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Grade 12 MODULE
(S.Y. 2019-2020)
Subject Teacher: ISIDRO JR B. ANDEA, LPT. Score: _______________
Objective: Set selection criteria for studies relevant to a chosen scientific problem
Day 1 Activity “The Scientific Problem”
A. Activity “The Infobox”
1. The students will take a moment to read the information box in
selecting criteria or factors to consider in selecting a problem.

Asking questions is the usual starting point for research. Our own
interests and observations are important because they can point to
directions for research and in sustaining the study with problems
requiring immediate solution or attention. After knowing the possible
sources of research topics, it is important to know the criteria or
factors that should be considered in selecting a problem. These factors
are novel, relevant, interesting, feasible, researchable, and ethical.

1. Guide questions:
a. What are the criteria or factors that you consider in selecting a

a. Novel
b. Relevant
c. Interesting
d. Feasible
e. Researchable
f. Ethical

2. What is a research question?

A research question is 'a question that a research project sets out

to answer'. Choosing a research question is an essential element
of both quantitative and qualitative research. Investigation will
require data collection and analysis, and the methodology for this
will vary widely.

3. Why is it important to know the criteria or factors in selecting a

scientific problem?

It is important to know the criteria or factors in selecting a scientific

problem because these criteria/factors are your basis and guide in
helping you to select a scientific problem, which can be helpful in
your research. It help provide the focus for where the research

4. How will you select an in-depth research topic relating to the project of
your choice?

I’d make sure my topic meets the assignment requirements. I’d

choose a topic that is interesting to me. It may seem obvious, but
this will make the research process more fun and engaging for me.
I’d consider the scope of my topic. If my topic is too broad it may
be hard to find information that is focused and relevant; if my topic
is too narrow it may be hard to find any information at all.
Grade 12 MODULE
(S.Y. 2019-2020)
Subject Teacher: ISIDRO JR B. ANDEA, LPT. Score: _______________
Objective: Set selection criteria for studies relevant to a chosen scientific problem
Day 2 Activity “The Scientific Problem” (Modular)
1. A research problem is usually posted as a question. The question form is often
preferred due to its simplicity and directness. Research question, however, may
be descriptive, relationship, or difference.
2. “Setting Initial Research” Choose two topics on which you want to complete
the initial research. Make sure the initial research is thorough and following the
set of criteria because you will use three websites for your topic selection packet
for your actual research paper .
a. Alternatives of lockers in the school campus
a. A way to have night vision in the windshield of a car
3. Stating and justifying the research problem. After selecting the research problem,
it has to be adequately stated. There are two ways of stating research problems,
namely: declarative and question form. State at least three (3) research problems
either declarative or question form.
a. How can this be a benefit in driving at night safely?
b. How can this be applied in the windshield?
c. Can this be applied in newer cars, or is it applicable to outdated cars too?
4. Formulate scientific problem or question based on your selected topics.
Formulate a clear, concise, specific, well-defined and an attainable problem
based on it.
a. Topic: A way to have night vision in the windshield of a car
b. Research/Capstone Project: Feasibility of Night Vision in
the Windshield of a Car
c. Main Problem: How can this improve in driving safely in the
d. Sub problems:
d. 1. How can this be a benefit in driving at night?
d. 2. How can this be applied in the windshield?
d. 3. Can this be applied in newer cars, or is it applicable to
outdated cars too?
e. Once you have stated your main problem, try to answer the
following questions:
e. 1 Is your problem statement clear?
 Yes
f. 2 Does it provides adequate focus and direction for research?
 Yes
e. 3 Does it identify the key factors or variables of study?
 Yes
g. The characteristics of sub-problems should be:
f.1 Each sub-problem should be a completely researchable unit.
f.2 Interpretation of data must be apparent with each sub-problem.
f.3 The sub-problems must add up to the totality of the problems
Grade 12 MODULE
(S.Y. 2019-2020)
Subject Teacher: ISIDRO JR B. ANDEA, LPT. Score: _______________
Objective: Review, digest, and concisely state the relevance of the studies cited
Day 3 Activity “The Scientific Problem” (Modular)
A. Asses the feasibility of the research topic selected using the guidelines:
1. Brief but clear
2. Substantial
3. Patterned
B. Justify your research problem by answering the following criteria:
1. Does the problem require immediate solution?
 Yes
2. Is it widespread?
 Yes
3. Does it affect a number of people? If yes, in what way?
 Yes. A lot of people drive cars nowadays, and many drivers drive at
night. Those who drive at night suffers visibility of the road from the
darkness of the surroundings and lack of street lights. Thinking a way
to solve this problem can help the drivers who are “night-blinded” and
those who see poorly in the night.
4. Who shall benefit from the study of the problem?
 The drivers from the locality.
5. What benefits can be derived from the study on the problem?
 Another way of improving driving comfortability in the night.
6. Who else are interested in studying the problem?
 Inventors
7. What contribution to human knowledge can it bring about?
 Inventing such things like this can help improve the everyday lives of
the humankind and these inventions from inventors contributes a lot to
the human knowledge from how practical it is to how realistic it can
also be. People would keep inventing new things to make our lives
comfortable and easier to work to.
C. Consider one possible source of problem from each of the three categories given
previously e.g people, place, and thing.
People Place Thing
Lack of driving skills from the Inaccessibility of place to Incomplete materials to
people and very poor eyesight conduct a test drive produce the fabricated

