CV - Dr. Elizabeth Yohmi SpA

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@®, Name; Dr. Elizabeth Yohmi, SpA, IBCLC 4 Place & Dateof Birth: Jakarta 13 September Addess: Tebet Barat, Jakarta Emailaddress: elizabeth Marital status: Married Educations: 1993: Medical Doctor, University of ndanest, Jakarta 2004: Peatriian, University of Indonesia 2006: Fellowship of Pediatric Memato- Oncology, Unversity of Indonesia 2007: International Board Certified Lactation Consultant 2012: Re-cerited as IELC (by CERPs) Courses in breastfeeding: 2006: 40 hours breastfeeding counseling course WHO/UNICER 2006: TOT 40 hours breastfeeding counseling course WHO/UNICE 2008: 20 ours Baby Friendly Hospital Inative Course WHO/ UNICEF (2006) 2008: Lactation Motivation Trainer, Indonesian Peat Socety 2009: a0 hours Iterated course (Breastfeeding, Growth chart, HIV, Complimentary Feeding) WHO/ UNICEF 2011; Update 40 hours breastfeeding counseling course UNICEF 2012: Update 20 hours Baby Friendly Hospital native Course WHO/ UNICEF (2009) 2012: Lactation Massage Course, Jakarta acento 1992-1995; Headof Primary Heath Care Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung 2004-2005 Co-Coondinator or Haemophii Study at Cptomangunksimo Hospital 2005 now : St Carolus Hospital Jakarta and Hermina Mother and Chit Hospital Jakarta 2011-2016; Head of Outpatient lake Carolus Hospta jakarta 2016- now Head of POKDI ASI and Peli Sta Organization Experiences © Chief of Breastfeeding Task Force tndonesian Pditee Sockty 2014-2017

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