condemned can be played as someone who has decided to live every day like
it’s their last (it could be) and is grabbing life by the balls, holding nothing back and
packing every moment with interest and excitement (Hot 2, Volatile 1.) They can
also be determined to escape their fate, desperately searching for some loophole
that will drive their Bane away for good. Until they find that magic formula though,
they have to stay out of trouble and keep others at arm’s length (Cold 2, Dark 1.)

The key to playing the Condemned is knowing how much time they have left and
deciding how to spend it: they might flirt with disaster, advancing the clock for
their own advantage with terrifying apparition or relying on knowing that they
cannot die before their time with appointment with death. If they really want to live
though, then they had better take pay the piper or live every moment and do
whatever they need to do to earn themselves another day. Either way, sex means
death for other people, so what have they got to lose but their life?

Need a ready made group of similarly reckless souls? Then look no further than the
Hedonist’s Club, who will embrace any new thrill and always live life to the
extreme, right up until their last day. They’re a captive audience for casual sex, but
be ready for questions to be asked when the bodies start piling up.

The Condemned
It’s not fair: what have you done to deserve this? You’re young, with your whole life
ahead of you. It’s not right that it should end so soon.

Well, you’re not going out without a fight: this curse had better be playing its A-game if
Credits it wants to take you down. You’re ready to spit in Death’s eye for one more day on this
Earth. Bring it on.
This is a skin for Monsterhearts 2, available at
This Skin designed by James Mullen
Eyes: hunted eyes, needy eyes, self-
Condemned Moves  Pay the Piper
pitying eyes, startled eyes, accusing Decide what your Bane wants: discord,
Name: Adnan, Erin, Imani, Kwame, Langley, eyes You get Countdown and choose two
misery, terror or wanton destruction.
Narayan, Quincy, Sidney, Wallace more:
Reset your Countdown clock to zero
Origin: passed to you by another,  Countdown
wrong place at the wrong time,
when you provide your Bane with more
Look: forlorn, neglected, hurried, mismatched, You have 5 days to live:
cursed for transgression, just unlucky, of that thing than you have ever
carefree as each day passes, fill
family secret provided them with before.
in a segment of your Countdown
Bane: ghostly figure, inhuman monster, looks
and mark experience. If all 5
like anybody, invisible presence, Death  Desperate Times
segments are filled in, you will die
You may roll+Countdown instead of
on the current day; you cannot
Your Backstory Strings avoid this death by becoming your
roll+Hot or roll+Dark.

They’re at least partly to blame for your curse. Darkest Self or losing all your
 Live Every Moment
Gain a String on each other. Strings. If you confront and defeat
When someone spends a String to tempt
your Bane, lose all moves from
You’re ready to throw everyone else under you, you may erase a segment of your
this Skin.
the bus. Gain a String on everybody. Countdown clock instead of marking
experience if you do as they say.
 Terrifying Apparition
Darkest Self Harm When you lash out or run away
 The Tie That Binds
and miss, you may mark a
That was a close one; too close. Your Bane The MC may erase a segment of your
segment of your Countdown clock
could be using anything or anyone to get to
you, so trust no-one but yourself. Push others
Experience  and take a 10+ instead. Describe
Countdown clock as if it were a String
your Bane held on you. You may fill in a
aside, avoid contact and turn away any help  Add +1 to one of your stats. how this is caused by the sudden
segment of your Countdown clock as if
you are offered: if they persist, get violent.  Take another Condemned move. appearance of your Bane.
it were a String you held on your Bane.
You escape your Darkest Self when someone  Take another Condemned move.
forces their help or support on you without  Take a move from any Skin.  Appointment with Death
hurting you.  Take a move from any Skin,
If you die before your Countdown
 You play with the Hedonist’s Club.
is full, time rewinds by one hour
for you; you must make different
Conditions choices to avoid your death.

Hot 2 Cold-1 Volatile 1 Dark-1 Sex When you have sex with someone, they gain Countdown and
you reset your Countdown clock to zero; if they are an NPC, all
Hot-1 Cold 2 Volatile-1 Dark 1 Move the segments of their Countdown clock are already filled in.

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