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Extramural Program – Course content for each language

Level 1

 Greetings
 Asking someone’s name
 Presenting oneself
 Asking and saying one’s nationality
 Saying goodbye
 Asking someone’s phone number and address and responding to the request
 Asking to repeat something
 Expressions on how to begin a conversation
 Presenting others
 Asking for and providing personal information
 Asking about the linguistic competencies of others and providing information on one’s own
 Thanking someone
 Asking for and saying one’s age
 Knowing when to address someone formally and informally

Level 2

 Talking about free time

 Talking about frequency with which one does something
 Talking about one’s interests
 Expressing agreement and disagreement
 Asking for and saying the time
 Talking about the opening and closing hours of stores/places
 Asking for information about one’s family
 Describing a person (physical features and character)

Level 3

 Describing past events

 Talking about vacations
 Temporal locutions in the past
 Talking about habits
 How to do grocery shopping and expressing needs and wants about that topic
 Talking about typical food products of target language
 Confronting target language cuisine with one’s own
 Describing different food stores
 How to write recipes

Level 4

 Continuation of Level 3 on past tense

 Inviting, accepting, refusing invitation
 Ordering something in a restaurant
 Asking for the bill
 Asking how to pay
 Food culture of target language
 Confrontation between food culture of target language and Filipino food culture

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