D. Using the guidelines/factors involved in the choice of a research problem, asses if

your selected topic for actual investigation is doable.
A. Defend your choice of this topic before your classmates.
B. Present orally the formulated research problem (main and sub) before your
classmates. Allow them to react and comment on it.
C. After identifying your research problem, you need to give it a title. The label for
the problem is your research title. There are certain functions served by the
research title. Notable among these functions are the following:
1. It shows what the study is all about.
2. It serves as a frame of reference for the entire study.
3. It enables the researcher to claim ownership of the study.
4. It can help other researchers refer to the work for possible theories
related to their proposed studies.
D. The title of the report should indicate clearly what the research is all about. As
general rule, the title of the report should not exceed 15 content words.
Title: Feasibility of Night Vision in the Windshield of a Car
Grade 12 MODULE
(S.Y. 2019-2020)
Subject Teacher: ISIDRO JR B. ANDEA, LPT. Score: _______________
Objective: Review, digest, and concisely state the relevance of the studies cited
Day 4 Activity “The Scientific Literature” (Modular)
1. Once you identify a focused topic, you might be tempted to immediately dive into
researching that topic; however, if you do, you will most likely find yourself staring at a
seemingly insurmountable pile of information. Remember that it is easier and more
interesting to research with a goal in mind, and frame your topic as a research problem:
a question whose answer solves a problem about which your audience cares. This will
focus your research; saving your time and improving the quality and relevance of your
research, as well as help you plan the product that will result from your research.
a. Research Problem:
 How can this improve in driving safely in the night?
 How can this be a benefit in driving at night?
 How can this be applied in the windshield?
2. Depending on your familiarity with your topic, you may need to explore background
information about your topic in order to inform your research question or problem; this is
preliminary research, and is often necessary to establish a foundation for continuing,
more focused research.
a. Worldview/Theoretical lens/Framework:
Poor visibility at night is a tiring and dangerous situation in traffic, feared by many
drivers. As a result of poor visibility, the frequency of accidents at night is
significantly higher than during the day with good visibility conditions. Cars are
this prospectively fitted with night vision systems, in order to increase safety in
traffic. A night vision system used for this purpose generally comprises an
illumination unit for illuminating the environment surrounding the vehicle, an
image recording unit for collecting environmental data (Eggers, H., Kurz, G.,
Seekircher, J., & Wohlgemuth, T., 2011).
3. Look for questions and answers related to the: who, what, where, how, and why of your
topic. Identify and ask questions about your topic's history or origins, composition or
structure, and categories or components.
a. Statement of the Problem:
How can this improve in driving safely in the night?
How can this be a benefit in driving at night?
How can this be applied in the windshield?
You might also consider using Personal Interest Questions and/or Contextual
Questions to refine a broad topic before you develop research questions or
problems. Once you've laid a foundation for your topic, use the following method
and modified to develop a research question or problem:
b. Name your TOPIC: I am studying the Feasibility of Night Vision in the
Windshield of a Car
c. Ask and indirect QUESTION about your topic: Because I want to know if it is
possible to apply a night vision in the windshield of a car and I want to know how
can this be applied to the windshield of a car.
d. Identifies what you do not know or understand about your topic.
I don’t know what materials need to be used in order to produce this product.
e. Provide a RATIONALE: In order to understand if the product is effective in the
night, it is tested by conducting a test drive in a dark place and crowded field to
see if it works or not.
4. Answers the "So what?" question, indicating why you and (more importantly) your
audience will be interested in your research problem.
5. The TQR (topic, question, rationale) method provides motivation and focus for your
research. If you can't fill in all the components, or if you have more than one Q & R, don't
worry - just thinking about these questions and rationales will help focus your research,
as well as help you actively engage your research.

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